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Merge branch 'ArduPilot:master' into master
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duguguang authored Mar 8, 2024
2 parents f815c04 + 3192cae commit e65ae44
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Showing 18 changed files with 433 additions and 146 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ def plotit(self, x, y, fields, colors=[], title=None, interactive=True):
if self.grid:

if self.show_flightmode:
if self.show_flightmode != 0:
alpha = 0.3
xlim = self.ax1.get_xlim()
for i in range(len(self.flightmode_list)):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ def plotit(self, x, y, fields, colors=[], title=None, interactive=True):

if self.show_flightmode:
if self.show_flightmode != 0:
mode_patches = []
for mode in self.modes_plotted.keys():
(color, alpha) = self.modes_plotted[mode]
label=mode, alpha=alpha*1.5))
labels = [patch.get_label() for patch in mode_patches]
if ax1_labels != []:
if ax1_labels != [] and self.show_flightmode != 2:
patches_legend = matplotlib.pyplot.legend(mode_patches, labels, loc=self.legend_flightmode)
Expand Down
29 changes: 16 additions & 13 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ def __init__(self, mpstate, name, description, **args):

def gui_menu_items(self):
return [
MPMenuItem('FTP', 'FTP', '# %s ftp' % self.command_name()),
MPMenuItem('Clear', 'Clear', '# %s clear' % self.command_name()),
MPMenuItem('List', 'List', '# %s list' % self.command_name()),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,6 +864,8 @@ def commands(self):
print("%s module not available; use old compat modules" % str(self.itemtype()))
return {
"ftp": self.wp_ftp_download,
"ftpload": self.wp_ftp_upload,
"clear": self.cmd_clear,
"list": self.cmd_list,
"load": (self.cmd_load, ["(FILENAME)"]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -962,7 +965,7 @@ def request_list_send(self):

def wp_ftp_download(self, args):
'''Download wpts from vehicle with ftp'''
'''Download items from vehicle with ftp'''
ftp = self.mpstate.module('ftp')
if ftp is None:
print("Need ftp module")
Expand All @@ -971,7 +974,7 @@ def wp_ftp_download(self, args):
ftp.cmd_get([self.mission_ftp_name()], callback=self.ftp_callback, callback_progress=self.ftp_callback_progress)

def ftp_callback_progress(self, fh, total_size):
'''progress callback from ftp fetch of mission'''
'''progress callback from ftp fetch of mission items'''
if self.ftp_count is None and total_size >= 10:
ofs = fh.tell()
Expand All @@ -987,18 +990,18 @@ def ftp_callback_progress(self, fh, total_size):
self.mpstate.console.set_status('Mission', 'Mission %u/%u' % (done, self.ftp_count))

def ftp_callback(self, fh):
'''callback from ftp fetch of mission'''
'''callback from ftp fetch of mission items'''
if fh is None:
print("mission: failed ftp download")
magic = 0x763d
data =
magic2, dtype, options, start, num_items = struct.unpack("<HHHHH", data[0:10])
if magic != magic2:
print("mission: bad magic 0x%x expected 0x%x" % (magic2, magic))
print("%s: bad magic 0x%x expected 0x%x" % (self.itemtype(), magic2, magic))
if dtype != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION:
print("mission: bad data type %u" % dtype)
if dtype != self.mav_mission_type():
print("%s: bad data type %u" % (self.itemtype(), dtype))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1051,11 +1054,11 @@ def wp_ftp_upload(self, args):
except Exception as msg:
print("Unable to load %s - %s" % (filename, msg))
print("Loaded %u waypoints from %s" % (self.wploader.count(), filename))
print("Sending mission with ftp")
print("Loaded %u %s from %s" % (self.wploader.count(), self.itemstype(), filename))
print("Sending %s with ftp" % self.itemstype())

fh = SIO()
fh.write(struct.pack("<HHHHH", 0x763d, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, 0, 0, self.wploader.count()))
fh.write(struct.pack("<HHHHH", 0x763d, self.mav_mission_type(), 0, 0, self.wploader.count()))
mavmsg = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_int_message
for i in range(self.wploader.count()):
w = self.wploader.wp(i)
Expand All @@ -1074,18 +1077,18 @@ def wp_ftp_upload(self, args):
fh=fh, callback=self.ftp_upload_callback, progress_callback=self.ftp_upload_progress)

