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(*)Use global_area_integral in add_shelf_flux
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  Replaced calls to the non-reproducing routines sum_across_PES with calls to
global_area_integral that uses the reproducing sums when compensating for the
global mean fresh water fluxes in add_shelf_flux.  This also includes rescaling
the dimensions of mean_melt_flux to [R Z T-1].  This could change answers at
roundoff in some cases with an interactive ice shelf and CONST_SEA_LEVEL=True,
but all answers in the MOM6-examples test cases are bitwise identical.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Mar 30, 2020
1 parent 63fd8e1 commit 7121619
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 21 deletions.
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions src/ice_shelf/MOM_ice_shelf.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ module MOM_ice_shelf
use MOM_ice_shelf_state, only : ice_shelf_state, ice_shelf_state_end, ice_shelf_state_init
use user_shelf_init, only : USER_initialize_shelf_mass, USER_update_shelf_mass
use user_shelf_init, only : user_ice_shelf_CS
use MOM_coms, only : reproducing_sum, sum_across_PEs
use MOM_coms, only : reproducing_sum
use MOM_spatial_means, only : global_area_integral
use MOM_checksums, only : hchksum, qchksum, chksum, uchksum, vchksum, uvchksum
use time_interp_external_mod, only : init_external_field, time_interp_external
use time_interp_external_mod, only : time_interp_external_init
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -877,20 +878,21 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
real :: Irho0 !< The inverse of the mean density times unit conversion factors that
!! arise because state uses MKS units [Z2 m s2 kg-1 T-2 ~> m3 kg-1].
real :: frac_area !< The fractional area covered by the ice shelf [nondim].
real :: shelf_mass0 !< Total ice shelf mass at previous time (Time-dt).
real :: shelf_mass1 !< Total ice shelf mass at current time (Time).
real :: delta_mass_shelf!< Change in ice shelf mass over one time step [kg s-1]
real :: taux2, tauy2 !< The squared surface stresses [Pa].
real :: press_ice !< The pressure of the ice shelf per unit area of ocean (not ice) [Pa].
real :: asu1, asu2 !< Ocean areas covered by ice shelves at neighboring u-
real :: asv1, asv2 !< and v-points [L2 ~> m2].
real :: fraz !< refreezing rate [kg m-2 s-1]
real :: mean_melt_flux !< spatial mean melt flux [kg s-1] or [kg m-2 s-1] at various points in the code.
real :: mean_melt_flux !< Spatial mean melt flux [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
real :: sponge_area !< total area of sponge region [m2]
real :: t0 !< The previous time (Time-dt) [s].
type(time_type) :: Time0!< The previous time (Time-dt)
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: in_sponge !< 1 where the property damping occurs, 0 otherwise [nondim]
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: last_mass_shelf !< Ice shelf mass
!! at at previous time (Time-dt) [R Z ~> kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: delta_float_mass !< The change in the floating mass between
!! the two timesteps at (Time) and (Time-dt) [R Z ~> kg m-2].
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: last_h_shelf !< Ice shelf thickness [Z ~> m]
!! at at previous time (Time-dt)
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: last_hmask !< Ice shelf mask
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -994,15 +996,13 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
if (.not. associated(fluxes%vprec)) allocate(fluxes%vprec(ie,je))
fluxes%salt_flux(:,:) = 0.0 ; fluxes%vprec(:,:) = 0.0

mean_melt_flux = 0.0; sponge_area = 0.0
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
frac_area = fluxes%frac_shelf_h(i,j)
if (frac_area > 0.0) &
mean_melt_flux = mean_melt_flux + (ISS%water_flux(i,j)) * US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s*US%L_to_m**2*ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j)

!### These hard-coded limits need to be corrected. They are inappropriate here.
if (G%geoLonT(i,j) >= 790.0 .AND. G%geoLonT(i,j) <= 800.0) then
sponge_area = sponge_area + US%L_to_m**2*G%areaT(i,j)
in_sponge(i,j) = 1.0
in_sponge(i,j) = 0.0
enddo ; enddo

Expand All @@ -1027,39 +1027,41 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
last_mass_shelf(:,:) = last_h_shelf(:,:) * CS%density_ice

shelf_mass0 = 0.0; shelf_mass1 = 0.0
! get total ice shelf mass at (Time-dt) and (Time), in kg
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! just floating shelf (0.1 is a threshold for min ocean thickness)
if (((1.0/CS%density_ocean_avg)*state%ocean_mass(i,j) > 0.1) .and. &
(ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j) > 0.0)) then
shelf_mass0 = shelf_mass0 + US%RZ_to_kg_m2*US%L_to_m**2*(last_mass_shelf(i,j) * ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j))
shelf_mass1 = shelf_mass1 + US%RZ_to_kg_m2*US%L_to_m**2*(ISS%mass_shelf(i,j) * ISS%area_shelf_h(i,j))
delta_float_mass(i,j) = ISS%mass_shelf(i,j) - last_mass_shelf(i,j)
delta_float_mass(i,j) = 0.0
enddo ; enddo
call sum_across_PEs(shelf_mass0); call sum_across_PEs(shelf_mass1)
delta_mass_shelf = (shelf_mass1 - shelf_mass0)/CS%time_step
! write(mesg,*) 'delta_mass_shelf = ', delta_mass_shelf
! call MOM_mesg(mesg,5)
delta_mass_shelf = US%kg_m2s_to_RZ_T*(global_area_integral(delta_float_mass, G, scale=US%RZ_to_kg_m2, &
area=ISS%area_shelf_h) / CS%time_step)
else! first time step
delta_mass_shelf = 0.0
else ! ice shelf mass does not change
delta_mass_shelf = 0.0

call sum_across_PEs(mean_melt_flux)
call sum_across_PEs(sponge_area)

! average total melt flux over sponge area
mean_melt_flux = (mean_melt_flux+delta_mass_shelf) / sponge_area !kg/(m^2 s)
sponge_area = global_area_integral(in_sponge, G)
if (sponge_area > 0.0) then
mean_melt_flux = US%kg_m2s_to_RZ_T*(global_area_integral(ISS%water_flux, G, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
area=ISS%area_shelf_h) + &
delta_mass_shelf ) / sponge_area
mean_melt_flux = 0.0

! apply fluxes
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! Note the following is hard coded for ISOMIP
if (G%geoLonT(i,j) >= 790.0 .AND. G%geoLonT(i,j) <= 800.0) then
! evap is negative, and vprec has units of [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
fluxes%vprec(i,j) = -US%kg_m2s_to_RZ_T*mean_melt_flux * CS%density_ice / (1000.0*US%kg_m3_to_R)
fluxes%vprec(i,j) = -mean_melt_flux * CS%density_ice / (1000.0*US%kg_m3_to_R)
fluxes%sens(i,j) = fluxes%vprec(i,j) * CS%Cp * CS%T0 ! [ Q R Z T-1 ~> W /m^2 ]
fluxes%salt_flux(i,j) = fluxes%vprec(i,j) * CS%S0*1.0e-3 ! [kgSalt/kg R Z T-1 ~> kgSalt m-2 s-1]
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