- Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is located 140m from the CMS IP, in side the LHC tunnel.
- Major change this year is that it is digitized in the tunnel and then send optical signals to USC.
- Since the cable length is only 12m long from the detector, it reduces the long frequency noise significantly.
- New front end electronics, QIE10, are used for digitizing, identical to HF.
- QIE10 has large dynamic range, more than 10x, comparing to old QIE8.
- Currently, only DIGIs are saved in AOD. DIGIs cannot be used directly.
- DIGIs can be converted to charges collected by capacitors.
- DIGI to charge conversion needs calibration constants for each QIE card. This is done by averaging all QIE constants used by HF to get average calibration constants.
- Charges are then inter-calibrated according to 2010 PbPb data to match the gain of EM and HAD sections.
- If gain matching is correct, we should be able to see neutron peaks as a function of charge.
- The first neutron peak is then located at the beam energy, i.e. 2.51 TeV. This gives us the calibration from charge to energy.
- This EDProducer produces the ZDC RecHit collection used by various down stream EDAnalyzer, such as HiForest.
- The calibration constants are loaded as python modules.
- The current calibration is very rough. The pedestal is not subtracted. The Plus side and Minus side do not have the same spectrum shape.
- Example to run the code:
cd CMSSW_10_3_1/src
mkdir QWAna
cd QWAna
git clone [email protected]:BetterWang/QWZDC2018RecHit.git
cd QWZDC2018RecHit
scram b
cd test
cmsRun recHitRAW_cfg.py runNumber=327560 runInputDir=/eos/cms/store/hidata/HIRun2018A/HIMinimumBias1/AOD/PromptReco-v2/000/ rawTag='' outputTag=_MB1RecHit hlt=HLT_HIMinimumBias_ source=PoolSource
- tag
-- HiForest version