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(*+)Corrected bugs in 3-eqn ice shelf skin salinity
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  Corrected several bugs in the 3-equation ice shelf skin salinity calculation,
including renaming variables for greater clarity and using forms for the
solutions to a quadratic equation that are accurate without amplifying roundoff
errors.  In addition, a new runtime parameter, SHELF_3EQ_GAMMA_S, is read and
logged when SHELF_3EQ_GAMMA is true.  This will change answers and the
parameter_doc files with when a thermodynamically active ice shelf is used and
SHELF_THREE_EQN is true, but all answers in the MOM6-examples test cases are
bitwise identical.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Mar 31, 2020
1 parent 7121619 commit 3c3f721
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 49 deletions.
106 changes: 57 additions & 49 deletions src/ice_shelf/MOM_ice_shelf.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module MOM_ice_shelf
use MOM_io, only : write_field, close_file, SINGLE_FILE, MULTIPLE
use MOM_restart, only : register_restart_field, query_initialized, save_restart
use MOM_restart, only : restart_init, restore_state, MOM_restart_CS
use MOM_time_manager, only : time_type, time_type_to_real, real_to_time
use MOM_time_manager, only : time_type, time_type_to_real, real_to_time, operator(>), operator(-)
use MOM_transcribe_grid, only : copy_dyngrid_to_MOM_grid, copy_MOM_grid_to_dyngrid
use MOM_unit_scaling, only : unit_scale_type, unit_scaling_init, fix_restart_unit_scaling
use MOM_variables, only : surface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ module MOM_ice_shelf
real :: kd_molec_temp!< The molecular diffusivity of heat [Z2 T-1 ~> m2 s-1].
real :: Lat_fusion !< The latent heat of fusion [Q ~> J kg-1].
real :: Gamma_T_3EQ !< Nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient, used in the 3Eq. formulation
real :: Gamma_S_3EQ !< Nondimensional salt-transfer coefficient, used in the 3Eq. formulation
!< This number should be specified by the user.
real :: col_thick_melt_threshold !< if the mixed layer is below this threshold, melt rate
logical :: mass_from_file !< Read the ice shelf mass from a file every dt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,14 +151,13 @@ module MOM_ice_shelf
!! interface.
logical :: insulator !< If true, ice shelf is a perfect insulator
logical :: const_gamma !< If true, gamma_T is specified by the user.
logical :: find_salt_root !< If true, if true find Sbdry using a quadratic eq.
logical :: constant_sea_level !< if true, apply an evaporative, heat and salt
!! fluxes. It will avoid large increase in sea level.
real :: cutoff_depth !< Depth above which melt is set to zero (>= 0) [Z ~> m].
! The following parameters are needed if find_salt_root = true
real :: lambda1 !< liquidus coeff. The freezing point at 0 pressure and 0 salinity [degC]
real :: lambda2 !< Partial derivative of freezing temperature with salinity [degC ppt-1]
real :: lambda3 !< Partial derivative of freezing temperature with pressure [degC Pa-1]
logical :: find_salt_root !< If true, if true find Sbdry using a quadratic eq.
real :: TFr_0_0 !< The freezing point at 0 pressure and 0 salinity [degC]
real :: dTFr_dS !< Partial derivative of freezing temperature with salinity [degC ppt-1]
real :: dTFr_dp !< Partial derivative of freezing temperature with pressure [degC Pa-1]
!>@{ Diagnostic handles
integer :: id_melt = -1, id_exch_vel_s = -1, id_exch_vel_t = -1, &
id_tfreeze = -1, id_tfl_shelf = -1, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,8 @@ subroutine shelf_calc_flux(state, fluxes, Time, time_step, CS, forces)
real, dimension(SZDI_(CS%grid),SZDJ_(CS%grid)) :: &
Sbdry !< Salinities in the ocean at the interface with the ice shelf [ppt].
real :: Sbdry_it
real :: Sbdry1, Sbdry2, S_a, S_b, S_c ! Variables used to find salt roots
real :: Sbdry1, Sbdry2
real :: S_a, S_b, S_c ! Variables used to find salt roots
real :: dS_it !< The interface salinity change during an iteration [ppt].
real :: hBL_neut !< The neutral boundary layer thickness [Z ~> m].
real :: hBL_neut_h_molec !< The ratio of the neutral boundary layer thickness
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,26 +392,31 @@ subroutine shelf_calc_flux(state, fluxes, Time, time_step, CS, forces)
ln_neut = 0.0 ; if (hBL_neut_h_molec > 1.0) ln_neut = log(hBL_neut_h_molec)

if (CS%find_salt_root) then
! read liquidus parameters

!### This should be CS%lamda2!
S_a = CS%lambda1 * CS%Gamma_T_3EQ * CS%Cp
! The value of 35.0 here should be a parameter?
!### This should be (CS%lambda1 + CS%lambda3*p_int(i) - state%sst(i,j))
S_b = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ*CS%Cp*(CS%lambda2 + CS%lambda3*p_int(i)- state%sst(i,j)) - &
CS%Lat_fusion * CS%Gamma_T_3EQ/35.0
S_c = CS%Lat_fusion * (CS%Gamma_T_3EQ/35.0) * state%sss(i,j)

