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leonardr edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 97 revisions

APIs, SDKS etc..

  • Italicized bullet items are unresolved questions that need attention.

Patron APIs

A patron may have two different credentials:

  • A username and password
  • A library card barcode and PIN

To use Jason's analogy, the username/password is your account on a bank website, and the barcode/PIN is your ATM card. We are developing an "ATM", so our primary authentication mechanism will be barcode/PIN.

Barcode authentication

The SSO project will provide an API for sending barcode/PIN and getting a yes/no response. This will let us do initial authentication.

Our ebook providers accept barcode/PIN and turn around to authenticate it with ILS, so our server implementation needs to have barcode/PIN information to send to the ebook providers. There are a number of ways this can work:

1 The client can store this information from initial authentication and provide it to the server with every request that needs authentication. (We will verify it with SSO every time.) 2 The server can keep this information from initial authentication. We will verify it only once. 3 The server can use the initial authentication to get a token from SSO. We will use that token to request barcode/PIN from SSO whenever we need to pass it on to the ebook providers. This is the same as #1, but it means we don't store the barcode/PIN on our server. 4 We can get the ebook providers to stop authenticating against ILS and start authenticating against SSO. We will then pass some information to the providers other than barcode/PIN.

In the first two cases, if the user changes their PIN, the next authenticated call will fail and we will ask the client to authenticate again.

Username authentication

Users who have both a account and a library card may prefer to log in using username/password rather than barcode/PIN. The SSO project will provide an API for sending username/password and getting barcode/PIN in response. If we switch over to using a token instead of passing around barcode/PIN, we will get one of those tokens instead of getting barcode/PIN.

Current authentication APIs

The Innovative Patron API (user:pass nypl_s:chapter) can validate a patron based on identifier and PIN.

The Innovative Millenium API (user:pass nypl_s:chapter) probably also does validation, but I'm not sure how.

New library card

This is the tricky one. Here's one current procedure for getting an NYPL library card, as tested by me:

  1. Register an account at Set up a temporary card ID that will expire at the end of the day, and set a PIN.
  2. Go to a branch library that same day, show your temporary ID and your drivers' license, and get a physical library card.

Some notes on the existing process:

  • The physical card has a different ID from the temporary card: they have a stack of cards at the counter and they pull one off the stack.
  • The PIN is not needed to exchange a temporary card for a permanent card.
  • The temporary card ID is destroyed when the physical card is activated.
  • The PIN for the permanent card is the same as the PIN for the temporary card.
  • Unfortunately I didn't test whether I could check out ebooks with the temporary card.

Here are the use cases we want to support.

  1. Anyone who boots up the app from a NYC GeoIP should be able to get a permanent virtual library card by providing their date of birth and address. They can go to a branch library at any time if they want to exchange their virtual library card for a physical library card.
  2. Anyone who boots up the app from outside NYC should be able to get a temporary (30-day) virtual library card by providing their date of birth and address. Within that 30-day period they can go to a branch library to exchange their temporary virtual card for a "permanent" physical card.
  3. Anyone who boots up the app from outside NYC should be able to get a temporary (30-day) virtual library card by providing their date of birth and address within NYC. A "permanent" physical card will be mailed to their address, along with instructions for activating it.


  • Obviously there are lots of edge cases here, but I believe this captures what we want: to serve people who live in New York or spend a lot of time in New York. Making it difficult to game the system, but not at the expense of making things easy for New Yorkers.
  • I put "permanent" in scare quotes because I believe physical cards are only good for three years, and have to be renewed. If this is true, we'll need additional use cases for renewing virtual cards.
  • #1 and #2 are almost the same. The difference is when you verify that you spend time in NYC. If you're in NYC right now, your virtual card is permanent until you exchange it for a physical card. If you're not in NYC right now, you have 30 days to get to a branch library to claim your permanent, physical card.
  • #3 is similar to how Google verifies that you own a business you claim to own.
  • Hopefully we can do #1 and #2 with a minimum of change to existing processes. #3 will require a completely new process, and IMO it can wait.

Jason proposed that SSO offer an API for provisioning barcode and PIN--either associated with an existing username/password, or associated with a brand new account. This way we don't have to make API calls directly to ILS. One less system talking directly to ILS is one less system that has to be notified when the ILS system changes.

Existing APIs

The Brooklyn Public Library created a program called My Library NYC, in which you can sign up online for a unified library card that works with all NYC libraries. What API are they using to create a NYPL credential?

The Innovative Millenium API (user:pass nypl_s:chapter) includes a "Patron Update Web Service" which can create a new patron.


ePUB 3

IDPF - ePub 3 Overview

Project Gutenberg####

About 45,000 free public domain texts.