def ftp_upload_progress(self, proportion):
'''callback from ftp put of mission'''
'''callback from ftp put of items'''
if proportion is None:
self.mpstate.console.set_status('Mission', 'Mission ERR')
count = self.wploader.count()
self.mpstate.console.set_status('Mission', 'Mission %u/%u' % (int(proportion*count), count))

def ftp_upload_callback(self, dlen):
'''callback from ftp put of mission'''
'''callback from ftp put of items'''
if dlen is None:
print("Failed to send waypoints")
print("Failed to send %s" % self.itemstype())
mavmsg = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_int_message
item_size = mavmsg.unpacker.size
print("Sent mission of length %u in %.2fs" % ((dlen - 10) // item_size, time.time() - self.upload_start))
print("Sent %s of length %u in %.2fs" % (self.itemtype(), (dlen - 10) // item_size, time.time() - self.upload_start))
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,9 +205,11 @@ def link_label(link):
label = str(link.linknum+1)
return label

def is_primary_vehicle(self, msg):
def message_is_from_primary_vehicle(self, msg):
'''see if a msg is from our primary vehicle'''
sysid = msg.get_srcSystem()
if self.target_system == 0 or self.target_system == sysid:
compid = msg.get_srcComponent()
if ((self.target_system == 0 or self.target_system == sysid) and
(self.target_component == 0 or self.target_component == compid)):
return True
return False
43 changes: 32 additions & 11 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,31 +42,52 @@ def child_task(self):

def show_stats(mlog):
'''show stats on a file'''
if not hasattr(mlog, 'formats'):
print("Must be DF log")
sizes = {}
total_size = 0
names = mlog.name_to_id.keys()
pairs = []
maxnamelen = 4

for name in names:
sizes[name] = 0

for name in names:
mid = mlog.name_to_id[name]
count = mlog.counts[mid]
mlen = mlog.formats[mid].len
size = count * mlen
total_size += size
sizes[name] += size
pairs.append((name, count*mlen))
# DFReader_text logs use the name directly as the index to the dictionaries
if hasattr(mlog, 'formats') and mid not in mlog.formats:
mid = name
# In DFReader_text logs count is a dictionary, which is not set for
# messages that are never seen in the log.
if isinstance(mlog.counts,dict) and mid not in mlog.counts:
count = 0
count = mlog.counts[mid]
# mavmmaplog class (tlogs) does not contain formats attribute, so instead of
# counting size in bytes, we count the number of messages
if hasattr(mlog, 'formats'):
mlen = mlog.formats[mid].len
size = count * mlen
total_size += size
sizes[name] += size
pairs.append((name, count*mlen))
total_size += count
pairs.append((name, count))
if count>0 and len(name)>maxnamelen:
maxnamelen = len(name)

# mavmmaplog class (tlogs) does not contain formats attribute, so instead of
# counting size in bytes, we count the number of messages
if not hasattr(mlog, 'formats'):
print("Total number of messages: %u" % total_size)
print("Total size: %u" % total_size)

# Print out the percentage for each message, from lowest to highest
pairs = sorted(pairs, key = lambda p : p[1])
print("Total size: %u" % total_size)
for (name,size) in pairs:
if size > 0:
print("%-4s %.2f%%" % (name, 100.0 * size / total_size))
print("%-*s %.2f%%" % (maxnamelen, name, 100.0 * size / total_size))

category_total = 0
Expand Down
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
mlog : DFReader
mlog : DFReader / mavmmaplog
A dataflash or telemetry log
super(MPDataLogChildTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Expand All @@ -282,22 +282,31 @@ def wrap(self):
'''Apply custom pickle wrappers to non-pickleable attributes'''

# wrap filehandle and mmap in mlog for pickling
filehandle = self._mlog.filehandle
if hasattr(self._mlog,'filehandle'):
filehandle = self._mlog.filehandle
elif hasattr(self._mlog,'f'):
filehandle = self._mlog.f
data_map = self._mlog.data_map
data_len = self._mlog.data_len
self._mlog.filehandle = WrapFileHandle(filehandle)
if hasattr(self._mlog,'filehandle'):
self._mlog.filehandle = WrapFileHandle(filehandle)
elif hasattr(self._mlog,'f'):
self._mlog.f = WrapFileHandle(filehandle)
self._mlog.data_map = WrapMMap(data_map, filehandle, data_len)

