Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 12 column 1
## Installation
- Clone this repo to your local machine using ``
### Setup
- If you want more syntax highlighting, format your code like this:
- Set up a virtual environment and activate it.
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note the following:
PIM: Penalize Invalid Move || boolean
PITS : Number of pits on a board || int
STONES: Number of stones in a pit || int
hvh : Human vs Human
hvc : Human vs Computer
cvc : Computer vs Computer
The entry point of the game is the ayo/
It initialises the game by:
- Setting up configuration.
This can be done in two ways.
1. You can either pass your config as a yaml file with the structure below.
pim : [true|false]
pits : [pit_number]
stones : [stone_value]
game: [hvh | hvc | cvc]
2. Manually call pass the required config variables as a single command while launching the game.
python ayo/ --game=hvc --pim=1 --pits=5 --stones=10
Note: The only really required setup variable is the game type, i.e --game flag
Validates the configuration and sets up storage for the game.
If the game involves an agent(i.e a computer player), it generates a random name for the agent. If it only involves human players, it prompts for names.
To get started...
Option 1
- 🍴 Fork this repo!
Option 2
- 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
- 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
- HACK AWAY! 🔨🔨🔨
- 🔃 Create a new pull request using