This repository contains localized documentation for OpenEdition Counter 5 documentation. It is based on master document placed in counter5-openedition repository.
Create the Githb repo, then :
git clone [email protected]:OpenEdition/counter5-openedition.localized.git
cd counter5-documentation.localized
Add submodule, symblinks to main documentation rst files and create
git submodule add "[email protected]:OpenEdition/counter5-openedition.git" counter5-openedition
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir docs
mkdir docs/en
cd docs/en/
# in docs/en
ln -s ../../counter5-openedition/docs/source/_static .
ln -s ../../counter5-openedition/docs/source/about.rst .
ln -s ../../counter5-openedition/docs/source/doc.rst .
ln -s ../../counter5-openedition/docs/source/index.rst .
vi # copy and ajust from
After 1st git clone, submodule need to be initialized
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Update main documentation, pot and po
# Update the submodule (main documentation repo)
git submodule update --recursive --remote
# when a source rst file is added, modified or deleted, update symbolic links in docs/en
# Following commands are executed from 'docs' directory
cd docs
# Build html
# make html
# Build gettext (create .pot)
sphinx-build -b gettext en _build/gettext
# Build po english files
sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l en_US
- Edit and update .po files (poedit)
- Build html with english translation (for local preview)
sphinx-build -b html -D language=en_US -v en _build/html
- git add commit and push to update the remote repo and the readthedocs documentation