We plan to set up a mirror of the Gutenberg ePub documents. This gives us a text source over which we have complete technical and legal control.

  • Set up the mirror.
  • Provision a machine and copy over the ePubs.
  • Retrieve the MARC records and insert an "Electronic resource" pointer in each. There are a number of sources for MARC records (this one is from but looks identical to the one at, and a third-party script for converting Gutenberg RDF documents to MARC.
  • Generate an OPDS feed, either from the MARC records or from the underlying RDF data.
  • The MARC records, the OPDS feed, and the mirror should eventually be updated nightly. The Adelaide third-party library provides daily feeds of new and updated MARC records.
  • Come up with some way of identifying when a Gutenberg text is the same as an Overdrive text, and prefer the Gutenberg text.
  • How many books do we check out through Overdrive that we could replace with Gutenberg?
  • Are there changes we could make to the default epubs that would improve user experience? Doing some manual work on the top 100 books would be worth it.


  • What format is the downloaded file? ODM? ASCM? We need to be able to open it in our reader.
  • No API for returning a book early. ("If a format has been locked in, then users need to use software like OverDrive Media Console or Adobe Digital Editions to complete the return process.")
  • We need to be able to do this from our reader.
  • Overdrive's web site has a separate section offering about 27000 ebooks from Project Gutenberg. The presentation is awful. This is probably the ~29000 ebooks from the 2010 PG DVD.

3M Cloud Library

3M's Cloud Library is accessible through license. We will be executing a license as part of the development to begin integration work.

According to Marty from OverDrive, "most of the APIs needed for discovery and account integration are there - the main limitation you'll find is that you can't access the ePub files directly.. it's only possible to access the content through the 3M apps."

Library Id:a4tmf Account Id:Library.a4tmf Account Key:WlcUemPbYLYE09cP

Open Library

Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive which uses physical books in libraries around the country as proxies for ebooks which can be checked out by anyone.

Each Open Library patron must have an individual Open Library account. You can check out up to five books at once. Titles are encrypted with Adobe DRM. PDF quality is good. OCR is atrocious, so EPUBs are not that great.

Open Library has a lot of old (non-public-domain) junk, but it also has a lot of solid midlist fiction and childrens' books. For instance, I did a spot check and looked at 38 ebooks tagged "Hugo winner" in the library. There were 19 titles with available copies, 13 titles that had been checked out, and 6 titles only available in DAISY format.

Open Library lent out about 140k ebooks in March 2014, which is significantly better than NYPL did.


Open Library's API is a read-only API that provides bibliographic information about a book and its editions. It links to ebook versions of a book, but doesn't say whether copies are available or checked out.

The Open Library Read API can look up book identifiers and return bibliographic information, plus a link to the page where you can borrow that book from Open Library. This API does specify 'status' as 'full access', 'lendable', 'checked out' or restricted'.

Open Library has minimal OPDS support which seems to be undocumented.

Open Library has no API functionality for checking out a book or joining the queue for a book.


It's tempting to see the nice selection available through Open Library and want to capture some of it for ourselves. However, the nice selection will not last too long if we start presenting Open Library books to 100ks of patrons. There is only one available copy of most books.

It's also hypocritical to integrate our reader into Open Library (and difficult to get Open Library to cooperate with us) since NYPL does not contribute any books to Open Library.


  • We contributed some 10ks of texts to be scanned. Some 1Ms of public documents are available in total.
  • From the premises of a library, anyone can download full documents in PDF format. They can also get EPUB format, but only by using the mobile site.
  • Cardholders cannot download full documents off premises because our authentication system is not hooked up to Hathi. (Hathi prefers Shibboleth, used by most university libraries.)
  • Works start with a cover page including a legal disclaimer.
  • OCR is bad enough to make the PDF format preferable.
  • There are unanswered questions as to what exactly we can do with these 1Ms of documents and even the 10Ks of documents we originally contributed. However, it looks like a web user on NYPL premises can download a PDF of any of those 1Ms of texts.
  • Haithi DTrust Data API API documentation in PDF format.
  • Full volumes are available for the Espressnet project only, and only in Espresso Book Machine format. (PDF documentation search term: "Volume-type resources".) Everyone else is restricted to page images, which makes the API useless for our purposes.
  • Leonard asked Josh to pass on the request for Espressnet-like access, and for the ability to get documents in PDF and EPUB format.

