Rust library for building out stratum servers. Think what Tide or Actix are to building HTTP APIs on Rust, this library is that for stratum servers.
- Support for 2 connection models. (TCP and Websockets)
- Used in practice to support multiple various stratum protocol versions including:
- Stratum V1
- Stratum v2
- BTCAgent
Table of Contents:
@todo coming soon
@todo coming soon
@todo coming soon
To run all of the rustdocs associated with stratum, it is recommended to run the following command:
cargo doc --open --document-private-items --no-deps
This will compile the documentation for every module in this crate, including private code. Important to note that it will not
compile the dependency documenation. If you would like to have that documentation compiled, then drop the --no-deps
flag from the above
@todo link to the tests readme
Due to the nature of some of the tests in this library (Mainly signal testing), cargo test will not work out of the box unless we skip those steps.
To Mitigate that process, we use a next-generation test runner called cargo-nextest
The quickest way to install is to run the following command:
cargo install cargo-nextest
Further installation methods can be found at the official website Nextest.
After installing, to run our test suite simply run:
cargo nextest run
Testing coverage is generated automatically on every Pull Request - In order to generate the coverage data locally you first need to follow the setup instructions here:
This library provides us with source-based coverage data which is an improved method of detecting testing coverage.
Once you have install llvm-cov, run the following command for the coverage data to be generated to stdout (further configuration can be found in their docs):
cargo llvm-cov nextest
We currently use MacOS's new tooling Instruments
for testing memory leaks. Along with this we use cargo instruments
In order to install cargo instruments, you need to install from a separate branch until the master branch has been updated. To do this, run: cargo install --branch update-cargo --git
Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.