The goal of this project is to simulate a controller that uses whole-body PID and QP. The wholy-body PID generates desired body accelerations. A QP solver then allocates foot forces to achieve the desired body accelerations. Then, multiplication by the jacobian transpose will transform the foot forces into joint torques.
- Activate a python3 conda environment
source activate [environment name]
- Install OSQP
conda install -c oxfordcontrol osqp
- Install mujoco-py:
- QP solver: OSQP
- Simulator: MuJoCo
- Minimize joint torques using W=JcS⊤WτSJc⊤, where W is the positive-definite used to regularize f in equation (6).
- Regularize foot forces to be normal to surface, however, regularizing joint torques was more practical