!### Depending on the sign of S_b, one of these will be inaccurate!
! if (S_b >= 0.0) then
Sbdry1 = (-S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4*S_a*S_c)) / (2*S_a)
! Sbdry1 = 2*S_c / (S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4*S_a*S_c))
Sbdry2 = (-S_b - SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4*S_a*S_c)) / (2*S_a)
! else
! Sbdry1 = (-S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4.*S_a*S_c)) / (2.*S_a)
! Sbdry2 = -2.*S_c / (-S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4.*S_a*S_c))
! endif
Sbdry(i,j) = MAX(Sbdry1, Sbdry2)
! Solve for the skin salinity using the linearized liquidus parameters and
! balancing the turbulent fresh water flux in the near-boundary layer with
! the net fresh water or salt added by melting:
! (Cp/Lat_fusion)*Gamma_T_3Eq*(TFr_skin-T_ocn) = Gamma_S_3Eq*(S_skin-S_ocn)/S_skin

! S_a is always < 0.0 with a realistic expression for the freezing point.
S_a = CS%dTFr_dS * CS%Gamma_T_3EQ * CS%Cp
S_b = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ*CS%Cp*(CS%TFr_0_0 + CS%dTFr_dp*p_int(i) - state%sst(i,j)) - &
CS%Lat_fusion * CS%Gamma_S_3EQ ! S_b Can take either sign, but is usually negative.
S_c = CS%Lat_fusion * CS%Gamma_S_3EQ * state%sss(i,j) ! Always >= 0

if (S_c == 0.0) then ! The solution for fresh water.
Sbdry(i,j) = 0.0
elseif (S_a < 0.0) then ! This is the usual ocean case
if (S_b < 0.0) then ! This is almost always the case
Sbdry(i,j) = 2.0*S_c / (-S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4.*S_a*S_c))
Sbdry(i,j) = (S_b + SQRT(S_b*S_b - 4.*S_a*S_c)) / (-2.*S_a)
elseif ((S_a == 0.0) .and. (S_b < 0.0)) then ! It should be the case that S_b < 0.
Sbdry(i,j) = -S_c / S_b
call MOM_error(FATAL, "Impossible conditions found in 3-equation skin salinity calculation.")

! Safety check
if (Sbdry(i,j) < 0.) then
write(mesg,*) 'state%sss(i,j) = ',state%sss(i,j), 'S_a, S_b, S_c', S_a, S_b, S_c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,7 +445,7 @@ subroutine shelf_calc_flux(state, fluxes, Time, time_step, CS, forces)
if (CS%const_gamma) then ! if using a constant gamma_T
! note the different form, here I_Gam_T is NOT 1/Gam_T!
I_Gam_T = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ
I_Gam_S = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ/35.
I_Gam_S = CS%Gamma_S_3EQ
Gam_turb = I_VK * (ln_neut + (0.5 * I_ZETA_N - 1.0))
I_Gam_T = 1.0 / (Gam_mol_t + Gam_turb)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,7 +480,7 @@ subroutine shelf_calc_flux(state, fluxes, Time, time_step, CS, forces)
if (CS%const_gamma) then ! if using a constant gamma_T
! note the different form, here I_Gam_T is NOT 1/Gam_T!
I_Gam_T = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ
I_Gam_S = CS%Gamma_T_3EQ/35.
I_Gam_S = CS%Gamma_S_3EQ
I_Gam_T = 1.0 / (Gam_mol_t + Gam_turb)
I_Gam_S = 1.0 / (Gam_mol_s + Gam_turb)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -883,11 +889,10 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
real :: press_ice !< The pressure of the ice shelf per unit area of ocean (not ice) [Pa].
real :: asu1, asu2 !< Ocean areas covered by ice shelves at neighboring u-
real :: asv1, asv2 !< and v-points [L2 ~> m2].
real :: fraz !< refreezing rate [kg m-2 s-1]
real :: mean_melt_flux !< Spatial mean melt flux [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
real :: sponge_area !< total area of sponge region [m2]
real :: t0 !< The previous time (Time-dt) [s].
type(time_type) :: Time0!< The previous time (Time-dt)
type(time_type) :: dTime !< The time step as a time_type
type(time_type) :: Time0 !< The previous time (Time-dt)
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: in_sponge !< 1 where the property damping occurs, 0 otherwise [nondim]
real, dimension(SZDI_(G),SZDJ_(G)) :: last_mass_shelf !< Ice shelf mass
!! at at previous time (Time-dt) [R Z ~> kg m-2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -989,8 +994,7 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
! This is needed for some of the ISOMIP+ experiments.

