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Adds a vector of default values to get_param_real_array()
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The `default=` optional argument to get_param() only provides a uniform
value to initialize an array of reals. This commit adds the optional
`defaults=` argument that must have the same length as the `values`

I've also added an instance of this optional argument by adding the
`initialize_thickness_param()` procedure, selected by `THICKNESS_CONFIG
= "param"`. The procedure was based on the "uniform" method, and uses
the parameter `THICKNESS_INIT_VALUES` which defaults iniform values
derived from `MAXIMUM_DEPTH`

I modified tc2 to use `THICKNESS_INIT_VALUES="param"` instead of

There will be some doc file changes, but no answer changes.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent 7a9adbc commit 9eec351
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Showing 4 changed files with 92 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .testing/tc2/MOM_input
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ MINIMUM_DEPTH = 1.0 ! [m] default = 0.0
! The minimum depth of the ocean.
MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 4500.0 ! [m]
! The maximum depth of the ocean.
THICKNESS_CONFIG = "uniform" !
! A string that determines how the initial layer
! thicknesses are specified for a new run:
! file - read interface heights from the file specified
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/framework/MOM_document.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,14 +303,16 @@ subroutine doc_param_real(doc, varname, desc, units, val, default, debuggingPara
end subroutine doc_param_real

!> This subroutine handles parameter documentation for arrays of reals.
subroutine doc_param_real_array(doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, debuggingParam, like_default)
subroutine doc_param_real_array(doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, defaults, &
debuggingParam, like_default)
type(doc_type), pointer :: doc !< A pointer to a structure that controls where the
!! documentation occurs and its formatting
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The name of the parameter being documented
character(len=*), intent(in) :: desc !< A description of the parameter being documented
character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of the parameter being documented
real, intent(in) :: vals(:) !< The array of values to record
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of this parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< A uniform default value of this parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: defaults(:) !< The element-wise default values of this parameter
logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this is a debugging parameter.
logical, optional, intent(in) :: like_default !< If present and true, log this parameter as though
!! it has the default value, even if there is no default.
Expand All @@ -334,6 +336,11 @@ subroutine doc_param_real_array(doc, varname, desc, units, vals, default, debugg
do i=1,size(vals) ; if (vals(i) /= default) equalsDefault = .false. ; enddo
mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//trim(real_string(default))
if (present(defaults)) then
equalsDefault = .true.
do i=1,size(vals) ; if (vals(i) /= defaults(i)) equalsDefault = .false. ; enddo
mesg = trim(mesg)//" default = "//trim(real_array_string(defaults))
if (present(like_default)) then ; if (like_default) equalsDefault = .true. ; endif

if (mesgHasBeenDocumented(doc, varName, mesg)) return ! Avoid duplicates
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22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions src/framework/MOM_file_parser.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ end subroutine log_param_real

!> Log the name and values of an array of real model parameter in documentation files.
subroutine log_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, &
units, default, debuggingParam, like_default, unscale)
units, default, defaults, debuggingParam, like_default, unscale)
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: CS !< The control structure for the file_parser module,
!! it is also a structure to parse for run-time parameters
character(len=*), intent(in) :: modulename !< The name of the calling module
Expand All @@ -1473,7 +1473,8 @@ subroutine log_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, &
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: desc !< A description of this variable; if not
!! present, this parameter is not written to a doc file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of this parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of the parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< A uniform default value of the parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: defaults(:) !< The element-wise defaults of the parameter
logical, optional, intent(in) :: debuggingParam !< If present and true, this parameter is
!! logged in the debugging parameter file
logical, optional, intent(in) :: like_default !< If present and true, log this parameter as
Expand All @@ -1498,7 +1499,7 @@ subroutine log_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, &

write(myunits(1:240),'(A)') trim(units)
if (present(desc)) &
call doc_param(CS%doc, varname, desc, myunits, log_val, default, &
call doc_param(CS%doc, varname, desc, myunits, log_val, default, defaults, &
debuggingParam=debuggingParam, like_default=like_default)

end subroutine log_param_real_array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1835,7 +1836,7 @@ end subroutine get_param_real
!> This subroutine reads the values of an array of real model parameters from a parameter file
!! and logs them in documentation files.
subroutine get_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, units, &
default, fail_if_missing, do_not_read, do_not_log, debuggingParam, &
default, defaults, fail_if_missing, do_not_read, do_not_log, debuggingParam, &
scale, unscaled)
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: CS !< The control structure for the file_parser module,
!! it is also a structure to parse for run-time parameters
Expand All @@ -1846,7 +1847,8 @@ subroutine get_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, units, &
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: desc !< A description of this variable; if not
!! present, this parameter is not written to a doc file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: units !< The units of this parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< The default value of the parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: default !< A uniform default value of the parameter
real, optional, intent(in) :: defaults(:) !< The element-wise defaults of the parameter
logical, optional, intent(in) :: fail_if_missing !< If present and true, a fatal error occurs
!! if this variable is not found in the parameter file
logical, optional, intent(in) :: do_not_read !< If present and true, do not read a
Expand All @@ -1865,14 +1867,22 @@ subroutine get_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, units, &
do_read = .true. ; if (present(do_not_read)) do_read = .not.do_not_read
do_log = .true. ; if (present(do_not_log)) do_log = .not.do_not_log

if (present(defaults)) then
if (present(default)) call MOM_error(FATAL, &
"get_param_real_array: Only one of default and defaults can be specified at a time.")

