This Ruby Gem is used to connect and communicate with a High Performance Blockchain node using the RPC interface.
# git clone
# cd web3.rb
# bin/setup
To install this gem onto your local machine, run:
# bundle exec rake install
To test the installation, run:
# ruby example.rb
You can also run the following command for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment:
# bin/console is a basic example that could get you started.
Connecting to local node ( or by SSH Tunnel )
web3 =
If you need to connect to remote host, you can specify host, port and HTTP connection options:
web3 = host: '',
port: 443,
connect_options: { use_ssl: true, open_timeout: 20, read_timeout: 120 }
HTTP connection options are from Ruby HTTP plus additional optional property rpc_path - path to RPC interface.
>> web3.hpb.blockNumber
>> web3.hpb.getBalance '0xa1960fa87733f1b9ffbfb95d9d692471aa691c9c'
>> block = web3.hpb.getBlockByNumber 12345
#<Web3::Hpb::Block:0x.... @block_data={"author"=>"0x...", ...
>> block.timestamp_time
2017-10-17 12:51:36 +0300
>> block.transactions.count
>> block.transactions[0].from
>> block.transactions[0].value_hpb
# creation of contract object
myContract = web3.hpb.contract(abi);
# initiate contract for an address
myContractInstance ='0xa1960fa87733f1b9ffbfb95d9d692471aa691c9c');
# call constant function
result = myContractInstance.balanceOf('0x...'); # any constant method works
puts result
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.