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(*)Introduce dt_adv_cycle in SIS_multi_dyn_trans
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  Calculate dt_adv_cycle as an integer fraction of dt_slow and dt_slow_dyn as an
integer fraction of dt_adv_cycle.  This is mathematically equivalent to the
previous results, but could change answers at roundoff if both nadv_cycle and
ndyn_steps are not integer powers of 2. Also increase_max_tracer_step_memory is
recoded to preserve the information that had been stored from previous active
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Feb 14, 2019
1 parent 3fbf01c commit 567963d
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 30 deletions.
101 changes: 71 additions & 30 deletions src/SIS_dyn_trans.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -672,8 +672,9 @@ subroutine SIS_multi_dyn_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G,
real :: complete_ice_cover ! The fractional ice coverage that is close enough to 1 to be
! complete for the purpose of calculating wind stresses [nondim].

real :: dt_adv_cycle ! The length of the advective cycle timestep [s].
real :: dt_slow_dyn ! The slow dynamics timestep [s].
real :: dt_adv ! The advective timestep [s].
real :: dt_adv ! The advective subcycle timestep [s].
real :: Idt_slow ! The inverse of dt_slow [s-1].
type(time_type) :: Time_cycle_start ! The model's time at the start of an advective cycle.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: &
Expand All @@ -694,13 +695,11 @@ subroutine SIS_multi_dyn_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G,
CS%n_calls = CS%n_calls + 1
IOF%stress_count = 0

ndyn_steps = 1 ; nadv_cycle = 1
if (CS%merged_cont .and. (CS%dt_advect > 0.0) .and. (CS%dt_advect < dt_slow)) &
nadv_cycle = 1
if ((CS%dt_advect > 0.0) .and. (CS%dt_advect < dt_slow)) &
nadv_cycle = max(CEILING(dt_slow/CS%dt_advect - 1e-9), 1)
if ((CS%dt_ice_dyn > 0.0) .and. (CS%dt_ice_dyn*nadv_cycle < dt_slow)) &
ndyn_steps = max(CEILING(dt_slow/(nadv_cycle*CS%dt_ice_dyn) - 0.000001), 1)
dt_slow_dyn = dt_slow / (nadv_cycle * ndyn_steps)
dt_adv = dt_slow_dyn / real(CS%adv_substeps)
dt_adv_cycle = dt_slow / nadv_cycle

complete_ice_cover = 1.0 - 2.0*ncat*epsilon(complete_ice_cover)

Expand All @@ -709,8 +708,6 @@ subroutine SIS_multi_dyn_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G,
! This should be called after a thermodynamic step or if ice_transport was called.
if (CS%nts == 0) then
call mpp_clock_begin(iceClock4)
if (ndyn_steps*CS%adv_substeps > CS%max_nts) &
call increase_max_tracer_step_memory(CS, G, ndyn_steps*CS%adv_substeps)

CS%mca_step(:,:,0) = 0.0 ; CS%mi_sum(:,:) = 0.0 ; CS%ice_cover(:,:) = 0.0
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,15 +739,22 @@ subroutine SIS_multi_dyn_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G,
call mpp_clock_end(iceClock4)

Time_cycle_start = CS%Time - real_to_time((nadv_cycle-(nac-1))*ndyn_steps*dt_slow_dyn)
Time_cycle_start = CS%Time - real_to_time((nadv_cycle-(nac-1))*dt_adv_cycle)

! This is the start of the code that might be called as 2-d dynamics.
! Variables updated here: CS%ice_cover, CS%[uv]_ice_[BC], CS%mca_step, CS%mi_sum,
! IOF (stresses), CS%[uv]h_step, CS%nts, CS%SIS_[BC]_dyn_CSp
! Variables used with intent in here: FIA, G, OSS, dt_adv_cycle, CS
! Local variables: ice_free
ndyn_steps = 1
if ((CS%dt_ice_dyn > 0.0) .and. (CS%dt_ice_dyn < dt_adv_cycle)) &
ndyn_steps = max(CEILING(dt_adv_cycle/CS%dt_ice_dyn - 1e-6), 1)
dt_slow_dyn = dt_adv_cycle / ndyn_steps
dt_adv = dt_slow_dyn / real(CS%adv_substeps)
if (ndyn_steps*CS%adv_substeps > CS%max_nts) &
call increase_max_tracer_step_memory(CS, G, ndyn_steps*CS%adv_substeps)

do nds=1,ndyn_steps
! This is the start of the code that might be called as 2-d dynamics.
! Variables updated here: CS%ice_cover, CS%[uv]_ice_[BC], CS%mca_step, CS%mi_sum,
! IOF (stresses), CS%[uv]h_step, CS%nts, CS%SIS_[BC]_dyn_CSp
! Variables used with intent in here: FIA, G, OSS, dt_slow_dyn, CS
! Local variables: ice_free

call mpp_clock_begin(iceClock4)
call enable_SIS_averaging(dt_slow_dyn, Time_cycle_start + real_to_time(nds*dt_slow_dyn), CS%diag)
do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied ; ice_free(i,j) = max(1.0 - CS%ice_cover(i,j), 0.0) ; enddo ; enddo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,8 +879,9 @@ subroutine SIS_multi_dyn_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G,
call enable_SIS_averaging(dt_slow_dyn, Time_cycle_start + real_to_time(nds*dt_slow_dyn), CS%diag)

