Photo took on a rooftop near the University of Washington, Seattle, WA
- 💜 I graduated from University of Washington, majored in Economics and minored in Informatics, go go Huskies!
- ❤ I'm studying at Carnegie Mellon University, MSPPM-DA program, I'm probably the stupidest guy at CMU.
- 🤔 I'm OK using R, SQL, python, like I am probably able to feed myself using these skills.
- 🎸 I love bands! Big fan of Mandarin Indi Musics and Nirvana!
CMU Capstone Project with Honda — Traffic Flow Estimation Using Vehicle Telematics Data
This project is to explore the possibilities of leveraging vehicle telematic data for the prediction of real-time traffic density, flow, and count in Columbus, Ohio. Traffic flow estimation using vehicle telematics data provided by Honda 99P Lab can provide valuable insights into the movement of vehicles on our roads and highways. By visualizing the result of the estimation, stakeholders can gain a better understanding of traffic patterns at the level of road segments, which can be used to improve Artificial Intelligence technologies and develop decision strategies to improve the safety of the current transportation systems.
NYC City Bike Rideshare Study and Forecasting
A Machine Learning project that adds value to NYC Citibike to regarding bikes distribution and user marketing using data collected from CitiBike System Data. This project uses ML Pipeline and is trained by multiple Classification models. Trained model performance is over 100% than the baseline.
Data analytics for minimum wage
A data visualization study on the minimum wage in the U.S. Using data from multiple datasets, including minimum wages, unemployments, party affliations, and labor productivities, to create visualization and found interesting trends of the minimum wages in the U.S. The python ackage used for visualization is Altair.
Digitization and Modernization of Keystone Funeral Service
Consulting for Keystone Funeral Services on digitization and modernization. Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis on digital technologies and digital marketing aspects of funeral home industry. Offer recommendations on short-term and long-term strategy for the organization. Access to the reports.
College Stress Test score
Part-time data intern at The Hill Group, Inc. to perform data collection, cleaning, and analysis on College stress score of 4-year Not For-profit Colleges in Pennsylvnia using data from IPEDS Data Center. Following the algorithm and instruction on Appendix A on the book The College Stress Test: Tracking Institutional Futures across a Crowded Market.
Hua Psych Online Survey Platform
Worked with a team to develop and launch the Hua Psychology Online Survey Platform for University of Washington students and researchers to efficiently collect research surveys and get results from the desired target group.
Contributor to a web, DiasterLive that fetches disaster news from OCHA api and displayed in React Map.
Study on High School Quality and Income Levels in New York City
Collaborated with a group of students to analyze data in two dimensions from NYC open data and IRS to determine correlations between public high school quality and income level, and published the report on