Internet Archive

Publishes several million public domain titles, scanned in-house. Integration is possible through ODPS. We can mirror the alphabetical ODPS feed once, and keep it up to date by periodically grabbing the "Recent Scans" feed. We can show IA results in search results and if the user selects one of these texts, have them download directly from IA (while grabbing a copy for ourselves so we can directly serve the next person who downloads it.)

IA has a wide selection of texts but quality is pretty bad. Bibliographical information is sometimes missing. OCR quality is very poor. EPUB editions are sometimes drastically truncated relative to the PDF edition--we would want to use the PDF edition pretty much everywhere. Many texts are random historical documents, not "books" as generally understood.

IA also makes available full copies of works I'm pretty sure are still under copyright, e.g. A Farewell to Arms. I'm not sure what their legal justification is. Note that that is a book scanned and OCRed by the Internet Archive itself, not contributed by a user (which is a whole different problem). So whitelisting books provided by IA won't solve this problem, if it is indeed a problem.

Summary: curated views of IA's catalog can be integrated into our catalog, but not IMO the entire catalog. It's a junkyard.

Other sources

Not worth detailed investigation given that they don't host any popular books we can't get elsewhere, but let's keep them in mind.


We have access to a huge variety of non-textual works to use in the interstitial spaces of our application. Think of the way the MTA uses art on the subway to make uniform spaces more interesting and relieve the boredom of waiting. We can display some pre-cached artwork while (e.g.) waiting for a download to complete or for a search to run. This is an easy way to give even a generic e-reader some personality and a "library" feel.

Any topic-based discovery algorithm we use for books should also work for matching artwork to books.


DPLA has a comprehensive API with liberal usage policies. Access to texts is scattershot. Most of the available texts come from Hathi Trust, which we would access separately, and most texts are of highly specialized interest. The artwork is different story. By integrating with DPLA we get a great source for high-quality interstitial art along with machine-readable metadata about the art.

A random sampling of art: 1 2 3 4 All of these are from the Smithsonian, which (like most DPLA contributors) has generous terms of reuse for educational purposes.

The Cooper-Hewitt museum has an API, and the Smithsonian has an internal API called EDAN, but I believe the DPLA API is the only programmatic access to art from across the Smithsonian.


Basically the DPLA for European institutions. I have not investigated the API because there's no point until we decide whether to do anything with DPLA data, but it looks pretty similar to DPLA. A sample of the available data.

Wikimedia Commons

A sample of public domain art available through Wikimedia Commons. Access is through the MediaWiki API. Metadata (whether relating to source or to topics) is not as good as for DPLA materials.


ONIX for Books is the international standard for representing and communicating book industry product information in electronic form. ONIX for Books was developed and is maintained by EDItEUR, jointly with Book Industry Communication (UK) and the Book Industry Study Group (U.S.), and has user groups in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the Republic of Korea.

Several organizations have developed mappings from ONIX to MARC21, the most widely-used format for data exchange among libraries. The most comprehensive recent work in this area has been undertaken by OCLC, and we are very happy to make available through the EDItEUR website two papers by Carol Jean Godby of OCLC’s research staff describing the work and its implications, together with detailed mapping tables in Excel spreadsheet form. The OCLC work – which covers both ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 – is set in the context of a Metadata Services programm under which publishers’ ONIX files are used to enrich MARC records in the OCLC database with added content, and at the same time MARC elements can be fed back to enhance the usefulness of the publisher’s metadata feed.

ONIX and MARC 21 Controlled vocabularies Book INndustry Study Group (BISAC) and ONIX



The current standard for DRM. The only licit way to unlock a document protected by Adobe DRM is to use Adobe's SDK ($$$). Adobe is trying to contribute a binary module to Readium that will allow unlocking documents from Readium, but both the format (binary) and the license (restrictive) are unacceptable to the Readium Foundation.


Lightweight Content Protection is an open standard for DRM. We have a draft of the spec and it looks pretty easy to implement. The final standard should be released around May 2014.

  • LCP for Lending is a set of extensions to LCP to support library use cases: destroying a license before its expiration date ("returning" a book), and renewing a license ("renewing" a loan).
  • We know of a license server that serves encrypted EPUBs and custom licenses for decrypting them.
  • We may be implementing our own open source license server and client reader.
  • James is negotiating with Overdrive and 3M to get them to serve us books protected with LCP. How is this going?



BiblioCommons contains the title listings for all of the ebooks we offer. It does not describe our inventory. BiblioCommons does not know how many copies of an electronic title we've bought, how many of those copies are currently lent out, or how many holds are on a title. All of that information is kept on Overdrive or 3M, and available via an API call for one particular title. (Thus the "check availability" button on BiblioCommons.)

