Monitor and calculate the Vatsim Air Traffic Controller activity for a specific month. Primarily to be used by the Vatsim ARTCC staff to assist in controller roster maintenance.
- @KSanders7070 Concept Design - Thanks for helping with UI design, Code implementations, Program Name, Color Scheme, Code Functionality, Batch File Creations, and Supporting my endeavours.
- VATSIM API - Thanks for providing some amazing Web based API's free to the public.
- Windows OS. Other Operating systems are not supported at this time.
- Stable internet connection
- Requires a CID list in a text file {ex. CID_List.txt} (one CID per line, no spaces, no empty lines)
- Requires you to trust the publisher (Nikolas Boling) as there is no security certificate on this program YET.
- Download the current release zip file named "" where x.x.x is the version number.
- Unzip the file.
- Keep ALL the files together
- There is a Batch file called "INSTALL_UNINSTALL.bat" to help with installing this program.
- To run this program, click VATACT.exe
- CID Text file field:
- Requires a full file path {ex. C:\Downloads\CID_LIST.TXT}
- Month
- Two digit month you would like to run this for. {ex. 02 - for Feburary}
- Year
- Four digit year {ex. 2020}
- Minimum Hours Req
- Two digit number representing the minimum controlling hours required per your ARTCC SOP. {ex 02 - for Two Hour requirement.}
- Select your Artcc
- Currently this is hardcoded in with certain ARTCC's. If you do not see yours listed please report as issue at
- Calculate button
- A couple of things happen in the background when you click on this button.
- NOTE: How far back and how big your CID list is will dramatically increase the time it takes this program to complete. For example: If you select 01/2005 and your CID list is longer then 20, expect it to take 5+ minutes.
- This program uses two VATSIM API calls to get the necisary information for the CID's in your list. (documentation can be found at
- This program goes line by line in your CID text file. Once it has completed a line, you will see that CID populate in the "Controller" drop down menu
- Once you select a controller Two views popup
- ARTCC Code Total Hours
- This lists the total hours for that controller for any callsigns that are valid control posisions.
- NOTE: This is also hardcoded in. If there is an issue please post it at
- Other Total Hours
- This list every callsign used that is not included in the "Valid ARTCC Control Callsigns catagory"
- ARTCC Code Total Hours
- Once the calculation and API calls are complete, you can then save the output to a text file.
- Save Text file directory
- Requires a directory {ex. C:\downloads}
- Save button
- Look for your newly created text file in the directory you specified.
- It will be named "{month}_{year}_CID_HOURS.txt" {ex. 08_2020_CID_HOURS.txt}
- Look for your newly created text file in the directory you specified.
- None at this time
- If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected]
- I know the source code is a little messy right now, however, there are plans to refactor and improve.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Nikolas Boling