This repository contains the parcels for VisualWorks 7.4 and 8.x from the pharo project GeneticAlgorithm, use parcel manager to install it.
The following example uses a sudoku board, and It finds the correct position for each cell in a matrix of 3x3 where the sum of each row, column diagonal should be 30.
| list sums g |
list := #(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18).
"The different combinations to sum.
E.g., the three first cells could be summed (#(1 2 3))
the diagonal top-left to bottom-right (#1 5 9))"
sums := #(
#(1 2 3)
#(4 5 6)
#(7 8 9)
#(1 5 9)
#(7 5 3)
#(1 4 7)
#(2 5 8)
#(3 6 9) ).
g := GAEngine new.
g populationSize: 400.
g endIfFitnessIsAbove: 9.
g mutationRate: 0.01.
g numberOfGenes: 9.
g createGeneBlock: [ :rand :index | list atRandom: rand. ].
g fitnessBlock: [ :genes |
| score penalty |
score := (sums collect: [ :arr |
(arr collect: [ :index | genes at: index]) sum ])
inject: 0 into: [ :a :b | a + (b - 30) abs ].
penalty := (genes size - genes asSet size) * 3.
9 - (score + penalty) ].
g run.
g inspect.
Export code snipped
Pharo2VW exporter
"directory: '.' asFileReference;"
namespace: 'GeneticAlgorithm';
methodsBlacklist: {};
addNewInitializerToSuperclasses: true;
packages: {'GeneticAlgorithm-Core'. 'GeneticAlgorithm-Tests'};
classNameMapperDo: [ :m |
at: AssertionFailure putName: 'Error' namespace: 'Core';
at: DateAndTime putName: 'Timestamp' namespace: 'Core';
at: AssertionFailure putName: 'Error' namespace: 'Core'.
The result should print some thing like this
Then in VW execute to sort
| main classes cat pkg packages |
main := Registry bundleNamed: 'GeneticAlgorithm'.
classes := main allClasses.
packages := Dictionary new.
classes do: [ :cls |
cat := cls myClass category asString.
pkg := packages at: cat ifAbsentPut: [ | p |
p := Registry packageNamedOrCreate: cat.
main addItem: p.
p ].
XChangeSet current moveWholeClass: cls toPackage: pkg
After that you will need to create extension for vw