💻 Over 2 years of commercial experience in frontend. My portfolio. Skills:
💞️ I aspire to become a JavaScript Jedi - capable of creating websites and applications of any complexity. My goal is to write clean and maintainable code, helping users achieve their goals conveniently and efficiently.
📫 You can reach me at [email protected] or on LinkedIn
⚡ Fun facts:
- I'm afraid of the cold, even though I lived in Chukotka for many years, where winters lasted 9 months with temperatures as low as -40 to -50°C.
- During the pandemic, my best friend and I created a YouTube channel with 100+ subscribers. We posted ukulele covers of our favorite songs and tutorials, that helped us cope with the stress.
- After moving to Montenegro, I joined a local quiz with other Russian speakers. We’re the only Russian-speaking team and often secure 1st-4th place... from the bottom!