if (CS%constant_sea_level) then
!### This code has lots of problems with hard coded constants and the use of
!### of non-reproducing sums. It needs to be refactored. -RWH
!### This code has problems with hard coded constants that need to be refactored. -RWH

if (.not. associated(fluxes%salt_flux)) allocate(fluxes%salt_flux(ie,je))
if (.not. associated(fluxes%vprec)) allocate(fluxes%vprec(ie,je))
Expand All @@ -1008,11 +1012,11 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)

! take into account changes in mass (or thickness) when imposing ice shelf mass
if (CS%override_shelf_movement .and. CS%mass_from_file) then
t0 = time_type_to_real(CS%Time) - CS%time_step
dTime = real_to_time(CS%time_step)

! just compute changes in mass after first time step
if (t0>0.0) then
Time0 = real_to_time(t0)
! Compute changes in mass after at least one full time step
if (CS%Time > dTime) then
Time0 = CS%Time - dTime
last_hmask(:,:) = ISS%hmask(:,:) ; last_area_shelf_h(:,:) = ISS%area_shelf_h(:,:)
call time_interp_external(CS%id_read_mass, Time0, last_mass_shelf)
! This should only be done if time_interp_external did an update.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1058,9 +1062,9 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)

! apply fluxes
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! Note the following is hard coded for ISOMIP
if (G%geoLonT(i,j) >= 790.0 .AND. G%geoLonT(i,j) <= 800.0) then
if (in_sponge(i,j) > 0.0) then
! evap is negative, and vprec has units of [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
!### Why does mean_melt_flux need to be rescaled to get vprec?
fluxes%vprec(i,j) = -mean_melt_flux * CS%density_ice / (1000.0*US%kg_m3_to_R)
fluxes%sens(i,j) = fluxes%vprec(i,j) * CS%Cp * CS%T0 ! [ Q R Z T-1 ~> W /m^2 ]
fluxes%salt_flux(i,j) = fluxes%vprec(i,j) * CS%S0*1.0e-3 ! [kgSalt/kg R Z T-1 ~> kgSalt m-2 s-1]
Expand All @@ -1073,7 +1077,7 @@ subroutine add_shelf_flux(G, US, CS, state, fluxes)
call MOM_forcing_chksum("After constant sea level", fluxes, G, CS%US, haloshift=0)

endif !constant_sea_level
endif ! constant_sea_level

end subroutine add_shelf_flux

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1238,9 +1242,14 @@ subroutine initialize_ice_shelf(param_file, ocn_grid, Time, CS, diag, forces, fl
"If true, user specifies a constant nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient "//&
"(GAMMA_T_3EQ), from which the salt-transfer coefficient is then computed "//&
" as GAMMA_T_3EQ/35. This is used with SHELF_THREE_EQN.", default=.false.)
if (CS%const_gamma) call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SHELF_3EQ_GAMMA_T", CS%Gamma_T_3EQ, &
"Nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient.",default=2.2E-2, &
units="nondim.", fail_if_missing=.true.)
if (CS%const_gamma) then
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SHELF_3EQ_GAMMA_T", CS%Gamma_T_3EQ, &
"Nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient.", &
units="nondim", default=2.2e-2)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SHELF_3EQ_GAMMA_S", CS%Gamma_S_3EQ, &
"Nondimensional salt-transfer coefficient.", &
default=CS%Gamma_T_3EQ/35.0, units="nondim")

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "ICE_SHELF_MASS_FROM_FILE", &
CS%mass_from_file, "Read the mass of the "//&
Expand All @@ -1252,14 +1261,13 @@ subroutine initialize_ice_shelf(param_file, ocn_grid, Time, CS, diag, forces, fl
"is computed from a quadratic equation. Otherwise, the previous "//&
"interactive method to estimate Sbdry is used.", default=.false.)
if (CS%find_salt_root) then ! read liquidus coeffs.
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TFREEZE_S0_P0", CS%lambda1, &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TFREEZE_S0_P0", CS%TFr_0_0, &
"this is the freezing potential temperature at "//&
"S=0, P=0.", units="degC", default=0.0, do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DTFREEZE_DS", CS%lambda1, & !### This should be CS%lambda2!
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DTFREEZE_DS", CS%dTFr_dS, &
"this is the derivative of the freezing potential "//&
"temperature with salinity.", &
units="degC psu-1", default=-0.054, do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DTFREEZE_DP", CS%lambda3, &
"temperature with salinity.", units="degC psu-1", default=-0.054, do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DTFREEZE_DP", CS%dTFr_dp, &
"this is the derivative of the freezing potential "//&
"temperature with pressure.", &
units="degC Pa-1", default=0.0, do_not_log=.true.)
Expand Down

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