! Update the integrated ice mass and store the transports in each step.
if (CS%nts+CS%adv_substeps > CS%max_nts) call SIS_error(FATAL, &
"Attempting to store more advective substeps than allocated space allows. Increase MAX_NTS.")
if (CS%nts+CS%adv_substeps > CS%max_nts) &
call increase_max_tracer_step_memory(CS, G, CS%nts+CS%adv_substeps)

do n = CS%nts+1, CS%nts+CS%adv_substeps
if (n < ndyn_steps*CS%adv_substeps) then
! Some of the work is not needed for the last step before cat_ice_transport.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2620,28 +2625,64 @@ subroutine SIS_dyn_trans_init(Time, G, IG, param_file, diag, CS, output_dir, Tim
end subroutine SIS_dyn_trans_init

!> Increase the memory available to store total ice and snow masses and mass fluxes for tracer advection.
!! Any data already stored in the fluxes is simply discarded, so CS%nts must be 0.
!! Any data already stored in the fluxes is copied over to the new arrays.
subroutine increase_max_tracer_step_memory(CS, G, max_nts)
type(dyn_trans_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure for the SIS_dyn_trans module
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The horizontal grid structure
integer, intent(in) :: max_nts !< The new maximum number of masses and mass fluxes
!! that can be stored for tracer advection.

if (CS%max_nts >= max(max_nts,1)) return
if (CS%nts /= 0) call SIS_error(FATAL, "increase_max_tracer_steps can not be called when CS%nts /= 0.")
real, allocatable :: tmp_array(:,:,:)
integer :: nts_prev

if (allocated(CS%mca_step)) deallocate(CS%mca_step)
if (allocated(CS%uh_step)) deallocate(CS%uh_step)
if (allocated(CS%vh_step)) deallocate(CS%vh_step)
if (CS%max_nts >= max(max_nts,1)) return

nts_prev = CS%nts
CS%max_nts = max(max_nts,1)

allocate(CS%mca_step(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, 0:CS%max_nts))
CS%mca_step(:,:,:) = 0.0
! This is the equivalent for when the 6 argument version of safe_alloc_alloc is available.
! call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%mca_step, G%isd, G%ied, G%jsd, G%jed, 0, CS%max_nts)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%uh_step, G%IsdB, G%IedB, G%jsd, G%jed, CS%max_nts)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%vh_step, G%isd, G%ied, G%JsdB, G%JedB, CS%max_nts)
if (allocated(CS%mca_step)) then
allocate(tmp_array(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, 0:nts_prev))
tmp_array(:,:,0:nts_prev) = CS%mca_step(:,:,0:nts_prev)
allocate(CS%mca_step(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, 0:CS%max_nts)) ; CS%mca_step(:,:,:) = 0.0
! Copy over the data that had been set before.
CS%mca_step(:,:,0:nts_prev) = tmp_array(:,:,0:nts_prev)
allocate(CS%mca_step(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, 0:CS%max_nts)) ; CS%mca_step(:,:,:) = 0.0
! This is the equivalent for when the 6 argument version of safe_alloc_alloc is available.
! call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%mca_step, G%isd, G%ied, G%jsd, G%jed, 0, CS%max_nts)

if (allocated(CS%uh_step)) then
if (nts_prev > 0) then
allocate(tmp_array(G%IsdB:G%IedB, G%jsd:G%jed, nts_prev))
if (nts_prev > 0) tmp_array(:,:,1:nts_prev) = CS%uh_step(:,:,1:nts_prev)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%uh_step, G%IsdB, G%IedB, G%jsd, G%jed, CS%max_nts)
if (nts_prev > 0) then ! Copy over the data that had been set before.
CS%uh_step(:,:,1:nts_prev) = tmp_array(:,:,1:nts_prev)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%uh_step, G%IsdB, G%IedB, G%jsd, G%jed, CS%max_nts)

if (allocated(CS%vh_step)) then
if (nts_prev > 0) then
allocate(tmp_array(G%isd:G%ied, G%JsdB:G%JedB, nts_prev))
if (nts_prev > 0) tmp_array(:,:,1:nts_prev) = CS%vh_step(:,:,1:nts_prev)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%vh_step, G%isd, G%ied, G%JsdB, G%JedB, CS%max_nts)
if (nts_prev > 0) then ! Copy over the data that had been set before.
CS%vh_step(:,:,1:nts_prev) = tmp_array(:,:,1:nts_prev)
call safe_alloc_alloc(CS%vh_step, G%isd, G%ied, G%JsdB, G%JedB, CS%max_nts)

end subroutine increase_max_tracer_step_memory

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