This component contains additional developer tools for OXID eShop.
ATTENTION: this component was designed for development purposes and its usage may lead to data loss in your system. Never execute developer tool commands in any live environment!
Run the following command to install the component:
composer require oxid-esales/developer-tools
To reset project configuration to its initial state execute:
bin/oe-console oe:module:reset-configurations
To reset the database to its initial state run the following command:
bin/oe-console oe:database:reset [--force]
When executed, this command will use the actual database settings, active in your current system environment.
Checkout component besides OXID eShop source
git clone
Run composer install command:
cd developer-tools
composer install
Add dependency to OXID eShop composer.json
composer config repositories.oxid-esales/developer-tools path developer-tools
composer require --dev oxid-esales/developer-tools:*
To run tests for the component please define OXID eShop bootstrap file:
vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap=../source/bootstrap.php tests/
See LICENSE file for license details.