KeepMeManaged is an online firebase based realtime timetable storing application where you can authenticate safely to your user id and check ur timetable of each day,activities pending and projects done/pending.
Following is the apk link of the android application: .
Following are some of the salient features of the android application are :
- Firebase safe authentication SignIn and Registration with Keepme LoggedIn feature.
List of all days seperate timetable with assignments and projects to be added or removed or changed in a user friendly interface available
You can also check your profile or login with a different account if you have to manage different timetbales at a single time
Delete your existing timetable and update or share your timetable to anyone anytime if you have internet connectivity
A flat json tree to access details faster has been designed and implemented in this project
Besides these features,using firebase authentication services and firebase database services helps us to make transactions of data and user information easy secure and fast .And a user friendly User Interface helps to easily handle and hide up the complications in the application and provides to user a timetable management app with features that might be very useful in day-to-day life.