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项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 29 日 - 2019 年 1 月 5 日) #1818

taro-bot bot opened this issue Jan 5, 2019 · 1 comment

项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 29 日 - 2019 年 1 月 5 日) #1818

taro-bot bot opened this issue Jan 5, 2019 · 1 comment


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taro-bot bot commented Jan 5, 2019


上周有 67 个新 issue。
32 个 issue 已经被关闭,35 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #1817 Fix h5 ScrollView, by fjc0k
💚 #1816 微信小程序转taro,然后taro转微信小程序后报错, by carychenyan
💚 #1815 Taro.getSetting()和Taro.openSetting()共用的问题, by zzlit
💚 #1814 weapp下this.$router.path不识别, by yinlsea
💚 #1813 小程序模板解析逻辑错误, by blankPen
💚 #1812 编译失败,SyntaxError: unknown: Namespace tags are not supported. ReactJSX is not XML., by h2oiswater
💚 #1810 版本问题 Taro CLI 与本地安装的小程序框架 @tarojs/taro-weapp 版本不一致,请确保一致 Taro CLI: 1.2.3 @tarojs/taro-weapp: 1.2.1, by MoonSeeing
💚 #1809 微信小程序转RN Expo运行报错, by hexujun
💚 #1808 开发小程序插件时没有编译plugin目录, by joyran
💚 #1807 微信小程序转taro再转百度小程序报错, by scd03132506
💚 #1806 直接相对项目根目录import会被识别成node包, by nakating
💚 #1805 使用相对路径跳转,preload不会触发, by mrzzcn
💚 #1804 H5端报错Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node', by schinvendy
💚 #1803 每次不升级到最新版本,h5版本就无法运行?, by kucy
💚 #1802 >.< 特殊符号不支持, by QuietWind
💚 #1801 css伪类选择器不支持, by modifMX
💚 #1800 buildDll 会导致css打包不正确, by GyueGuo
💚 #1799 开启css module,无法使用less的混合功能,编译小程序报错(H5正常), by zhangzhenfei
💚 #1795 满屏问题, by hrh94
💚 #1794 Switch 开关选择器在h5中不受变量控制, by csj8520
💚 #1791 在stylus下使用css Modules报错!, by panfire
💚 #1790 taro版本1.2.3,Input组件在H5下默认的type:text不起作用了, by apersonw
💚 #1789 checkbox不论是否注册onClick,仍然可以选中取消, by heytheww
💚 #1788 能不能搞个wepy转taro的工具,很多老代码用wepy写的, by tinybright
💚 #1787 dist中资源目录结构, by monyee
💚 #1786 使用scss mixin时,大写PX仍然会被转换, by loveonelong
💚 #1785 组件 render 方法只返回 null 的时候编译错误, by jo32
💚 #1784 setState 之后立马引用 state 会是上一次 state 的结果, by jo32
💚 #1782 提示缺少webpack-runner, by liuam007
💚 #1781 taro build ui, 生成的weapp组件不能自动替换alias, by loveonelong
💚 #1779 yarn dev:rn 时 报错 TypeError: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.$router.params'), by zhangjie1314
💚 #1773 h5 的单位换算问题,在分辨率750px的时候,没有1:1显示, by 929525077
💚 #1761 H5,组件AtSearchBar,属性focus=true时,ios键盘收缩不了, by ybning
💚 #1753 小程序onShareAppMessage成功失败完成的回调没有执行, by sssssunying
💚 #1752 页面出现 多个 仪表图,初次渲染页面出现 错乱,但是 swichTab 切换后 就回复正常了?, by JoMartinezZhu


❤️ #1811 看了半天也不知道该用哪个IDE开发, by playscforever
❤️ #1798 redux 数据更新了 需要2次才会渲染试图, by zanjs
❤️ #1797 taro-ui 1.5.4 版本报错, by Young1993
❤️ #1796 feat: add esnextModules regex support the modules of cnpm installed, by loveonelong
❤️ #1793 fix(docs): Component extend from React.Component, by smilecc
❤️ #1792 canvas api 在阿里支付宝小程序上无效, by WangShuXian6
❤️ #1783 why ? my argument ?, by pssgo
❤️ #1780 运行项目一直不行, by liuam007
❤️ #1778 h5 获取页面querystring 失败, by Young1993
❤️ #1777 CoverImage�引用项目中的图片路径编译时不会自动放到dist下, by Vr80s
❤️ #1776 taro build ui,h5 生成 js 正常,weapp 仍然为 ts 文件, by loveonelong
❤️ #1775 支付宝小程序app.json中配置存在问题, by chenkefeng
❤️ #1774 设置 defineConstants 后,build:h5 报错:Unexpected token num «0.4», expected punc «,», by vimcaw
❤️ #1772 写了一个SliderPic组件,使用mobx进行状态管理获取数据,获取到的数据是一个数组,数据可以获取到,但是没有在页面上渲染出来, by liudi200317
❤️ #1771 Taro 项目生成微信小程序 Less px 数据 NaN 错误, by xQuotes
❤️ #1770 TypeError: uploadTask.onProgressUpdate is not a function, by nyrf
❤️ #1769 fix: 修改 rollup.config.js name 字段的值, by godkun
❤️ #1768 switchTab 不能实现 onLoad, by yhc-yhc
❤️ #1767 Taro v1.2.3 less css module 编译报错, by zhangzhenfei
❤️ #1766 taro convet之后的项目打包成alipay失败, by hu-qi
❤️ #1765 小程序转 taro,多个slot 的处理有误, by shunseven
❤️ #1763 onClick 传参报错, by karchinkong
❤️ #1762 fix: 原生组件 Switch 的 types 增加对 disabled 的类型定义, by zoux
❤️ #1760 Update, by juzhiyuan
❤️ #1759 npm run dev: 中
可以换行,为何 npm run build:
, by xingwen93
❤️ #1758 event handler 传递参数有问题, by liudonghua123
❤️ #1757 refactor(types): BaseEvent 类型优化, by mindfocus
❤️ #1756 开了转es6到es5,会出现ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined, by nyrf
❤️ #1755 为什么使用webstorm打开taro初始化的typescript项目时eslint报语法错误, by mostearly
❤️ #1754 改用 findDOMNode 优化, by leeenx
❤️ #1751 docs: update close#1750, by huixisheng
❤️ #1750 文档中的链接404, by huixisheng


