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+Rescaled args to find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell
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  Rescaled the units of the pressure, density, and gravitational acceleration
arguments to find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell, frac_dp_at_pos, trim_for_ice and
cut_off_column_top for dimensional consistency testing and code simplification.
One change corrected an omitted scaling factor when the optional z_tol argument
is omitted, but this does not impact any solutions as this argument is present
in all active cases.  Also cleaned up some bizarre error messages starting with
'Blurgh!', which is apparently an artificial expletive invented to circumvent
censors, but has now been censored and replaced with a more informative message.
All answers are bitwise identical, but the units of some arguments have changed
and there are new unit_scale_type arguments to some routines.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Apr 14, 2020
1 parent 2a951e7 commit 04fcfd4
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Showing 2 changed files with 83 additions and 58 deletions.
64 changes: 39 additions & 25 deletions src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1947,29 +1947,34 @@ end subroutine int_density_dz_generic_plm

!> Find the depth at which the reconstructed pressure matches P_tgt
subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_tgt, &
rho_ref, G_e, EOS, P_b, z_out, z_tol)
rho_ref, G_e, EOS, US, P_b, z_out, z_tol)
real, intent(in) :: T_t !< Potential temperatue at the cell top [degC]
real, intent(in) :: T_b !< Potential temperatue at the cell bottom [degC]
real, intent(in) :: S_t !< Salinity at the cell top [ppt]
real, intent(in) :: S_b !< Salinity at the cell bottom [ppt]
real, intent(in) :: z_t !< Absolute height of top of cell [Z ~> m] (Boussinesq ????)
real, intent(in) :: z_b !< Absolute height of bottom of cell [Z ~> m]
real, intent(in) :: P_t !< Anomalous pressure of top of cell, relative to g*rho_ref*z_t [Pa]
real, intent(in) :: P_tgt !< Target pressure at height z_out, relative to g*rho_ref*z_out [Pa]
real, intent(in) :: rho_ref !< Reference density with which calculation are anomalous to
real, intent(in) :: G_e !< Gravitational acceleration [m2 Z-1 s-2 ~> m s-2]
real, intent(in) :: P_t !< Anomalous pressure of top of cell, relative to g*rho_ref*z_t [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, intent(in) :: P_tgt !< Target pressure at height z_out, relative to g*rho_ref*z_out [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, intent(in) :: rho_ref !< Reference density with which calculation are anomalous to [R ~> kg m-3]
real, intent(in) :: G_e !< Gravitational acceleration [L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> m s-2]
type(EOS_type), pointer :: EOS !< Equation of state structure
real, intent(out) :: P_b !< Pressure at the bottom of the cell [Pa]
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real, intent(out) :: P_b !< Pressure at the bottom of the cell [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, intent(out) :: z_out !< Absolute depth at which anomalous pressure = p_tgt [Z ~> m]
real, optional, intent(in) :: z_tol !< The tolerance in finding z_out [Z ~> m]

! Local variables
real :: top_weight, bottom_weight, rho_anom, w_left, w_right, GxRho, dz, dp, F_guess, F_l, F_r
real :: Pa, Pa_left, Pa_right, Pa_tol ! Pressure anomalies, P = integral of g*(rho-rho_ref) dz
real :: dp ! Pressure thickness of the layer [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: F_guess, F_l, F_r ! Fractional positions [nondim]
real :: GxRho ! The product of the gravitational acceleration and reference density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: Pa, Pa_left, Pa_right, Pa_tol ! Pressure anomalies, P = integral of g*(rho-rho_ref) dz [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
character(len=240) :: msg

GxRho = G_e * rho_ref

! Anomalous pressure difference across whole cell
dp = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, 1.0, EOS)
dp = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, 1.0, EOS, US)

P_b = P_t + dp ! Anomalous pressure at bottom of cell

Expand All @@ -1987,54 +1992,63 @@ subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_t
Pa_left = P_t - P_tgt ! Pa_left < 0
F_r = 1.
Pa_right = P_b - P_tgt ! Pa_right > 0
Pa_tol = GxRho * 1.e-5 ! 1e-5 has dimensions of m, but should be converted to the units of z.
Pa_tol = GxRho * 1.0e-5*US%m_to_Z
if (present(z_tol)) Pa_tol = GxRho * z_tol
F_guess = F_l - Pa_left / ( Pa_right -Pa_left ) * ( F_r - F_l )

