ezobj is a Luau library for simple and straightforward class/object/struct creation.
Rather than having to deal with metatables, ezobj handles all of that and more behind the scenes while you code in peace!
ezobj allows you to easily create classes and derivative classes.
name this variable whatever your favorite class/object keyword is,
i.e struct, class, def, defstruct, etc
local class = require(path-to-ezobj)
local SomeClass = class {
field = 3;
-- a singleton function does not need a self parameter and can be called with class.method() without problem
hello_world = function()
print("Hello, world!")
-- Initialize the first argument as `self: any?` to access class fields and methods
-- A function with self: any? must be called with class:method() to work properly
method = function(self: any?, val: number)
if self then
self.field = val
type SomeClass = typeof(SomeClass) -- define class type to use as a type hint if wanted later
-- call singleton method without constructing the class
local x = SomeClass.new() -- construct an instance of the class
x:method(42) -- 42
-- extend SomeClass into a new class
local ExtendClass = SomeClass:extend {
field = "something"; -- overrides field from superclass
-- self can also be initialized using the class type if you don't want to check if self exists every time, this is especially helpful when using strict mode
method = function(self: ExtendClass, val: string)
return val..self.field
type ExtendClass = typeof(ExtendClass) -- used internally in the class for self
-- construct an instance of the class with a default value
local y = ExtendClass.new {
field = "Hello,"
print(y:method(" world!")) -- Hello, world!
y.hello_world() -- Hello, world! - retains method from superclass
y.super:method(500) -- 500 - Access superclass methods with class.super