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fix: Bug Flag cleanup (#1089)
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BREAKING CHANGE: The following namelist flags are deprecated and will now result in a fatal error if used: grid_center_bug, read_data_bug, retain_cm3_bug, and reproduce_siena
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laurenchilutti authored Dec 23, 2022
1 parent b81705d commit c3c56c9
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Showing 10 changed files with 59 additions and 110 deletions.
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions data_override/data_override.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,13 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
unit = stdlog()
write(unit, data_override_nml)

! grid_center_bug is no longer supported.
if (grid_center_bug) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "data_override_init: You have overridden the default value of " // &
"grid_center_bug and set it to .true. in data_override_nml. This was a temporary workaround " // &
"that is no longer supported. Please remove this namelist variable.")

! if(module_is_initialized) return

atm_on = PRESENT(Atm_domain_in)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,27 +297,27 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
call mpp_get_compute_domain( atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm, grid_center_bug )
min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm )
if (ocn_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ocn) ) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn, grid_center_bug )
min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn )

if (lnd_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_lnd) ) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd, grid_center_bug )
min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd )

if (ice_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ice) ) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ice', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice, grid_center_bug )
min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice )
if (atm_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_atm) ) then
Expand Down
37 changes: 8 additions & 29 deletions data_override/get_grid_version.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,15 +61,13 @@ subroutine check_grid_sizes(domain_name, Domain, nlon, nlat)
end subroutine check_grid_sizes

!> Get global lon and lat of three model (target) grids, with a given file name
subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, lon, lat, min_lon, max_lon, &
& grid_center_bug)
subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, lon, lat, min_lon, max_lon)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: grid_file !< name of grid file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mod_name !< module name
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain !< 2D domain
integer, intent(in) :: isc, iec, jsc, jec
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out) :: lon, lat
real, intent(out) :: min_lon, max_lon
logical, intent(in), optional :: grid_center_bug !< Enables legacy behaviour

integer :: i, j, siz(4)
integer :: nlon, nlat !< size of global lon and lat
Expand All @@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, l
integer :: start(2), nread(2)
type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: fileobj
integer :: ndims !< Number of dimensions
logical :: gc_bug !< local grid_center_bug variable, default is .false.

if(.not. open_file(fileobj, grid_file, 'read', domain )) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod(get_grid_version_1): Error in opening file '//trim(grid_file))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,15 +115,6 @@ subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, l
lat(:,:) = (lat_vert(:,:,1) + lat_vert(:,:,2) + lat_vert(:,:,3) + lat_vert(:,:,4))*0.25

if (present(grid_center_bug)) then
gc_bug = grid_center_bug
gc_bug = .false.

if(gc_bug) call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'data_override: grid_center_bug is set to true, the grid center location may be incorrect')

ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, 'geolon_vert_t')
call get_variable_size(fileobj, 'geolon_vert_t', siz(1:ndims))
nlon = siz(1) - 1; nlat = siz(2) - 1;
Expand All @@ -141,23 +129,14 @@ subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, l
call read_data(fileobj, 'geolon_vert_t', lon_vert(:,:,1), corner=start, edge_lengths=nread)
call read_data(fileobj, 'geolat_vert_t', lat_vert(:,:,1), corner=start, edge_lengths=nread)

if(gc_bug) then
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (lon_vert(i,j,1) + lon_vert(i+1,j,1))/2.
lat(i,j) = (lat_vert(i,j,1) + lat_vert(i,j+1,1))/2.
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (lon_vert(i,j,1) + lon_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lon_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lon_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
lat(i,j) = (lat_vert(i,j,1) + lat_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lat_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lat_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (lon_vert(i,j,1) + lon_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lon_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lon_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
lat(i,j) = (lat_vert(i,j,1) + lat_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lat_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lat_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
end if
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fms/fms_io.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -693,6 +693,12 @@ subroutine fms_io_init()

! take namelist options if present
! read_data_bug is no longer supported.
if (read_data_bug) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "fms_io_init: You have overridden the default value of " // &
"read_data_bug and set it to .true. in fms_io_nml. This was a temporary workaround " // &
"that is no longer supported. Please remove this namelist variable.")

