A Command Line Interface for Restdns.
The fastest and more common way to install restdns-cli is using pip:
pip install restdns-cli
If you use Debian Wheezy, you can also use the Tecknet repositories. Add theses
lines in your /etc/apt/source.list
deb http://debian.tecknet.org/debian wheezy tecknet deb-src http://debian.tecknet.org/debian wheezy tecknet
Add the Tecknet repositories key in your keyring:
# wget http://debian.tecknet.org/debian/public.key -O - | apt-key add -
Then, update and install the restdns-cli
# aptitude update # aptitude install restdns-cli
restdns-cli is released under MIT license, copyright 2013 Antoine Millet.
You can send your pull-request for restdns-cli through Github:
I also accept well formatted git patches sent by email.
Feel free to contact me for any question/suggestion/patch: <[email protected]>.