Check warning on line 1872 in src/framework/MOM_file_parser.F90

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1872 was not covered by tests
if (size(defaults) /= size(value)) call MOM_error(FATAL, &
"get_param_real_array: The size of defaults nad value are not the same.")

Check warning on line 1874 in src/framework/MOM_file_parser.F90

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1874 was not covered by tests

if (do_read) then
if (present(default)) value(:) = default
if (present(defaults)) value(:) = defaults(:)
call read_param_real_array(CS, varname, value, fail_if_missing)

if (do_log) then
call log_param_real_array(CS, modulename, varname, value, desc, &
units, default, debuggingParam)
units, default, defaults, debuggingParam)

if (present(unscaled)) unscaled(:) = value(:)
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66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/initialization/MOM_state_initialization.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ subroutine MOM_initialize_state(u, v, h, tv, Time, G, GV, US, PF, dirs, &
" \t uniform - uniform thickness layers evenly distributed \n"//&
" \t\t between the surface and MAXIMUM_DEPTH. \n"//&
" \t list - read a list of positive interface depths. \n"//&
" \t param - use thicknesses from parameter THICKNESS_INIT_VALUES. \n"//&
" \t DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the \n"//&
" \t\t DOME sill-overflow test case. \n"//&
" \t ISOMIP - use a configuration for the \n"//&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +319,8 @@ subroutine MOM_initialize_state(u, v, h, tv, Time, G, GV, US, PF, dirs, &
case ("list"); call initialize_thickness_list(dz, depth_tot, G, GV, US, PF, &
case ("param"); call initialize_thickness_param(dz, depth_tot, G, GV, US, PF, &
case ("DOME"); call DOME_initialize_thickness(dz, depth_tot, G, GV, PF, &
case ("ISOMIP"); call ISOMIP_initialize_thickness(dz, depth_tot, G, GV, US, PF, tv, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1011,6 +1014,69 @@ subroutine initialize_thickness_list(h, depth_tot, G, GV, US, param_file, just_r
call callTree_leave(trim(mdl)//'()')
end subroutine initialize_thickness_list

!> Initializes thickness based on a run-time parameter with nominal thickness
!! for each layer
subroutine initialize_thickness_param(h, depth_tot, G, GV, US, param_file, just_read)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
intent(out) :: h !< The thickness that is being initialized [Z ~> m]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: depth_tot !< The nominal total depth of the ocean [Z ~> m]
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< A structure indicating the open file
!! to parse for model parameter values.
logical, intent(in) :: just_read !< If true, this call will only read
!! parameters without changing h.
! Local variables
character(len=40) :: mdl = "initialize_thickness_param" ! This subroutine's name.
real :: e0(SZK_(GV)+1) ! The resting interface heights [Z ~> m], usually
! negative because it is positive upward.
real :: eta1D(SZK_(GV)+1)! Interface height relative to the sea surface,
! positive upward [Z ~> m].
real :: dz(SZK_(GV)) ! The nominal initial layer thickness [Z ~> m], usually
real :: h0_def(SZK_(GV)) ! Uniform default values for dz [Z ~> m], usually
integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, nz

call callTree_enter(trim(mdl)//"(), MOM_state_initialization.F90")
if (G%max_depth<=0.) call MOM_error(FATAL, "initialize_thickness_param: "// &
"MAXIMUM_DEPTH has a nonsensical value! Was it set?")

Check warning on line 1043 in src/initialization/MOM_state_initialization.F90

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1043 was not covered by tests

is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec ; nz = GV%ke

h0_def = ( G%max_depth / real(nz) ) * US%Z_to_m
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "THICKNESS_INIT_VALUES", dz, &
"A list of nominal thickness for each layer to initialize with", &
units="m", scale=US%m_to_Z, defaults=h0_def, do_not_log=just_read)
if (just_read) return ! This subroutine has no run-time parameters.

e0(nz+1) = -G%max_depth
do k=nz, 1, -1
e0(K) = e0(K+1) + dz(k)

do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! This sets the initial thickness (in m) of the layers. The
! thicknesses are set to insure that: 1. each layer is at least an
! Angstrom thick, and 2. the interfaces are where they should be
! based on the resting depths and interface height perturbations,
! as long at this doesn't interfere with 1.
eta1D(nz+1) = -depth_tot(i,j)
do k=nz,1,-1
eta1D(K) = e0(K)
if (eta1D(K) < (eta1D(K+1) + GV%Angstrom_Z)) then
eta1D(K) = eta1D(K+1) + GV%Angstrom_Z
h(i,j,k) = GV%Angstrom_Z
h(i,j,k) = eta1D(K) - eta1D(K+1)
enddo ; enddo

call callTree_leave(trim(mdl)//'()')
end subroutine initialize_thickness_param

!> Search density space for location of layers (not implemented!)
subroutine initialize_thickness_search
call MOM_error(FATAL," MOM_state_initialization.F90, initialize_thickness_search: NOT IMPLEMENTED")
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