#Budget Educator
###Description Budget educator is an information visualization tool that displays the budget data from NYC public schools with respect to various academic measurements, such as ELA and Math exam grades. The tool is split into three views: a list, a scatterplot, and a map, each displaying school information depending on the selected y-axis value. This y-axis value can be selected from the dropdown menu on the navigation bar at the top of the webpage. Schools can also be filtered by their category, such as elementary, intermediate, etc.
###The data All the data is composed into csv files that are found in the root directory of the repo. The displayed data on the webpage uses overview.csv.
###How to install on local environment This repo runs on a WAMP/MAMP/LAMP environment. Attempting to just open the index.html file will not allow the webpage to open the overview.csv file.
###Live demo http://nyu-cs6313-projects.github.io/Budget-Educator
###Final Proposal (to be completed) Final Documentation Link
###Video https://vimeo.com/128095858