2.2.0 (2024-08-06)
Bug Fixes
add check for nullish req.body (d770924 )
add check for undefined req.body (36facb4 )
add default str for nullish paymentIntentID value (0ff42ea )
add explicit 'unknown' typing to err params in catch (54ce108 )
add fallback str in case req.ip is nullish (0b819f5 )
add handle lookup to ensure uniqueness (dd8536a )
add opt chains for nullish lookups (063adbe )
add status400ForVariableCoercionErrors:true per apollo recommendation (6cb5a21 )
correct imports (97e5e07 )
correct the 200 response to 200AuthTokenAndPreFetchedUserItems (36cc8d3 )
mock: promisify return type of InvokeCommand (cf663a9 )
mock: promisify return type of SendMessagesCommand (fc4eba4 )
replace sanitizeID w correct regex impl (f9145b4 )
rm export of deleted express types file (b04e5e6 )
rm unnecessary as-cast from obj.__typename (d681187 )
update ENV value paths (115f51b )
update GQL codegen's types w Context typing and docstring descriptions (026a1ef )
update regex used to skip webhooks body parsing (df8aadf )
update req.body type to be possibly undefined (f200471 )
add auth method verifyUserIsAuthorizedToAccessPaidContent (bd59a3d )
add ContactService (3d0e228 )
add emit 'CheckoutCompleted' event (c79c011 )
add env vars for v5 UUID namespace and others (d2cfd4d )
add error-handling to sendMessages
(8001abe )
add event 'CheckoutCompleted' and handler sendConfirmationEmail
(e541826 )
add httpServer wrapper (1c52013 )
add InvoiceService (5712d61 )
add method 'getUserByHandleOrID' (a14f92a )
add pinpoint sdk, lib wrapper, and SendMessages invocations (d7ba6a2 )
add reset-password functionality (b7b7c41 )
add type BaseEventHandler for static EVENT_HANDLERS (7d210e8 )
add UserService method 'getUserByHandleOrID' (7ffb750 )
add WorkOrderService (58422cf )
add zod schema for gql input types (cccc837 )
add zod-related util types (4e72dc1 )
migrate FixitUser interface to PublicUserFields (daa0393 )
rm AuthToken gql typeDef (e2fa376 )
rm GQL-specific HttpError classes (9a3a683 )
rm old method (677af6f )
rm res.locals types (686bef2 )
rm unused sanitizeStripeID fn (0e6c2e6 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.