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Running STRONG on avon

This repository outlines how to run the metagenome assembler STRONG (Strain Resolution ON Graphs, on Warwick's HTC avon. The bulk of the pipeline runs within a singularity image prepared by Warwick's Scientific Computing RTP, which is available at path: /home/shared/STRONG/containers/STRONG-b25b173.sif. Taxonomic classification via gtdbtk is conducted outside of the container via a conda environment.

Step 1: Generate input

For each sample STRONG expects a single forward read file, and a single reverse read file. If a sample has been sequenced across multiple Illumina lanes you will need to merge multiple forward files and multiple reverse files. For example, presuming sequencing reads are stored in a directory called raw_data with the structure below:

|-- M_P0
|   |-- A16_FDSW210123054-1r_H32W7DSX2_L1_1.fq.gz
|   |-- A16_FDSW210123054-1r_H32W7DSX2_L1_2.fq.gz
|   |-- A16_FDSW210123054-1r_H3535DSX2_L2_1.fq.gz
|   |-- A16_FDSW210123054-1r_H3535DSX2_L2_2.fq.gz
|   `-- MD5.txt
`-- M_P1
    |-- A17_FDSW210123055-1r_H32W7DSX2_L1_1.fq.gz
    |-- A17_FDSW210123055-1r_H32W7DSX2_L1_2.fq.gz
    |-- A17_FDSW210123055-1r_H3535DSX2_L3_1.fq.gz
    |-- A17_FDSW210123055-1r_H3535DSX2_L3_2.fq.gz
    `-- MD5.txt

A new directory 'input_reads' containing merged reads for each sample can be generated like so:

mkdir input_reads
for SAMPLE in M_P0 M_P1
    mkdir input_reads/${SAMPLE}
    files=( raw_data/${SAMPLE}/*_1.fq.gz )
    if [[ ${#files[@]} -gt 1 ]]
        zcat raw_data/${SAMPLE}/*_1.fq.gz | gzip > input_reads/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}_R1.fq.gz
        zcat raw_data/${SAMPLE}/*_2.fq.gz | gzip > input_reads/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}_R2.fq.gz
        cp raw_data/${SAMPLE}/*_1.fq.gz input_reads/{$SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}_R1.fq.gz
        cp raw_data/${SAMPLE}/*_2.fq.gz input_reads/{$SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}_R2.fq.gz

This 'input_reads' directory will have the following structure:

|-- M_P0
|   |-- M_P0_R1.fq.gz
|   `-- M_P0_R2.fq.gz
`-- M_P1
    |-- M_P1_R1.fq.gz
    `-- M_P1_R2.fq.gz

Step 2: Running STRONG

Now that input files have been created, we can now run STRONG. To run the programme the following are needed:

  1. A local copy of the cog database, which can be downloaded like so:
tar -xvzf rpsblast_cog_db.tar.gz
rm rpsblast_cog_db.tar.gz
  1. config.yaml file defining the run settings. This will need to be updated according to the specifications of your desired run. See example below:
# ------ Samples ------
samples: ['M_P0','M_P1'] # specify a list samples to use or '*' to use all samples

# ------ Resources ------
threads : 20 # single task nb threads

# ------ Assembly parameters ------ 
data: /path/to/input_reads # path to data folder

# ----- Annotation database -----
cog_database: /path/to/rpsblast_cog_db/Cog  # COG database

# ----- Binner ------
binner: "concoct"

# ----- Binning parameters ------
    contig_size: 1000

read_length: 150
    assembler: spades
    k: [77]
    mem: 2000
    threads: 24

# ----- BayesPaths parameters ------
    nb_strains: 5
    nmf_runs: 1
    max_giter: 1
    min_orf_number_to_merge_bins: 18
    min_orf_number_to_run_a_bin: 10
    percent_unitigs_shared: 0.1

# ----- DESMAN parameters ------
    execution: 1
    nb_haplotypes: 10
    nb_repeat: 5
    min_cov: 1
  1. Submission script '' included in this github repository and also shown below. This script will request 48 cores from a high memory node with a max walltime of 2 days. If this is insufficient time, the script can be resubmitted and STRONG will continue from a checkpoint. The script can be submitted using the following command: sbatch
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=48
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=31418
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=hmem

# this value should be less or equal to --cpus-per-task 
# larger --cpus-per-task, the more memory is allocated (useful).
# however, many threads can cause slow downs, so less threads sometimes is desireble

# specify the singularity container to launch
container=/home/shared/STRONG/containers/STRONG-b25b173.sif # <- keep this the same

# Set output directory

# run the container 
singularity run ${container} "/STRONG/bin/STRONG ${outputdir} --threads 48"

Step 3: Running gtdbtk

Assumining the STRONG pipeline has completed without error (check slurm log file) we can now conduct taxonomic classification of bins using the software gtdbtk ( Unlike STRONG which is installed within a singularity container, to install gtdbtk we will need to make a local conda environment like so:

# Load mamba module (basically conda but quicker to resolve environment)
module load Mamba/4.14.0-0

# Create conda environment and install gtdbtk version 2.3.0 
mamba create -n gtdbtk-2.3.0 -c conda-forge -c bioconda gtdbtk=2.3.0

# Activate the environment we just created
conda activate gtdbtk-2.3.0

# Set path to gtdb database and check the installation
conda env config vars set GTDBTK_DATA_PATH="/home/shared/STRONG/gtdb/release214/" # <- set path to gtdb release 214 (available in shared directory on avon)
gtdbtk check_install

Taxonomic classification can now be conducting using script '' (shown below and included in repository). This script should be submitted using slurm at the top of the run directory.

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10

# Load mamba module, initiate shell, and load environment
module load Mamba/4.14.0-0
conda activate gtdbtk-2.3.0

# Create input directory and copy fastas
mkdir gtdbtk
mkdir gtdbtk/input
cp desman/Bin_*/*.fasta gtdbtk/input

# Run gtdbtk
gtdbtk classify_wf --cpus 10 --genome_dir gtdbtk/input --extension fasta \
--out_dir gtdbtk --skip_ani_screen 


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