F_guess = F_l - Pa_left / (Pa_right - Pa_left) * (F_r - F_l)
Pa = Pa_right - Pa_left ! To get into iterative loop
do while ( abs(Pa) > Pa_tol )

z_out = z_t + ( z_b - z_t ) * F_guess
Pa = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, F_guess, EOS) - ( P_tgt - P_t )
Pa = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, F_guess, EOS, US) - ( P_tgt - P_t )

if (Pa<Pa_left) then
write(0,*) Pa_left,Pa,Pa_right,P_t-P_tgt,P_b-P_tgt
stop 'Blurgh! Too negative'
write(msg,*) Pa_left,Pa,Pa_right,P_t-P_tgt,P_b-P_tgt
call MOM_error(FATAL, 'find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell out of bounds negative: /n'//msg)
elseif (Pa<0.) then
Pa_left = Pa
F_l = F_guess
elseif (Pa>Pa_right) then
write(0,*) Pa_left,Pa,Pa_right,P_t-P_tgt,P_b-P_tgt
stop 'Blurgh! Too positive'
write(msg,*) Pa_left,Pa,Pa_right,P_t-P_tgt,P_b-P_tgt
call MOM_error(FATAL, 'find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell out of bounds positive: /n'//msg)
elseif (Pa>0.) then
Pa_right = Pa
F_r = F_guess
else ! Pa == 0
F_guess = F_l - Pa_left / ( Pa_right -Pa_left ) * ( F_r - F_l )
F_guess = F_l - Pa_left / (Pa_right - Pa_left) * (F_r - F_l)


end subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell

!> Returns change in anomalous pressure change from top to non-dimensional
!! position pos between z_t and z_b
real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EOS)
real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EOS, US)
real, intent(in) :: T_t !< Potential temperatue at the cell top [degC]
real, intent(in) :: T_b !< Potential temperatue at the cell bottom [degC]
real, intent(in) :: S_t !< Salinity at the cell top [ppt]
real, intent(in) :: S_b !< Salinity at the cell bottom [ppt]
real, intent(in) :: z_t !< The geometric height at the top of the layer [Z ~> m]
real, intent(in) :: z_b !< The geometric height at the bottom of the layer [Z ~> m]
real, intent(in) :: rho_ref !< A mean density [kg m-3], that is subtracted out to
real, intent(in) :: rho_ref !< A mean density [R ~> kg m-3], that is subtracted out to
!! reduce the magnitude of each of the integrals.
real, intent(in) :: G_e !< The Earth's gravitational acceleration [m s-2]
real, intent(in) :: G_e !< The Earth's gravitational acceleration [L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> m s-2]
real, intent(in) :: pos !< The fractional vertical position, 0 to 1 [nondim]
type(EOS_type), pointer :: EOS !< Equation of state structure
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real :: fract_dp_at_pos !< The change in pressure from the layer top to
!! fractional position pos [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
! Local variables
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! Rational constants.
real :: dz, top_weight, bottom_weight, rho_ave
real, dimension(5) :: T5, S5, p5, rho5
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! A rational constant [nondim]
real :: dz ! Distance from the layer top [Z ~> m]
real :: top_weight, bottom_weight ! Fractional weights at quadrature points [nondim]
real :: rho_ave ! Average density [R ~> kg m-3]
real, dimension(5) :: T5 ! Tempratures at quadrature points [degC]
real, dimension(5) :: S5 ! Salinities at quadrature points [ppt]
real, dimension(5) :: p5 ! Pressures at quadrature points [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, dimension(5) :: rho5 ! Densities at quadrature points [R ~> kg m-3]
integer :: n

do n=1,5
Expand All @@ -2046,10 +2060,10 @@ real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EO
T5(n) = top_weight * T_t + bottom_weight * T_b
p5(n) = ( top_weight * z_t + bottom_weight * z_b ) * ( G_e * rho_ref )
call calculate_density_array(T5, S5, p5, rho5, 1, 5, EOS)
call calculate_density_array(T5, S5, p5, rho5, 1, 5, EOS, US=US)
rho5(:) = rho5(:) !- rho_ref ! Work with anomalies relative to rho_ref

