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added option to position new footloose child bergs to a random corner…
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… of the parent berg, rather than having the child berg inherit the exact same position of the parent berg
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alex-huth committed Mar 30, 2021
1 parent b72ee3c commit a58fa5a
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Showing 3 changed files with 75 additions and 27 deletions.
94 changes: 69 additions & 25 deletions src/icebergs.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module ice_bergs
use ice_bergs_framework, only: ice_bergs_framework_init
use ice_bergs_framework, only: icebergs_gridded, xyt, iceberg, icebergs, buffer, bond
use ice_bergs_framework, only: verbose, really_debug,debug,old_bug_rotated_weights,budget,use_roundoff_fix
use ice_bergs_framework, only: find_cell,find_cell_by_search,count_bergs,is_point_in_cell,pos_within_cell
use ice_bergs_framework, only: find_cell,find_cell_by_search,find_cell_wide,count_bergs,is_point_in_cell,pos_within_cell
use ice_bergs_framework, only: count_bonds, form_a_bond,connect_all_bonds,show_all_bonds, bond_address_update
use ice_bergs_framework, only: nclasses,old_bug_bilin
use ice_bergs_framework, only: sum_mass,sum_heat,bilin,yearday,count_bergs,bergs_chksum,count_bergs_in_list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2393,6 +2393,7 @@ subroutine footloose_calving(bergs, time)
integer, dimension(8) :: seed
real :: T, W, L, N_bonds, Ln, rn
real :: IC, max_k, k, Lr_fl, l_w, l_b, pu
real :: fl_disp_x, fl_disp_y

! For convenience
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2421,6 +2422,8 @@ subroutine footloose_calving(bergs, time)

do grdj = grd%jsc,grd%jec ; do grdi = grd%isc,grd%iec !computational domain only
do while(associated(this))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2510,7 +2513,22 @@ subroutine footloose_calving(bergs, time)

Lr_fl = k*3.*(l_b**2.)/W !FL mechanism length reduction for parent berg

call calve_fl_icebergs(bergs,this,k,l_b)
!if (bergs%displace_fl_bergs), new FL bergs are positioned at a randomly assigned corner of the parent berg.

if (.not. bergs%displace_fl_bergs) then
fl_disp_x=0.0; fl_disp_y=0.0
!call assign_fl_disp
fl_disp_x=0.5*this%length; fl_disp_y=0.5*this%width
if (rn<0.5) then
if (rn<0.25) fl_disp_y=-fl_disp_y
elseif (rn<0.75) then
end if

call calve_fl_icebergs(bergs,this,k,l_b,fl_disp_x,fl_disp_y)

Ln=L-Lr_fl !new length
if (Ln .le. 0) then
Expand All @@ -2535,9 +2553,9 @@ subroutine footloose_calving(bergs, time)

!TODO: finish this
subroutine max_k_for_edge_elements
!for most edge elements, maxk=huge(1.0). If the k
end subroutine max_k_for_edge_elements

end subroutine footloose_calving

!> Delete any edge elements that fully calved from the footloose mechanism
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4911,14 +4929,14 @@ subroutine icebergs_run(bergs, time, calving, uo, vo, ui, vi, tauxa, tauya, ssh,
call mpp_clock_begin(bergs%clock_com)
if (bergs%iceberg_bonds_on) call bond_address_update(bergs)

call send_bergs_to_other_pes(bergs)
if (bergs%debug_iceberg_with_id>0) call monitor_a_berg(bergs, 'icebergs_run, after send_bergs() ')

! Footloose mechanism part 1: calve the child icebergs
if (bergs%fl_r>0.) then
call footloose_calving(bergs, time)

call send_bergs_to_other_pes(bergs)
if (bergs%debug_iceberg_with_id>0) call monitor_a_berg(bergs, 'icebergs_run, after send_bergs() ')

if (bergs%mts) then
call interp_gridded_fields_to_bergs(bergs)
call transfer_mts_bergs(bergs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5768,49 +5786,82 @@ subroutine calve_icebergs(bergs)
end subroutine calve_icebergs