上周有 8 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周 merge 了 8 个 pull request:

💜 #1796 feat: add esnextModules regex support the modules of cnpm installed, by loveonelong
💜 #1793 fix(docs): Component extend from React.Component, by smilecc
💜 #1769 fix: 修改 rollup.config.js name 字段的值, by godkun
💜 #1762 fix: 原生组件 Switch 的 types 增加对 disabled 的类型定义, by zoux
💜 #1760 Update, by juzhiyuan
💜 #1757 refactor(types): BaseEvent 类型优化, by mindfocus
💜 #1754 改用 findDOMNode 优化, by leeenx
💜 #1751 docs: update close#1750, by huixisheng


上周共有 36 个 提交:

🛠️ fix(components): 修复 picker 组件 onColumnChange 参数 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.4 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taro-swan): 修正百度小程序 componentDidMount 调用 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(transformer-wx): 处理某些小程序组件属性与微信小程序不一致的情况,close #1792 by luckyadam
🛠️ refactor(types): BaseEvent 类型优化 (#1757) by mindfocus
🛠️ docs: Component extend from React.Component (#1793) by smilecc
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): add esnextModules regex support the modules of cnpm installed (#1796) by loveonelong
🛠️ feat(taro): 补充新的音频 api by luckyadam
🛠️ docs: 更新文档 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(taro): 增加一个 polyfill 文件 by luckyadam
🛠️ refactor(eslint): ESLint 不再检查 .tsx 文件, close #1755 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 支持 naming slot, close #1765 by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): Taro API 的回调函数总是推荐使用箭头函数, close #1693 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 循环父级三元表达式的 alternative 没有三元表达式的防御,close #1698 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 循环的 callee 是函数也需要执行上层的条件判断,close #1725 by yuche
🛠️ fix(input): 修复 IOS 光标跳转问题 by jimczj
🛠️ fix(taro-h5): 补充 Nerv 引用 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taro): 修正 Taro.getEnv 对头条小程序的判断 by luckyadam
🛠️ refactor(transformer): 运行传统装饰器和 export default 的写法,close #1731 by yuche
🛠️ fix: 修改 rollup.config.js name 字段的值 (#1769) by godkun
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.3 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(taro-cli): 增加对 config.ui 配置项的处理 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: 原生组件 Switch 的 types 增加对 disabled 的类型定义 (#1762) by zoux
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(RN): 修复页面返回不掉用 componentDidShow 和 componentDidHide 的 bug by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ docs: Update (#1760) by juzhiyuan
🛠️ chore(cli): 固定模板依赖的版本号 by luckyadam
🛠️ style(docs): 样式修正 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(textarea): maxlength 对齐小程序 by jimczj
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ style: 优化文档样式 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(taro-h5): 改用 findDOMNode 优化 (#1754) by leeenx
🛠️ Merge pull request #1751 from huixisheng/patch-1 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ docs: update close#1750 by huixisheng


上周共有 13 名独立贡献者:

👤 luckyadam
👤 mindfocus
👤 smilecc
👤 loveonelong
👤 yuche
👤 jimczj
👤 godkun
👤 Chen-jj
👤 zoux
👤 Pines-Cheng
👤 juzhiyuan
👤 leeenx
👤 huixisheng



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You all are the stars! 🌟

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taro-bot bot commented Jan 5, 2019

欢迎提交 Issue~

如果你提交的是 bug 报告,请务必遵循 Issue 模板的规范,尽量用简洁的语言描述你的问题,最好能提供一个稳定简单的复现。🙏🙏🙏

如果你的信息提供过于模糊或不足,或者已经其他 issue 已经存在相关内容,你的 issue 有可能会被关闭。

Good luck and happy coding~

@yuche yuche closed this as completed Jan 15, 2019
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