weightForm is a website built for weightlifters and gym-goers using React Hooks and node.js. Using the Axios HTTP client, the site allows users to search for exercise information & save their favourite exercises to localStorage. I built the site to act as a quick reference guide for proper exercise form & posture for use at the gym.
- Customisable search function built with an HTTP request system that uses Axios, connected to an endpoint on the ExerciseDB API hosted on RapidAPI to allow users to search for exercise data.
- Save feature that will save any selected result to localStorage.
- Animated exercise demonstrations.
- Full data pagination to break up results into multiple pages.
- CSS loading animation and custom error messages if no results are found.
- Responsive mobile-first design created using the MUI styling library.
- Search for exercise info and animated demonstrations by name, target muscle or equipment used.
- Save their favourites to localStorage & view their favs by toggling the sites’ display mode.
- Remove favourites from the favs list or from the results list itself.
Massive thanks to Justin Mozley whose amazing workout API allowed me to create this project.