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BLS threshold signature

An implementation of BLS threshold signature

Support architectures

  • Windows Visual Studio / MSYS2(MinGW-w64)
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Android
  • iOS
  • WebAssembly

Support languages

  • Go
  • C#

Installation Requirements

Create a working directory (e.g., work) and clone the following repositories.

mkdir work
cd work
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git:// ; for only Windows


  • rename blsGetGeneratorOfG{1 or 2} to blsGetGeneratorOfPublicKey

  • add blsSetETHserialization(1) to use ETH serialization for BLS12-381

  • Support swap of G1 and G2 for Go (-tags bn384_256_swapg)

  • blsInit() is not thread safe (pthread is not used)

  • -tags option for Go bindings is always necessary

    • use -tags bn384_256 for BLS12-381
  • support Android

  • (Break backward compatibility) The suffix _dy of library name is removed and bls*.a requires set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory.

  • -tags option for Go bindings

    • -tags bn256
    • -tags bn384_256
    • -tags bn384
  • Support swap of G1 and G2

    • make BLS_SWAP_G=1 then G1 is assigned to PublicKey and G2 is assigned to Signature.
  • Build option without GMP

    • make MCL_USE_GMP=0
  • Build option without OpenSSL

    • make MCL_USE_OPENSSL=0
  • Build option to specify mcl directory

    • make MCL_DIR=<mcl directory>
  • (old) libbls.a for C++ interface(bls/bls.hpp) is removed Link lib/libbls256.a or lib/libbls384.a to use bls/bls.hpp according to MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE = 4 or 6.

Build and test for Linux

To make and test, run

cd bls
make test

To make sample programs, run

make sample_test

Build and test for Windows

  1. make static library and use it
mk -s test\bls_c384_test.cpp
  1. make dynamic library and use it
mklib dll
mk -d test\bls_c384_test.cpp

Build for Android


Build for iOS

cd bls
make gomobile

Swap G1 and G2

If you want to swap G1 and G2 for PublicKey and Signature, then type as the followings:

make clean
make BLS_SWAP_G=1
make test_go_swapg ; test for cgo

Remark: The library built with BLS_SWAP_G is not compatible with the library built without BLS_SWAP_G.


  • libbls256.a/ ; for BN254 compiled with MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE=4
  • libbls384.a/ ; for BN254/BN381_1/BLS12_381 compiled with MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE=6
  • libbls384_256.a/ ; for BN254/BLS12_381 compiled with MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE=6 and MCLBN_FR_UNIT_SIZE=4

See mcl/include/curve_type.h for curve parameter

Remark for static library

If there are both a shared library both and static library having the same name in the same directory, then the shared library is linked. So if you want to link a static library, then remove the shared library in the directory.


Basic API

BLS signature

e : G2 x G1 -> Fp12 ; optimal ate pairing over BN curve
Q in G2 ; fixed global parameter
H : {str} -> G1
s in Fr: secret key
sQ in G2; public key
s H(m) in G1; signature of m
verify ; e(sQ, H(m)) = e(Q, s H(m))


blsInit(MCL_BLS12_381, MCLBN_COMPILED_TIME_VAR); // use BLS12-381
blsSignatureVerifyOrder(0); // disable to check the order of a point in deserializing
blsSetETHserialization(1); // obey ETH serialization


void bls::init();

Initialize this library. Call this once to use the other api.

void SecretKey::init();

Initialize the instance of SecretKey. s is a random number.

void SecretKey::getPublicKey(PublicKey& pub) const;

Get public key sQ for the secret key s.

void SecretKey::sign(Sign& sign, const std::string& m) const;

Make sign s H(m) from message m.

bool Sign::verify(const PublicKey& pub, const std::string& m) const;

Verify sign with pub and m and return true if it is valid.

e(sQ, H(m)) == e(Q, s H(m))

Secret Sharing API

void SecretKey::getMasterSecretKey(SecretKeyVec& msk, size_t k) const;

Prepare k-out-of-n secret sharing for the secret key. msk[0] is the original secret key s and msk[i] for i > 0 are random secret key.

void SecretKey::set(const SecretKeyVec& msk, const Id& id);

Make secret key f(id) from msk and id where f(x) = msk[0] + msk[1] x + ... + msk[k-1] x^{k-1}.

You can make a public key f(id)Q from each secret key f(id) for id != 0 and sign a message.

void Sign::recover(const SignVec& signVec, const IdVec& idVec);

Collect k pair of sign f(id) H(m) and id for a message m and recover the original signature s H(m) for the secret key s.

PoP (Proof of Possesion)

void SecretKey::getPop(Sign& pop) const;

Sign pub and make a pop s H(sQ)

bool Sign::verify(const PublicKey& pub) const;

Verify a public key by pop.

Check the order of a point

deserializer functions check whether a point has correct order and the cost is heavy for especially G2. If you do not want to check it, then call

void blsSignatureVerifyOrder(false);
void blsPublicKeyVerifyOrder(false);

cf. subgroup attack


make test_go


mkdir ../bls-wasm
make bls-wasm


modified new BSD License


MITSUNARI Shigeo([email protected])


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published


  • C++ 48.7%
  • Go 24.2%
  • C# 13.3%
  • Makefile 6.2%
  • C 5.5%
  • Batchfile 1.1%
  • Other 1.0%