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navybits:pagination is a simple pagination package cooked for use in meteor apps.
This package provides two major advantages upon other pagination packages:
- Server independency: It does not include code that need to be run on server side. It's your data, and you know what data you want to paginate!
- Flexibility: The package is flexible by mentality, it supports each kind of the following situations :
- Pagination of a set of documents from existing data collection through subscription. A good example is the pagination of all feedbacks (data collection) sent by users in an efficient way (Think about 10,000 feedbacks during 2 years of service) .
- Pagination of an array field in all documents in a collection. For example pagination of all comments(array field) for all posts (collection) (Think about 100 comments for each of 10,000 posts in your system, imagine these comments are distributed upon 5 years of service).
- Pagination of a set of data that exists on client side. This happens in case you already have a set of data and you want to enhance the user experience.
meteor add navybits:pagination
For instance, we will cover the 3rd use case of data pagination where you already have your data and you want to enhance the user experience:
in your temp.js
//We will use a helper
//which is handling the data
//to be paginated
//return your data as an array of objects
return [{name:"taha",age:25},{name:"Mohammad",age:31}];
Then in your temp.html
{{#navybitsPagination data=dataToPaginate}}
<div>Name : {{name}} , age :{{age}}</div><br/>
Congratulations! This way you will have the 2 array elements paginated. Pretty cool not ?! This is just a demo, obviously you have to fill the
helper by you own data set
When using React, it is possible to render blaze templates:
First, let's say you have the following blaze template pagination.html
<template name="pagination">
{{#navybitsPagination data=dataToPaginate isTable=true}}
Now you have the blaze template using navybits:pagination
ready, all you need is a way to let React renders this template. For this purpose, you can use gadicc:blaze-react-component
Let's create a wrapper component for your pagination template, for example paginationBlazeWrapper.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Blaze from 'meteor/gadicc:blaze-react-component';
export default class NavybitsPagination extends Component {
render() {
return <div>
<Blaze template="pagination"
That's is, now you have your NavybitsPagination
component ready to reuse as much as needed, let's say in some other component:
import NavybitsPagination from './paginationBlazeWrapper';//choose the right path for your file 'paginationBlazeWrapper.js'
return (
Congratulations! That's it
For more details about using the package in different situations, please visit our blog post page :
Visit our blog