! Use Boole's rule to estimate the average density
! Use Bode's rule to estimate the average density
rho_ave = C1_90*(7.0*(rho5(1)+rho5(5)) + 32.0*(rho5(2)+rho5(4)) + 12.0*rho5(3))

dz = ( z_t - z_b ) * pos
Expand Down
77 changes: 44 additions & 33 deletions src/initialization/MOM_state_initialization.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1094,12 +1094,12 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read_params)
!! only read parameters without changing h.
! Local variables
character(len=200) :: mdl = "trim_for_ice"
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: p_surf ! Imposed pressure on ocean at surface [Pa]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: p_surf ! Imposed pressure on ocean at surface [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: S_t, S_b ! Top and bottom edge values for reconstructions
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: T_t, T_b ! of salinity and temperature within each layer.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: T_t, T_b ! of salinity [ppt] and temperature [degC] within each layer.
character(len=200) :: inputdir, filename, p_surf_file, p_surf_var ! Strings for file/path
real :: scale_factor ! A file-dependent scaling vactor for the input pressurs.
real :: min_thickness ! The minimum layer thickness, recast into Z units.
real :: scale_factor ! A file-dependent scaling factor for the input pressure.
real :: min_thickness ! The minimum layer thickness, recast into Z units [Z ~> m].
integer :: i, j, k
logical :: default_2018_answers, remap_answers_2018
logical :: just_read ! If true, just read parameters but set nothing.
Expand All @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read_params)
fail_if_missing=.not.just_read, do_not_log=just_read)
call get_param(PF, mdl, "SURFACE_PRESSURE_VAR", p_surf_var, &
"The initial condition variable for the surface height.", &
units="kg m-2", default="", do_not_log=just_read)
units="kg m-2", default="", do_not_log=just_read) !### The units here should be Pa?
call get_param(PF, mdl, "INPUTDIR", inputdir, default=".", do_not_log=.true.)
filename = trim(slasher(inputdir))//trim(p_surf_file)
if (.not.just_read) call log_param(PF, mdl, "!INPUTDIR/SURFACE_HEIGHT_IC_FILE", filename)
Expand All @@ -1140,7 +1140,8 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read_params)

if (just_read) return ! All run-time parameters have been read, so return.

call MOM_read_data(filename, p_surf_var, p_surf, G%Domain, scale=scale_factor)
call MOM_read_data(filename, p_surf_var, p_surf, G%Domain, &

if (use_remapping) then
Expand All @@ -1159,7 +1160,7 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read_params)

do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
call cut_off_column_top(GV%ke, tv, GV, US, GV%mks_g_Earth*US%Z_to_m, G%bathyT(i,j), &
call cut_off_column_top(GV%ke, tv, GV, US, GV%g_Earth, G%bathyT(i,j), &
min_thickness, tv%T(i,j,:), T_t(i,j,:), T_b(i,j,:), &
tv%S(i,j,:), S_t(i,j,:), S_b(i,j,:), p_surf(i,j), h(i,j,:), remap_CS, &
z_tol=1.0e-5*US%m_to_Z, remap_answers_2018=remap_answers_2018)
Expand All @@ -1175,8 +1176,8 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
integer, intent(in) :: nk !< Number of layers
type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in) :: tv !< Thermodynamics structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real, intent(in) :: G_earth !< Gravitational acceleration [m2 Z-1 s-2 ~> m s-2]
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real, intent(in) :: G_earth !< Gravitational acceleration [L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> m s-2]
real, intent(in) :: depth !< Depth of ocean column [Z ~> m].
real, intent(in) :: min_thickness !< Smallest thickness allowed [Z ~> m].
real, dimension(nk), intent(inout) :: T !< Layer mean temperature [degC]
Expand All @@ -1185,7 +1186,7 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
real, dimension(nk), intent(inout) :: S !< Layer mean salinity [ppt]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in) :: S_t !< Salinity at top of layer [ppt]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in) :: S_b !< Salinity at bottom of layer [ppt]
real, intent(in) :: p_surf !< Imposed pressure on ocean at surface [Pa]
real, intent(in) :: p_surf !< Imposed pressure on ocean at surface [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, dimension(nk), intent(inout) :: h !< Layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
type(remapping_CS), pointer :: remap_CS !< Remapping structure for remapping T and S,
!! if associated
Expand All @@ -1197,9 +1198,10 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
!! forms of the same expressions.

! Local variables
real, dimension(nk+1) :: e ! Top and bottom edge values for reconstructions
real, dimension(nk+1) :: e ! Top and bottom edge values for reconstructions [Z ~> m]
real, dimension(nk) :: h0, S0, T0, h1, S1, T1
real :: P_t, P_b, z_out, e_top
real :: P_t, P_b ! Top and bottom pressures [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: z_out, e_top
logical :: answers_2018
integer :: k

Expand All @@ -1216,7 +1218,7 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
e_top = e(1)
do k=1,nk
call find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t(k), T_b(k), S_t(k), S_b(k), e(K), e(K+1), &
P_t, p_surf, US%R_to_kg_m3*GV%Rho0, G_earth, tv%eqn_of_state, &
P_t, p_surf, GV%Rho0, G_earth, tv%eqn_of_state, US, &
P_b, z_out, z_tol=z_tol)
if (z_out>=e(K)) then
! Imposed pressure was less that pressure at top of cell
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2417,51 +2419,60 @@ subroutine MOM_state_init_tests(G, GV, US, tv)
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in) :: tv !< Thermodynamics structure.