# @override
def unwrap(self):
'''Unwrap custom pickle wrappers of non-pickleable attributes'''

# restore the state of mlog
self._mlog.filehandle = self._mlog.filehandle.unwrap()
if hasattr(self._mlog,'filehandle'):
self._mlog.filehandle = self._mlog.filehandle.unwrap()
elif hasattr(self._mlog,'f'):
self._mlog.f = self._mlog.f.unwrap()
self._mlog.data_map = self._mlog.data_map.unwrap()

def mlog(self):
'''The dataflash log (DFReader)'''
'''The dataflash or telemetry log (DFReader / mavmmaplog)'''

return self._mlog
63 changes: 27 additions & 36 deletions MAVProxy/modules/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
from MAVProxy.modules.lib import rtcm3
import ssl
from optparse import OptionParser
from pynmeagps import NMEAMessage, GET

version = 0.1
version = 0.2
useragent = "NTRIP MAVProxy/%.1f" % version

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,26 +71,8 @@ def __init__(self,
self.ssl = True

def setPosition(self, lat, lon):
self.flagN = "N"
self.flagE = "E"
if lon > 180:
lon = (lon-360)*-1
self.flagE = "W"
elif lon < 0 and lon >= -180:
lon = lon*-1
self.flagE = "W"
elif lon < -180:
lon = lon+360
self.flagE = "E"
self.lon = lon
if lat < 0:
lat = lat*-1
self.flagN = "S"
self.lonDeg = int(lon)
self.latDeg = int(lat)
self.lonMin = (lon-self.lonDeg)*60
self.latMin = (lat-self.latDeg)*60
self.lon = lon = lat

def getMountPointString(self):
userstr = self.user
Expand All @@ -105,19 +88,28 @@ def getMountPointString(self):
mountPointString += "\r\n"
return mountPointString

def getGGAString(self):
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
ggaString = "GPGGA,%02d%02d%04.2f,%02d%011.8f,%1s,%03d%011.8f,%1s,1,05,0.19,+00400,M,%5.3f,M,," % (
now.hour, now.minute, now.second, self.latDeg, self.latMin, self.flagN,
self.lonDeg, self.lonMin, self.flagE, self.height)
checksum = self.calculateCheckSum(ggaString)
return "$%s*%s\r\n" % (ggaString, checksum)
def getGGAByteString(self):
gga_msg = NMEAMessage(
GET, # msgmode is expected by this lib,
NS="S" if < 0 else "N",
EW="W" if self.lon < 0 else "E",

def calculateCheckSum(self, stringToCheck):
xsum_calc = 0
for char in stringToCheck:
xsum_calc = xsum_calc ^ ord(char)
return "%02X" % xsum_calc
raw_gga: bytes = gga_msg.serialize()
return raw_gga

def get_ID(self):
'''get ID of last packet'''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,9 +240,8 @@ def readLoop(self):
print("got: ", len(data))

def send_gga(self):
gga = self.getGGAString()
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
gga = bytearray(gga, "ascii")
gga = self.getGGAByteString()

self.dt_last_gga_sent = time.time()
Expand Down
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions MAVProxy/modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def mavlink_packet(self, msg):
if type == 'SYS_STATUS':

if not self.is_primary_vehicle(msg):
if not self.message_is_from_primary_vehicle(msg):
# don't process msgs from other than primary vehicle, other than
# updating vehicle list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,13 +540,6 @@ def mavlink_packet(self, msg):
self.console.set_status('PWR', status, fg=fg)
self.console.set_status('Srv', 'Srv %.2f' % (msg.Vservo*0.001), fg='green')
elif type in ['HEARTBEAT', 'HIGH_LATENCY2']:
if msg.get_srcComponent() in [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COMP_ID_ADSB,
# ignore these

fmode = master.flightmode
if self.settings.vehicle_name:
fmode = self.settings.vehicle_name + ':' + fmode
Expand Down

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