BiblioCommons also does not support lifecycle events such as checkout. The only thing it knows is the URL to the Overdrive/3M page for a title. We send the user over to the vendor site, and neither we nor BiblioCommons knows what goes on on that site.

Because of this, we believe there is no point in integrating BiblioCommons with the app. Since BiblioCommons is how people will be checking out ebooks when they're not using the app, it may make sense to integrate any new book sources (such as Gutenberg) with BiblioCommons.

The BiblioCommons API is read-only and heavily focused on publicly available catalog data. It doesn't have any special knowledge of ebooks. The status of a given copy of a book (e.g. "checked out") is a user-specific field that we would have to specify ourselves. There is an interesting feature called "lists", giving us access to lists made by users of the web site, but again, it's all read-only.

Leonard created an API key for use by NYPL Labs. It can be found in the shared keyring.


OPDS is an Atom profile for describing catalogues of electronic publications.

  • Uses Atom's vocabulary for describing a book's metadata. Encourages the use of Dublin Core vocabulary except where Atom uses a different term for the same thing.
  • Uses Atom feeds to describe lists of publications, which can be filtered or ordered according to facets. The concept of a facet is defined, but no particular facets are defined.
  • Defines vocabulary for describing feeds of "new", "recommended", or "popular" items, as well as a user's "shelf" of acquired items.
  • Uses OpenSearch as a search protocol.
  • Defines a vocabulary for basic transitions (notably "borrow"), but does not define a protocol for carrying out those transitions.

As seen on a comparison chart on Wikipedia, a number of e-reading applications function as OPDS clients. Several bookstores (see below) offer OPDS feeds that can be presented to users of those applications, who can buy books from inside the application.

I think OPDS is a good place to start for a catalogue implementation. It's widely supported and it reinvents as little as possible--mostly bookstore/library vocabulary. We might not want to serve Atom documents between the backend and the mobile client, since Atom is an XML format, but it shouldn't be hard to serve a Siren version of an OPDS document.

A number of other sites and publishers publish OPDS feeds of open access materials. We can use these to import items into our catalogue, or to create virtual catalogues of disparate materials.

For example, the simplest way to integrate our Gutenberg mirror into a larger catalogue might be to publish an OPDS feed for the Gutenberg mirror and having the larger catalogue sync with it daily. (We could even use this technique to keep the Gutenberg mirror in sync with Gutenberg, but I'm pretty sure Gutenberg would rather we use rsync.) A library that wanted to use our Gutenberg mirror could hook up its OPDS feed to their system.

Some OPDS feeds of open access materials:

Some OPDS feeds of books for sale:


Each content provider has its own workflow for checking out books. We have pretty much no visibility into this workflow, because all the important events happen on Overdrive or 3M's site. The result is we don't know what is currently in our inventory and what is checked out.

Many features depend on this. For instance, queue management requires that we be able to understand the velocity of a license--how long it typically stays checked out.

  • We need near-real-time lifecycle updates from Overdrive and 3M. We need this even once the app is launched, because people will continue to check out ebooks through BiblioCommons, creating lifecycle events that we didn't cause.
  • The reader will trigger lifecycle events by calling a backend API which will dispatch to the content provider's API.

Client libraries

OAuth2.0 Client for iOS MIT License

Repositories from Readium Foundation

Readium SDK is an open source project developing a productized, high-performance, cross-platform rendering engine for EPUB 3 content, optimized for use in native applications (mobile/tablet and secondarily desktop systems). Simplistic test applications for Android, iOS, OS/X and Windows are part of the SDK, along with test frameworks. Readium SDK is extensible in various areas including DRM support. Readium SDK will be dual-licensed under both GPL and a commercial-friendly (non-copyleft) license. Note that the default license currently in the open source code on github is GPL.

A separate sub-project intends to in parallel develop an interoperable implementation of a lightweight content protection technology (DRM) that can be implemented into the modular framework of Readium SDK. This DRM will be available under a separate license, terms and conditions TBD.



Readium Annotation Library Scope Document Repo


Evernote integration is intended to provide the features and functionality needed for users who use ebook content as part of their self guided leaning or scholarly research. an open platform for the collaborative evaluation of knowledge. It will combine sentence-level critique with community peer-review to provide commentary, references, and insight on top of news, blogs, scientific articles, books, terms of service, ballot initiatives, legislation and regulations, software code and potentially eBooks. Efforts are based on the Annotator project and annotation standards for digital documents being developed by the Open Annotation Collaboration for the Web community.



Let users who are member of Goodreads connect to their Goodreads accounts, and access the books in their shelves, their ratings, their reviews, and their friends – the social reading graph.


LibraryThing API

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