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User Profiles, cases and requirements
- iPad
- iPhone
- iOS 6 and 7
- Launch Readium EPUB Engine
Open and ePub, view and interact with its content
Open EPUB2
Open EPUB3
Open EPUB and Display Book Jacket- on tap got to Chapter One
See tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in NavigationElementController. Can be accomplished by adding a tap recognizer on top, and telling it which file to load on that tap.
Open EPUB and Display Content - Chapter 1
See tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in NavigationElementController, it pushes to a specific RDNavigationElement when you tap a cell, to a certain file based on what was specified in the datasource.
Automatically Size Font percentage equivalent to 12pt Font Calibri iPhone
Scaling is done on a percentage basis. In launcher app, see EpubSettings - fontScale property.
Automatically Size Font to equivalent percentage to 14pt Font Calibri iPad
Scaling is done on a percentage basis. In launcher app, see EpubSettings - fontScale property.
Automatically set view to single page view on iPhone and iPad.
Not all books seem to support two column views. In launcher app, see EpubSettings - isSyntheticSpread property, where YES means two columns, and NO means one column.
Allow flowable content to be scrolled via single touch swipe
There doesn't seem to be built in support for this, but adding it should be relatively trivial.
Advance page turn after end of paginated content is scrolled (ergo - infinite scroll)
I don't see any support for this built in via the current architecture.
Turn page back with left swipe or double tap to advance page forward
There doesn't seem to be built in support for this, but adding it should be relatively trivial.
View Navigation requirements
- Top Bar (TB) Menue for Reading View
- TB:Options icon - access drop down menu for Options Menue (OM) with following items:
- OM:Display Options icon - access control to increase decrease font, adjust brightness, change front from Sans Serif (Calibre) to Serif (Times Roman), Day Reading (White background, Black Text) or Night Reading (Black Background, White Text)
- OM:Table of Contents icon - on tap opens table of contents control
- OM:Book Marks icon - on tap opens book mark control for given work
- OM:Share icon - on tap opens native share feature of iOS
- Add to shelf icon - opens my shelf control (see shelf control requirements)
- TB:Book Mark Page icon -
- TB:Share icon - on tap opens native share feature of iOS
- TB:Search Content icon - on tap opens content search control
- TB: Back arrow - on tap navigates back from selected sub menu, control or view, or current content location to book Jacket or BookShelf List or Home screen
Optional requirements:Botom Bar Menu (BM), Controls
- Control:Page Number display/counter
- Control:Content Guage (%percent read)
- BM:Book Icon - on tap access content Table of Contents
As a New User/Existing User I want to:
Connect to my 3rd party reading list (Google Bookshelves, Good Reads, etc..)
So I can See my previous reads
Confirmation Criteria
- The App can connect to my Google Books Reading List
- Use my Good Reads books shelf API
Connect to my 3rd party reading list (Google Bookshelves, Good Reads, etc..)
So I can Record my reads
Confirmation Criteria
- The App can transact on my Google Books Reading List
- The App can transact on my Good Reads books shelf API
Create Wish List
So I can get notifications when the book is available
Confirmation Criteria
- The App can use my Google Books Reading List to identify availability in the catalogue
- The App can use my Good Reads books shelf API to identify availability in the catalogue
See primarily titles that are available
So I can browse through titles available to read now
Confirmation Criteria
I get Titles I can download now
I get Titles in the format my device and app supports
I get only titles that have an available copy (OD, 3M, Haithi, Guttenberg, other..)
Sent as OPDS acquisition feeds linked to from a navigation feed with rel="new", rel="featured", or a custom link relation. Titles have <link> with rel="borrow", rel="sample", and/or rel="open-access".
Get a physical copy if the eBook isn't available
So I can read the book when format is not an issue with me
Confirmation Criteria
I can place a hold on the physical format if the digital format is not available
The physical title copy is available for pick-up
Sent as OPDS acquisition feeds, linked to from a navigation feed with a custom link relation. Each title has a <link> with custom rel='hold'. Possibly a different <link> for each branch that has a copy.
Choose to see titles available to hold or get at a later date
So I can read the book for free
Confirmation Criteria
I can reserve (hold) a title via the application
The title shows up in a holds list
The title is on hold in the library ILS and OPAC
Sent as OPDS acquisition feeds linked to from a navigation feed with a custom link relation like "to-hold" in addition to "new", "featured", etc. Holdable titles have a <link> with rel="hold".
Search available titles
As a User Looking for Something to Read
So I can find the title I am looking for and read it now
Sent as OpenSearch form within OPDS navigation feed. Search
results displayed as an acquisition feed.
Browse Recommended Titles by Librarians
As a User Looking for Something to Read
So I can find a title from a trusted source and read it now
OPDS acquisition feed, linked to from a navigation feed using
rel="recommended" in addition to a custom relation like
Browse Recommended Titles that are recommended by Friends
As a User Looking for Something to Read
So I can find a title from a trusted source and read it now
OPDS acquisition feed, linked to from a navigation feed using
rel="recommended" in addition to a custom link relation like
Browse Recommended Titles of genera I am interested
As a User Looking for Something to Read
So I can find a title from a trusted source for a genera I like and read it now
OPDS acquisition feed, linked to from the main acquisition
feed using facets plus rel="recommended".
Create Collections (faceted browse)
As a User Looking for Something to Read
So I can find a title for a genera or topic I like and read it now
OPDS acquisition feed, linked to from the main acquisition
feed using facets. May also be linked to from the recommended
acquisition feed for this facet.
Add Titles I have discovered at the library into a list
As a User Looking to share or record a title I have read, or like to read
So I can **Borrow and read it later or share **
Main navigation feed links to an OPDS acquisition feed with a
custom relation like "custom-list". If user can create any
number of lists, all acquisition feeds show up in the
navigation feed with the same relationship but different
A title that can be added to a list may feature a <link> that
will add the title to the list when triggered. Or, it may be
understood that the client may use AtomPub rules to POST a
title to any "custom-list" feed.
Use Cases
- As a Researcher and Reference Users I want to conduct a catalog search or category browse
- As a Researcher wants to download books
- is a public library user
- reads the relevant chapters
- Bookmarks catalogue items (books) for borrowing
- wants to capture notes about methods in notes, or Evernote on her mobile phone / tablet when on a job site
Mother/Care Giver
Teen/Young Adult