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DC/79 website project

Table of contents

About this project

This is a mini CMS project containing 7 small CRUD backend pages to maintain the actual website using the MVC concept.

  • Some of them are basic data saving and retrieving
  • Some can upload images to storage
  • One has a WYSIWYG HTML editor (TinyMCE) which is used to handle formatted texts to be saved and retireved from the database
  • The guestbook uses Google reCAPTCHA v3 to ignore spam without user interaction


  • Laravel 8
  • Bootstrap 5
  • TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML editor
  • Google reCAPTCHA v3

How to use it

There are 2 applications separated by Laravel's middleware routes.

1. The frontend application

which is a website retrieving data from the database and presenting it through Blade templates with Bootstrap. You don't need to be registered/logged in to access this application. After following the installation steps you can open http://localhost:8000 from your browser and click through the pages.

2. The backend application

is more like a mini CMS. You can modify the data of each page here. For this part of the project, you need to be registered and logged in (step 5 shows how you can do it). Here you can modify the data shown in the Frontend application.

How to install locally

Step 1. Clone the repository and install dependencies

girl@WithAPlan ~ % git clone
girl@WithAPlan laravel8_website % cd laravel8_website
girl@WithAPlan laravel8_website % composer install

Step 2. Initialise the application

1. Generate your Application key

  • Rename the .env.example file to .env
  • run the php artisan key:generate command to generate your APP_KEY in the .env file

2. Database migration

  • Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed to initialise your database You can access the database from the project's directory by running mysql -u root (no password needed)

3. Create a symlink for storage and create the directories for file handling

Symbolic links in Laravel 8 Run the php artisan storage:link command to create a symlink for the project In the storage/app/public directory create the following 2 directories for the Album feature to work

girl@WithAPlan public % mkdir album_covers
girl@WithAPlan public % mkdir photos

4. Node and npm

This project requires node and npm to be installed, if you don't have it already then you can find a quick guide here Then you can run npm install to install the asset dependecies and npm run dev to combine the style and javascript files

5. Serve the application {#serve}

You can run the application by running php artisan serve and open http://localhost:8000 from your browser. To access the CMS application of this project, you need register on http://localhost:8000/register , or you can just use a test user to login [email protected] - TestTest (NOTE - it is not recommended to use this in production, so please change it)

6. Extras

If you want to try the GuestBook page as well, you can generate new reCAPTCHA keys and add them to the .env file (RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY) Follow the instructions to create a v3 key-pair


This mini CMS website project is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.