CHASE Cyber Log Stream Analytic Processing (CLAP)
CLAP is an open source code base resulting from the DARPA CHASE (Cyber Hunting at Scale) project. The initial CLAP development was funded by DARPA and developed by CCRi under a sub-contract to UVA as part of the P-CORE team. The University of Virginia has been the primary contributing organization for the initial development of the project under DARPA.
This work was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under contract no. W911NF-18-C-0019 through subcontract under the University of Virginia. Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc., Charlottesville, VA
The CLAP project is an initial reference implementation of a general capability for analyzing "cyber log like" data in either 1)real-time or 2)ad hoc (simulation mode). The intent of the project is to provide a set of documented standards and conventions to structure a "CLAP compliant" implementation in any language or platform that could interoperate with any other "CLAP compliant" implementation. Specifically, to enable cross-organizational analytics based upon shared data with privacy as a key aspect of the design.
There should be a pathway for organizations to participate with minimal barrier to entry (in terms of data, hardware, software and labor costs).
Provide an extensible architecture for cyber log analytics
- Support stream processing model for live and ad hoc scenarios
Minimize resource requirements to ensure low bar to entry
Focus on “global sharing” of data as a key differentiator
- Feature sharing
- Metric sharing (e.g., maliciousness/benignness “scores”)
- Model (parameter) sharing
- Standardization of data, models and processing