!> Calve footloose icebergs from parent berg
subroutine calve_fl_icebergs(bergs,pberg,k,l_b)
subroutine calve_fl_icebergs(bergs,pberg,k,l_b,fl_disp_x,fl_disp_y)
! Arguments
type(icebergs), pointer :: bergs !< Container for all types and memory
type(iceberg), pointer :: pberg !< Parent berg
type(real),intent(in) :: k !< Number of child bergs to calve
type(real),intent(in) :: l_b !< The width, and 1/3 the length, of a child berg
type(real),intent(in) :: fl_disp_x !< Child berg x-displacement from parent berg
type(real),intent(in) :: fl_disp_y !< Child berg x-displacement from parent berg
! Local variables
type(iceberg) :: cberg ! The new child berg
type(icebergs_gridded), pointer :: grd
logical :: lres

! For convenience

!A new child berg (cberg) that calves from the footloose mechanism initially has same position as the parent berg.
!Initially, cberg%fl_k is set to -1 to mark the berg as a child berg.
!If fl_k<0, the berg will is not eligible to decay via footloose calving (see subroutine footloose_calving)
!If fl_k<0, the berg is not eligible to decay via footloose calving (see subroutine footloose_calving)
!If fl_k==-1, the berg will also not interact with other berg elements. This is necessary because the child berg
!will initially overlap its parent berg, which would otherwise result in unrealistic contact forces.
!may initially overlap its parent berg, which would otherwise result in unrealistic contact forces.
!However, if (bergs%interactive_icebergs_on), a berg with fl_k==-1 will be set to fl_k=-2 once it is out of
!contact range of any other berg. With fl_k=-2, interactive contact forces may now be applied

!Set variable values for the new child berg:

!different values from parent:
!Lat/lon and cell position for new berg:
if (bergs%displace_fl_bergs) then
cberg%lon = pberg%lon + fl_disp_x
cberg%lat = pberg%lat + fl_disp_y
lres= find_cell_wide(grd, cberg%lon, cberg%lat, cberg%ine, cberg%jne)
if (lres) then !child berg is located on the data domain of the current PE
lres=pos_within_cell(grd, cberg%lon, cberg%lat, cberg%ine, cberg%jne, cberg%xi, cberg%yj)
!child berg is NOT located on the data domain of the current PE. Assign it to the closest halo element for now.
!It will later be transferred to the neighboring PE and reassigned to the correct cell
if (cberg%lon > grd%lon(grd%ied,grd%jed)) then
cberg%ine = grd%ied
elseif (cberg%lon < grd%lon(grd%isd,grd%jsd)) then
cberg%ine = grd%isd+1
if (cberg%lat > grd%lat(grd%ied,grd%jed)) then
cberg%jne = grd%jed
elseif (cberg%lat < grd%lat(grd%isd,grd%jsd)) then
cberg%jne = grd%jsd+1
cberg%xi=0.5; cberg%yj=0.5 !fake values. Will be updated on new PE.
cberg%lon = pberg%lon
cberg%lat = pberg%lat
cberg%ine = pberg%ine
cberg%jne = pberg%jne
cberg%xi = pberg%xi
cberg%yj = pberg%yj

cberg%width = l_b*3.
cberg%length = l_b
cberg%mass = cberg%width * cberg%length * pberg%thickness * bergs%rho_bergs
cberg%start_lon = pberg%lon
cberg%start_lat = pberg%lat
cberg%start_lon = cberg%lon
cberg%start_lat = cberg%lat
cberg%lon_prev = pberg%lon_prev + fl_disp_x
cberg%lat_prev = pberg%lat_prev + fl_disp_y
cberg%lon_old = pberg%lon_old + fl_disp_x
cberg%lat_old = pberg%lat_old + fl_disp_y
cberg%start_day = bergs%current_yearday
cberg%start_mass = cberg%mass
cberg%mass_scaling = pberg%mass_scaling * k !k is the number of icebergs cberg represents
cberg%mass_of_bits = 0.0
cberg%fl_k = -1.0
cberg%start_year = bergs%current_year
cberg%id = generate_id(grd, pberg%ine, pberg%jne)
cberg%halo_berg = 0.0

