Welcome to the generic bot platform
Please make sure you install the requirements.txt pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The android phone manager (screeshot, video streaming etc ) is under Application managers
I broke things down into "cards" this just was some prototyping I was doing to simplify chaining events (for a larger overall project,) The pokemon go bot came out as a side product, i've made a vew other ones.
just treat them as classes.
the sending gifts program is in playground.py (it uses CardPrototyping/card_SendGrifts module
it's a very easy run:
on the phone order friends by can receive go on the first profile
execute the file playground.py from root
make sure your phone is connected via cable and you have adb installed
there are many tools available in img_tools and throughout this project, feel free to explore document improove. i've made a tool to train images easily (with tensorflow) and save models/reload them when needed have some sample code for that as well somewhere, but this is mainly a fun place to explore and build bots.