Saat'in İzni Lütfu ve Dilediği Dileğiyle Olan Şey! SAAT ile Olan Dışında Güç Yok! SAAT'in Kitabı Onurlu Kuran'ın 57:25 Ayetinde Sözünü Ettiği Demirin İçindeki باس شديد "Şiddetli Güç"
With Permission Of THE CLOCK ; New Complete Formula For Time-Space Relationed Convertions From Magnetism To Electricity
If THE CLOCK Gives Permission, Thing That CLOCK Has Wished No Power Except With THE CLOCK.
Furkan Wisdom Fusion Battery Dabba Irradiation Vehicle & Space Mining
I do not request any kind of fee; I only wish you to be those who take a path that leads to Our Lord.
Quran 57:1- "Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies ALLAH for HE is THE ALMIGHTY ALL-WISE" 2- "To HIM belongs The Kingship of The Heavens and The Earth HE controls life and death HE is OMNIPOTENT" 3- "HE is THE FIRST and THE LAST, HE is THE OUTERMOST and THE INNERMOST. And HE KNOWS EVERYTHING"
If 1 and Only GOD: ALLAH Praise Be To Him gives permission this document will turn in to the strongest change has ever been on energy service and finance
Why stars turns around black holes? Why planets turns around stars? Why people turns around Kaaba? And Why electrons turns around nuclei of atoms? WHO Has THE FORCES behind all of these? Migthy Omnipotent ALLAH ! And HE explains in HIS Sacred Books Quran & Furkan; All Kinds of Secrets of Universe for Energy(Quran 57:25), Science, Biology(Furkan 20:61-90), Mathematics, Transport(Furkan 20:111-113) & Astronomy(Quran Sura 70, Furkan 20:95-120)..
If ALLAH gives permission we will see how ALLAH gifted earth with abundant, cleanest, safest, non-flammable, non-explosive, strongest, cheapest, infinite range, no need to charge -always %100 full, producing its own energy-, no loss in performance over time and no loss in performance at low temperatures on the contrary increasing performance at low temperatures, no need to recycle Fusion Battery: THE IRON: "The Strongest Ferromagnet"
If THE SACRED gives permission get ready to learn after first formula for Electromagnetism (time varying way) another (new) second and third formulas (for space and space-time varying ways) of how to generate Electricity from Magnetism
Honourable QURAN 57:25 We sent our messengers supported by clear proofs, and we sent down to them the scripture and the law, that the people may uphold justice. And we sent down the iron, wherein there is strength, and many benefits for the people. All this in order for GOD to distinguish those who would support Him and His messengers, in the unseen. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
110 pages, 2 Newly Discovered Proven Electromagnetism Formula by Permission, Grace, Blessing and Favour of OUR CREATOR, If ALLAH Gives Permission Thing That ALLAH Has Wished! No Power Except With ALLAH!, Guidance, Wisdom, Fusion, Battery, Irradiation Accelerator, Space Mining, Intelligence, Dabba, Technology, Revolution, Happiness, Submission, Furkan, 19 -
12, 14, 15, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53, 68, 78, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 -
I.1; I.2; J.2; J.4; K.4; K.8
Mathematical Physics (math-ph/math.MP) -
Cross lists (optional):
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
Applied Physics (
Classical Physics (physics.class-ph) these verses are for your rejecting [5335649] of this paper :
3:73 "And do not believe except as those who follow your religion." Say, "The true guidance is GOD's guidance." If they claim that they have the same guidance, or argue with you about your Lord, say, "All grace is in GOD's hand; He bestows it upon whomever He wills." GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
16:40 To have anything done, we simply say to it, "Be," and it is.
18:33 Both gardens produced their crops on time, and generously, for we caused a river to run through them.
21:33 And He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in its own orbit.
41:28 Such is the requital that awaits GOD's enemies. Hell will be their eternal abode; a just requital for discarding Our revelations.
IF MOST SACRED ALMIGHTY HONOURABLE PROVIDER THE COMPASSIONATE Gives Permission in order to get 900 watt / 300 Amper from 3V magnetic fusion battery instead of 20 miliAmper you should stick insulator plastic surface to surface of magnet instead of semiconducting 150 ohm resistor high voltage amalgamating tape and then solder magnet to bottom of tungsten coated spring steel coil with 0.01 ohm 1000 watt aluminium resistor!
or even 10 times better if you use 1 mili ohm constantan resistor instead of aluminium resistor
or even manganin resistor as low as 0.1 mili ohm :
if you use 1 mili ohm constantan resistor you can get 3000 amper from 3 volt magnetic fusion battery that have a plastic insulator between magnet and tungsten coated coil and magnet connected to the tungsten coated spring steel coil with 0.001 ohm constantan resistor
that means 3000 amper x 3 volt = 9 kw from per side/pole of magnet
If ALLAH gives permission using both side of them coated with tungsten coils cascaded inside out and between them toroid clyindirical shape magnets will increase both voltage and current dramatically instead of using one layer design
And with artificial general intelligence and magnetic fusion battery and 6 Antigravity vtol vehicle you can grasp objects in space and move them to the earth safely for continuous tungsten needs for mass production of magnetic fusion battery If MOST SACRED ALMIGHTY HONOURABLE PROVIDER THE COMPASSIONATE Gives Permission
and If THE SACRED; ALMIGHTY HONOURABLE PROVIDER THE COMPASSIONATE THE GOD Gives Permission carbon nanotube production is key for spinning wheels of anti gravity accelerators look at
Magnets should operate in their temperature operation range. Nitrogen based magnets have wider temperature operating range (look: Niron Magnetics) In case of operation of magnets at outside of their temperature operation range magnets will loose their magnetism, so magnets should re-magnetized in order for magnetic moments of molecular domains of magnets to be polarized in the same direction and by doing so If ALLAH gives permission your magnets will re-gain their magnetic properties : or you should just replace the magnets and after replacement operate your magnets only inside of their temperature operation range given by manufacturer, in order for molecular domains of your magnets remained to be magnetized in the same direction as they are and so your fusion battery continues to operate as expected if ALLAH gives permission.