!same values as parent:
!always same values as parent:
cberg%thickness = pberg%thickness
cberg%lon = pberg%lon
cberg%lat = pberg%lat
cberg%lon_prev = pberg%lon_prev
cberg%lat_prev = pberg%lat_prev
cberg%uvel = pberg%uvel
cberg%vvel = pberg%vvel
cberg%axn = pberg%axn
Expand All @@ -5821,15 +5872,8 @@ subroutine calve_fl_icebergs(bergs,pberg,k,l_b)
cberg%vvel_prev = pberg%vvel_prev
cberg%uvel_old = pberg%uvel_old
cberg%vvel_old = pberg%vvel_old
cberg%lon_old = pberg%lon_old
cberg%lat_old = pberg%lat_old
cberg%heat_density = pberg%heat_density
cberg%halo_berg = pberg%halo_berg
cberg%static_berg = pberg%static_berg
cberg%ine = pberg%ine
cberg%jne = pberg%jne
cberg%xi = pberg%xi
cberg%yj = pberg%yj
cberg%uo = pberg%uo
cberg%vo = pberg%vo
cberg%ui = pberg%ui
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/icebergs_framework.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module ice_bergs_framework
public print_fld,print_berg, print_bergs,record_posn, push_posn, append_posn, check_position
public move_trajectory, move_all_trajectories
public form_a_bond, connect_all_bonds, show_all_bonds, bond_address_update
public find_cell, find_cell_by_search, count_bergs, is_point_in_cell, pos_within_cell, count_bonds
public find_cell, find_cell_by_search, find_cell_wide, count_bergs, is_point_in_cell, pos_within_cell, count_bonds
public sum_mass, sum_heat, bilin, yearday, bergs_chksum, list_chksum, count_bergs_in_list
public checksum_gridded
public grd_chksum2,grd_chksum3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,6 +598,7 @@ module ice_bergs_framework
logical :: fl_use_poisson_distribution=.true. !< fl_r is (T) mean of Poisson distribution to determine k, or (F) k=fl_r
real :: fl_r=0. !< footloose average number of bergs calved per fl_r_s
real :: fl_r_s=0. !< seconds over which fl_r footloose bergs calve
logical :: displace_fl_bergs=.true. !< footloose berg positions are assigned to a corner of parent berg
end type icebergs

!> Read original restarts. Needs to be module global so can be public to icebergs_mod.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -782,6 +783,7 @@ subroutine ice_bergs_framework_init(bergs, &
logical :: fl_use_poisson_distribution=.true. !< fl_r is (T) mean of Poisson distribution to determine k, or (F) k=fl_r
real :: fl_r=0. !< footloose average number of bergs calved per fl_r_s
real :: fl_r_s=0. !< seconds over which fl_r footloose bergs calve
logical :: displace_fl_bergs=.true. !< footloose berg positions are assigned to a corner of parent berg

namelist /icebergs_nml/ verbose, budget, halo, traj_sample_hrs, initial_mass, traj_write_hrs, max_bonds, save_short_traj,Static_icebergs, &
distribution, mass_scaling, initial_thickness, verbose_hrs, spring_coef,bond_coef, radial_damping_coef, tangental_damping_coef, only_interactive_forces, &
Expand All @@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ subroutine ice_bergs_framework_init(bergs, &
fracture_criterion, damage_test_1, uniaxial_test, debug_write,cdrag_grounding,h_to_init_grounding,frac_thres_scaling,frac_thres_n,frac_thres_t,save_bond_traj,remove_unused_bergs,&
dem,ignore_tangential_force,poisson,dem_spring_coef,dem_damping_coef,dem_beam_test,constant_interaction_LW,constant_length,constant_width,dem_shear_for_frac_only,use_damage, fl_use_poisson_distribution, fl_r, fl_r_s
dem,ignore_tangential_force,poisson,dem_spring_coef,dem_damping_coef,dem_beam_test,constant_interaction_LW,constant_length,constant_width,dem_shear_for_frac_only,use_damage, fl_use_poisson_distribution, fl_r, fl_r_s, displace_fl_bergs

! Local variables
integer :: ierr, iunit, i, j, id_class, axes3d(3), is,ie,js,je,np
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1358,6 +1360,7 @@ subroutine ice_bergs_framework_init(bergs, &

if (monitor_energy) then
if (bergs%constant_interaction_LW) then
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/footloose_no_bond_test/input.nml
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@

fl_r=4 !(4) average number of footloose bergs to calve per fl_r_s seconds
fl_r_s=86400 !(86400) time in s over which to calve, on average, fl_r footloose bergs
displace_fl_bergs=.true. !(T) randomly assign FL berg positions to a corner of parent berg

mts=.false. !(F) for using the Multiple Time Stepping Velocity Verlet scheme
mts_sub_steps=1 !(-1) # of mts sub-steps (-1=automatically determine # from spring const)
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