! Local variables
integer, parameter :: nk=5
real, dimension(nk) :: T, T_t, T_b, S, S_t, S_b, rho, h, z
real, dimension(nk+1) :: e
real, dimension(nk) :: T, T_t, T_b ! Temperatures [degC]
real, dimension(nk) :: S, S_t, S_b ! Salinities [ppt]
real, dimension(nk) :: rho ! Layer density [R ~> kg m-3]
real, dimension(nk) :: h ! Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(nk) :: z ! Height of layer center [Z ~> m]
real, dimension(nk+1) :: e ! Interface heights [Z ~> m]
integer :: k
real :: P_tot, P_t, P_b, z_out
real :: P_tot, P_t, P_b ! Pressures [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: z_out ! Output height [Z ~> m]
real :: I_z_scale ! The inverse of the height scale for prescribed gradients [Z-1 ~> m-1]
type(remapping_CS), pointer :: remap_CS => NULL()

I_z_scale = 1.0 / (500.0*US%m_to_Z)
do k = 1, nk
h(k) = 100.
h(k) = 100.0*GV%m_to_H
e(1) = 0.
do K = 1, nk
e(K+1) = e(K) - h(k)
e(K+1) = e(K) - GV%H_to_Z * h(k)
P_tot = 0.
do k = 1, nk
z(k) = 0.5 * ( e(K) + e(K+1) )
T_t(k) = 20.+(0./500.)*e(k)
T(k) = 20.+(0./500.)*z(k)
T_b(k) = 20.+(0./500.)*e(k+1)
S_t(k) = 35.-(0./500.)*e(k)
S(k) = 35.+(0./500.)*z(k)
S_b(k) = 35.-(0./500.)*e(k+1)
call calculate_density(0.5*(T_t(k)+T_b(k)), 0.5*(S_t(k)+S_b(k)), -US%R_to_kg_m3*GV%Rho0*GV%mks_g_Earth*z(k), &
rho(k), tv%eqn_of_state)
P_tot = P_tot + GV%mks_g_Earth * rho(k) * h(k)
T_t(k) = 20. + (0. * I_z_scale) * e(k)
T(k) = 20. + (0. * I_z_scale)*z(k)
T_b(k) = 20. + (0. * I_z_scale)*e(k+1)
S_t(k) = 35. - (0. * I_z_scale)*e(k)
S(k) = 35. + (0. * I_z_scale)*z(k)
S_b(k) = 35. - (0. * I_z_scale)*e(k+1)
call calculate_density(0.5*(T_t(k)+T_b(k)), 0.5*(S_t(k)+S_b(k)), -GV%Rho0*GV%g_Earth*US%m_to_Z*z(k), &
rho(k), tv%eqn_of_state, US=US)
P_tot = P_tot + GV%g_Earth * rho(k) * GV%H_to_Z*h(k)

P_t = 0.
do k = 1, nk
call find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t(k), T_b(k), S_t(k), S_b(k), e(K), e(K+1), P_t, 0.5*P_tot, &
US%R_to_kg_m3*GV%Rho0, GV%mks_g_Earth, tv%eqn_of_state, P_b, z_out)
write(0,*) k,P_t,P_b,0.5*P_tot,e(K),e(K+1),z_out
GV%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, tv%eqn_of_state, US, P_b, z_out)
write(0,*) k, US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_t, US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_b, 0.5*US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_tot, &
US%Z_to_m*e(K), US%Z_to_m*e(K+1), US%Z_to_m*z_out
P_t = P_b
write(0,*) P_b,P_tot
write(0,*) US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_b, US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_tot

write(0,*) ''
write(0,*) ' ==================================================================== '
write(0,*) ''
write(0,*) h
call cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, GV%mks_g_Earth, -e(nk+1), GV%Angstrom_H, &
write(0,*) GV%H_to_m*h
call cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, GV%g_Earth, -e(nk+1), GV%Angstrom_Z, &
T, T_t, T_b, S, S_t, S_b, 0.5*P_tot, h, remap_CS)
write(0,*) h
write(0,*) GV%H_to_m*h

end subroutine MOM_state_init_tests

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