π― The OWASP Secure Headers Project (also named OSHP) describes HTTP response headers that your application can use to increase the security of your application. Once set, these HTTP response headers can restrict modern browsers from running into easily preventable vulnerabilities. The OWASP Secure Headers Project intends to raise awareness and use of these headers.
π HTTP headers are well known and also despised. Seeking a balance between usability and security, developers implement functionality through the headers that can make applications more versatile or secure. But in practice how are the headers being implemented? What sites follow the best implementation practices? Big companies, small, all or none?
π We aim to publish reports on header usage stats, developments and changes, code libraries that make these headers easily accessible to developers on a range of platforms, and data sets concerning the general usage of these headers.
π The OWASP Secure Headers Project was migrated to a new OWASP website.
π You can still access the old website here.
π¨ The project official logo is stored into the folder logo as well as into the OWASP Swag GitHub repository.
π¬ Both are handled using the following GitHub features:
π©βπ» Content editing is done with Visual Studio Code.
π¦ A workspace file is provided with recommended extensions.
π The folder ci (CI for Continuous Integration) contains materials to generate the following content.
π Generation of the both JSON files containing the header recommended to add and remove:
- Processing is performed by this GitHub action workflow every time the file tab_bestpractices.md is modified.
π Generation of the markdown file with the update health state of all GitHub repositories mentioned in the tab named Technical:
- Processing is performed by this GitHub action workflow every week with a cron expression indicating
At 00:00 on Sunday
or every time the file tab_technical.md is modified.
π Generation of the file tab_statistics.md as well as all related PNG files:
- Processing is performed by this GitHub action workflow every month with a cron expression indicating
At 00:00 on day-of-month 5
or every time any of the following files is modified: - The specified cron expression was selected because the database containing the data used by the script tab_stats_generate_md_file.py is updated on the first day of each month by the project oshp-stats:
- See here for technical details.
π© This template is used to announce news on social media about OSHP update:
π‘ OWASP Secure Headers Project: [MESSAGE].
#appsec #appsecurity #owasp_shp
π‘ Source used:
π Contributors to OSHP, before the migration of the project to GitHub:
π Visit this page for updated information about the contributors since the migration of the project to GitHub.
π This project content is free to use. It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.