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How to deploy

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Clone the repo to your local infra

git clone --recursive --depth=1 --progress; cd .\devops-test\

Publish the App Docker Images

First: Build the image with your respective last tag version

docker build -t omaciasd/python-microservice:last .
docker images

Analize: Actual vulnebaribilities

docker scout cves python-microservice:last

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Second: Login into Docker Hub Platfform

docker login
docker push omaciasd/python-microservice:v0.0.7

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Validate Actual image

docker pull omaciasd/python-microservice:last
docker-compose up -d

Build the App, by Kubernetes with the next commands, over the root folder

First: Create the prerequesites over the node

kubectl create namespace tech-prod
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f networkpolicy.yaml

Second: Validate, and Run the deployment

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml -n tech-prod --dry-run=client
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml -n tech-prod

Validate Builded Infra

kubectl get deployments -n tech-prod
kubectl get pods -n tech-prod

Validate manifiest replics

minikube service python-microservice -n tech-prod
kubectl delete pods -l app=python-microservice -n tech-prod
kubectl get pods -n tech-prod

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For the next files, I don´t have any account or labs for run and validate the goals

First: From Azure DevOps (Pipelines), import the CI file (azure-pipelines.yaml), fro evaluate yhe build of the Artifact

Second: Also for CloudFlare, evaluate the worker

Third: ...And, with Grafana, use the json file as a Diagram in a Dashboard, equal for Prometeus in the monitoring with the yaml file

I´m Sorry for the late, Thank's for you account me

Any question, My WhatsApp account: +57 305 828 8031