NOTE: 한국어 설명은 아래에 있습니다.
This project uses Java21 with Spring Cloud and Gradle7.2.1, and it is a part of the Timber Framework.
If you want to learn more about Timber, please visit its Blog:
Spring Cloud Config service for Timber Framework
npm install
java.exe -server,jdbc,mariadb,kafka x.x.x.jar xyz.needpankiller.timber.config.TimberCloudConfigApplication
# or
- Author - NeedPainkiller
- Blog -
- Github - @PainKiller
Timber-Sawmill is MIT licensed.
NOTE: 한국어 설명은 아래에 있습니다.
This project uses Java21 with Spring Cloud and Gradle7.2.1, and it is a part of the Timber Framework.
If you want to learn more about Timber, please visit its Blog:
Spring Cloud Config service for Timber Framework
java.exe -server,jdbc,mariadb,kafka x.x.x.jar xyz.needpankiller.timber.config.TimberCloudConfigApplication
# or
- Author - NeedPainkiller
- Blog -
- Github - @PainKiller
Timber-Sawmill is MIT licensed.
이 프로젝트는 Java21, Spring Cloud 및 Gradle7.2.1을 사용하며 Timber Framework의 일부입니다.
Timber Framework에 대해 더 많이 알고 싶다면 해당 블로그를 방문하십시오:
Timber Framework를 위한 Spring Cloud Config 서비스
java.exe -server,jdbc,mariadb,kafka x.x.x.jar xyz.needpankiller.timber.config.TimberCloudConfigApplication
# 또는 아래 xml 실행 명세를 확인하세요
- Author - NeedPainkiller
- Blog -
- Github - @PainKiller
Timber-Sawmill is MIT licensed.