Tags: OneEyedSi/FreeplaneBranchFormatter
Add StyleOption argument when calling getShape To handle change in Freeplane 1.9.8 (commit 3f165d6, 4 Sep 2021) where StyleOption parameter was added to NodeStyleController.getShape(...).
Add StyleOption argument when calling getShape To handle change in Freeplane 1.9.8 (commit 3f165d6, 4 Sep 2021) where StyleOption parameter was added to NodeStyleController.getShape(...).
ArrayList object .size replaced by .size() After upgrading from JRE 9 to OpenJDK 11, as well as upgrading Freeplane from 1.8.5 to 1.9.5, was getting an error message 'Groovy object can not access field size cacheAccessControlException of class java.util.ArrayList with modifiers "private"'. This occurred on the lines: def numberColors = formatSelection.colorPalette.size and def numberLevel1Nodes = level1Nodes.size
ArrayList object .size replaced by .size() After upgrading from JRE 9 to OpenJDK 11, as well as upgrading Freeplane from 1.8.5 to 1.9.5, was getting an error message 'Groovy object can not access field size cacheAccessControlException of class java.util.ArrayList with modifiers "private"'. This occurred on the lines: def numberColors = formatSelection.colorPalette.size and def numberLevel1Nodes = level1Nodes.size
Set max width of bubble node By default max width of bubble nodes appears to be 10 cm. This is too narrow for some images - they will appear cropped. So set max width to 20 cm which should be wide enough. Note the fork nodes don't seem to have this problem of cropping images.