Metadata is important as it captures key information about data set, allowing users to determine the quality and currency of the data, and helps differentiate between similar data sets.
To ensure that metadata are updated and maintained there is a need for: 1.An easy way for business owners of a dataset to input metadata 2.A structured way to maintain the metadata in a singular location 3.A way to programmatically export the metadata in different formats to meet the requirements of the various locations of where the metadata is published
It's a web-based tool to input and export metadata. Data can be imported as a CSV with template provided or via a form. Data can be exported as CSV or xml. It allows users to add details about a Datasets in the ReadMe table and/or create or add values in the existing Data Dictionary Tables.
Maintain metadata easily by creating, editing, inserting values into the ReadMe and Data Dictionary. Export the metadata in xml and csv format that can be used as an input to another software
Clone the repo and save the files where php can execute. Run the Main.php file in your browser!