Rather drastic changes compared to the upstream repo to simplify certain things for my use-case, and to fix certain issues.
It seems the newer versions of the board library for the Feather BLE removed some bits in the AdafruitHID section. I'm on 0.18.5 at time of writing.
For the 12 button 4 encoder version:
- 1 x Feather BLE, only tested on the nRF52832. Might(?) work on the nRF52840
- 12 Normally Open buttons of your choosing
- 4 EC11 style encoders with a buttons
- 24 x Signal Diodes (one per button)
- Hookup wire to reach all your buttons and encoders
- Soldering supplies
- A battery compatible with the Feather. I'm using an 18650 instead of a soft-cell, as I have a pair of internally protected 3500mAh ones.
- The Feather can charge this battery with it's onboard charger, but this is limited at 100mA, so an external charger might be prudent.
- a small perfboard/protoboard to do the diode matrix on and mount the feather
- sockets for the feather/said board so you don't have to desolder the feather
- https://www.baldengineer.com/arduino-keyboard-matrix-tutorial.html
- https://learn.adafruit.com/bluefruit-nrf52-feather-learning-guide/device-pinout
Library used:
Pins used :
- rows: A0-A3
- columns: A4-A7
Library Used
This allows us to save on some pins and have a rather readable way to read CW/CCW rotations. Point of note is that the encoder switch and mode switching is not used here, as these switches are wired into the above matrix
Pins used
- Bus A: 16
- Bus B: 15
- Switch Bus: 14 (Not hooked up)
- Encoder 1: 7
- Encoder 2: 11
- Encoder 3: 26
- Encoder 4: 27
Commenting/Uncommenting the following define toggles the Serial debugging:
#define PRODUCTION 1
If this is defined, there'll be NO DEBUG sent to Serial. Comment this out if you're debugging/changing stuff.
I tweaked the original code a bit to suit my needs. Given that the HID setup allows for a maximum of 24 buttons as it's set up, this is perfect for the 12 button 4 encoder setup I use:
- 10 buttons on the wheel
- 2 buttons for the paddle shifters
- 4 buttons for the clicky encoders
This gives us our 4x4 switch matrix. The Encoders than fill the remaining space the 3 bytes used in the HID section give us
- Pin 31 is for reading battery voltage and can't be used as an input.
- RXD/TXD (pins 8 & 6) should not be used for Rotary encoders
- Unsure if this matters for inputs, but the docs say that SCL/SDA don't have pull-up resistors. They seemed to work, but when I implemented the matrix input, I no longer needed them and avoided them.
- Maybe avoid pin 20 (DFU). If it's tied LOW it'll reset/wipe the device. Basically, go read the pinouts doc for the feather. There's lots of useful info there about pins to watch out for.
- Change NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS in vars.h
- Change ROWS/COLS to be whatever works for your wiring.
- expand the 2d keys array to match.
- Keep the HID byte shenanigans into account (buttoncount will always be multiples of 8?)
- The current "smash all the diodes on the switches/some perfboard" approach is rather messy. Getting round to learning how to use KiCad and making a PCB to wire everything to would be preferable.
- Moving from the NRF52 feather to a wireless/BLE enabled RP2040 board might be interesting Example: Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
The Upstream master code is available in the upstream branch for reference, should the original repo vanish
- All the LED and power handling code has been removed
- The offending callback function for said LED/power handling breaking everyting has been defenestrated
- Key matrix setup is a clearly readable 2D array again, to match the Keypad examples better.
- Removed some debugging toggles
- Hardcoded the blue LED being off, wouldn't see it anyway in a sealed wheel/box
- Reverted to the 12bit 3.0V example in here
- Set MONITOR_BATTERY to true.
- VBATPIN should be 31 (assuming a feather BLE unit)
- "close enough" on my 18650s to be useful