! determine packsize
pack_size = size(transfer(doubledata, realarray))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
! gdata, len, 0 )
call mpp_broadcast ( gdata, len, mpp_root_pe() )
if(.not. no_halo .or. read_data_bug) then
if(.not. no_halo) then
! data dimensioned on data domain
data(is:ie,js:je) = gdata(is:ie,js:je)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
call mpp_broadcast ( gdata, len, mpp_root_pe() )
! return data for compute domain
if(.not. no_halo .or. read_data_bug) then
if(.not. no_halo) then

! data defined on data domain
data(is:ie,js:je,:) = gdata(is:ie,js:je,:)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
call mpp_broadcast ( gdata, len, mpp_root_pe() )
! return data for compute domain
if(.not. no_halo .or. read_data_bug) then
if(.not. no_halo) then
! data defined on data domain
data(is:ie,js:je,:,:) = gdata(is:ie,js:je,:,:)
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions horiz_interp/horiz_interp.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,10 +231,11 @@ subroutine horiz_interp_init
write (unit, nml=horiz_interp_nml)

if( reproduce_siena ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "horiz_interp_mod: You have overridden the default value of reproduce_siena " // &
"and set it to .true. in horiz_interp_nml. This is a temporary workaround to " // &
"allow for consistency in continuing experiments. Please remove this namelist " )
if (reproduce_siena) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "horiz_interp_mod: You have overridden the default value of " // &
"reproduce_siena and set it to .true. in horiz_interp_nml. This was a temporary workaround to " // &
"allow for consistency in continuing experiments and is no longer supported. " // &
"Please remove this namelist.")

call horiz_interp_conserve_init
Expand Down
57 changes: 20 additions & 37 deletions interpolator/interpolator.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ module interpolator_mod
logical :: read_all_on_init = .false. !< No description
integer :: verbose = 0 !< No description
logical :: conservative_interp = .true. !< No description
logical :: retain_cm3_bug = .true. !< No description
logical :: retain_cm3_bug = .false. !< No description
logical :: use_mpp_io = .false. !< Set to true to use mpp_io, otherwise fms2io is used

namelist /interpolator_nml/ &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,6 +445,13 @@ subroutine interpolator_init( clim_type, file_name, lonb_mod, latb_mod, &
read (input_nml_file, nml=interpolator_nml, iostat=io)
ierr = check_nml_error(io,'interpolator_nml')

! retain_cm3_bug is no longer supported.
if (retain_cm3_bug) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, "interpolator_init: You have overridden the default value of " // &
"retain_cm3_bug and set it to .true. in interpolator_nml. This was a temporary workaround " // &
"that is no longer supported. Please remove this namelist variable.")

! write version number and namelist to logfile.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1581,9 +1588,7 @@ subroutine obtain_interpolator_time_slices (clim_type, Time)

call time_interp(Time, month, clim_type%tweight3, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) ! tweight3 is
!! the time weight between the months.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_timeslice 3: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -1594,9 +1599,7 @@ subroutine obtain_interpolator_time_slices (clim_type, Time)
t_prev = set_date(yearm, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_prev, month, clim_type%tweight1, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_timeslice 4: '// &
& trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -1608,9 +1611,7 @@ subroutine obtain_interpolator_time_slices (clim_type, Time)
t_next = set_date(yearp, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_next, month, clim_type%tweight2, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_timeslice 5: '// &
& trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1949,9 +1950,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_4D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data, &

call time_interp(Time, month, clim_type%tweight3, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) ! tweight3 is
!! the time weight between the months.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_4D 3: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -1962,9 +1961,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_4D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data, &
t_prev = set_date(yearm, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_prev, month, clim_type%tweight1, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_4D 4: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -1974,9 +1971,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_4D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data, &
t_next = set_date(yearp, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_next, month, clim_type%tweight2, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_4D 5: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2405,9 +2400,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_3D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data,field_name, is,js

call time_interp(Time, month, clim_type%tweight3, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) ! tweight3 is
!! the time weight between the months.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_3D 3: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -2418,9 +2411,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_3D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data,field_name, is,js
t_prev = set_date(yearm, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_prev, month, clim_type%tweight1, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_3D 4: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -2431,9 +2422,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_3D(clim_type, Time, phalf, interp_data,field_name, is,js
t_next = set_date(yearp, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_next, month, clim_type%tweight2, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_3D 5: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2853,9 +2842,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_2D(clim_type, Time, interp_data, field_name, is, js, cli

call time_interp(Time, month, clim_type%tweight3, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) ! tweight3 is
!! the time weight between the months.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight3 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_2D 3: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -2866,9 +2853,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_2D(clim_type, Time, interp_data, field_name, is, js, cli
t_prev = set_date(yearm, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_prev, month, clim_type%tweight1, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight1 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_2D 4: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand All @@ -2879,9 +2864,7 @@ subroutine interpolator_2D(clim_type, Time, interp_data, field_name, is, js, cli
t_next = set_date(yearp, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond)
call time_interp(t_next, month, clim_type%tweight2, taum, taup, err_msg=err_msg ) !tweight1 is
!! the time weight between the climatology years.
if ( .not. retain_cm3_bug ) then
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
end if
if (taum==2 .and. taup==2) clim_type%tweight2 = 1. ! protect against post-perth time_interp behavior
if(trim(err_msg) /= '') then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'interpolator_2D 5: '//trim(err_msg)//' file='//trim(clim_type%file_name), FATAL)
Expand Down

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