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David Riordan edited this page May 18, 2014 · 5 revisions

Registration Workflow

Users can browse the app without registering, but upon checking out or putting it on hold, they will need to sign up to a account AND have a temporary borrowing barcode.

Temporary Barcode

  • Temporary Barcode will need to allow borrowing. Temporary barcode will need to set up a PIN.

Browse systems

  • way to ignore books should be there
  • For any book shown to me (in the browse lanes), there should be a way to have it be removed and express if it is being removed because you read it or just don't want to see something like it


Changing "Hold Queue" to "In Line" with a time estimate.

But we need a better term for talking about it.



We want to impose a 24 hour "Reserve" time by which we punt someone who's got a "reserve" window from a 3 or 7 day vendor window.


  • Is access to the patron's barcode + pin available to our app via the API patron?
  • If so - they don't have to type in a pin
  • Creates use cases where I have a barcode and account, but not a pin
  • Hold language

New Workflow

Highest Level Specs for First Release Target

  • Mobile application for reading NYPL [proprietary DRM] + Open Access eBooks
  • Targeting iPhone + iPad
  • Targeting iOS 6 + 7


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