This repository contains a cloudformation template for creating a stack to run Cloudbees Jenkins.
It creates two resources, a security group that by default allows inbound SSH from all Northwestern subnets, and an EC2 instance. The EC2 instance will by default launch into the subnet created specifically for these jenkins hosts and will have the EC2 systems manager agent installed and enabled.
The stack has the following parameters:
: The id of the subnet to launch into. Defaults to thenit-jenkins-PvtAZ1
: The id of the vpc to launch into. Defaults to thenit-shared-svcs
: Name of an existing EC2 Keypair within the region where the stack is being launchedInstanceType
: allowed values aret2.micro
. Default ist2.micro
: The AMI to use for the instances. Default is Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit (ami-10547475
in us-east-2).InstanceProfile
: The IAM role/instance profile to attach to the instance. Defaults to thejenkins-admin
role in the NIT shared services account.Environment
: for theEnvironment
tag. Allowed values areTest
. Defaults toTest
: For theOwner
tag. Defaults to[email protected]
E.g. to launch as a stack using the CLI (note that not all parameters are supplied below; any not specified will receive the default value):
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack name> --template-body file://jenkins-ec2-instance.yaml --parameters \
ParameterKey=InstanceType,ParameterValue=<instance type> \
ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=<keypair name> \