Releases: NLick47/Taix
Releases · NLick47/Taix
- 修复分类页遇到点击无反应相关的问题
- 右键菜单文本支持随语言动态切换
- 优化右键菜单点击其它位置可关闭
- 右键菜单 - 分类设置 加入还原为未分类
- 全局ui异常日志加入堆栈信息
Release Notes
- Fix unresponsive click issues on the category page
- Right-click menu text now supports dynamic language switching
- Enhance context menu to close when clicking outside
- Added "Restore to Uncategorized" option to the right-click menu's category settings
- Enhanced global UI exception logs with stack trace information
- 修复上个版本修改开机自启方式后出现无法自启
- 修复多开检测无效
- 尝试修复偶尔无法通过托盘激活主窗口
- 修改裁剪保留项,缩小4mb左右的应用体积
- 加入ui线程crash弹框
- 一些代码优化
Release Notes
- Fixed auto-start failure caused by the new startup method introduced in previous version
- Attempted to fix occasional failure to activate main window via system tray icon
- Fix Invalid Multi-Instance Detection
- Optimized trimming configuration to reduce app size by ~4MB
- Added UI thread crash dialog box handling
- Miscellaneous code optimizations
- 修复应用进入休眠状态停止计时后,无法通过鼠标唤醒
- 修改设置页面遗漏的本地化文本
- 设置行为页完善规则的导出导入
- 修改开机自启部分
- avalonia 版本更新为11.2.3
由于修改了开机自启方式,如果之前开启过。请手动删除位于C:\Windows\System32\Tasks目录中Taix task文件
Release Notes
- Fixed the issue where the application stops counting time when it enters sleep mode and cannot be woken up by the mouse.
- Updated the missing localized text on the settings page.
- Enhanced the rules export and import functionality on the settings behavior page.
- Modified the startup behavior.
- Updated Avalonia version to 11.2.3
Note: Due to the modification of the startup behavior, if you previously enabled it, please manually delete the Taix task file located in the C:\Windows\System32\Tasks directory.