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A lightweight, configurable tool for indexing metadata into solr.


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A lightweight, configurable tool for indexing metadata into solr. Can be triggered from within your application, from the command line, or as a JMS listener.

Solrizer provides the baseline and structures for the process of solrizing. In order to actually read objects from a data source and write solr documents into a solr instance, you need to use an implementation specific gem, such as "solrizer-fedora":, which provides the mechanics for reading from a fedora repository and writing to a solr instance.


The gem is hosted on The best way to manage the gems for your project is to use bundler. Create a Gemfile in the root of your application and include the following:

source ""
gem 'solrizer'


bundle install


Fire up the console:

The code snippets in the following sections can be cut/pasted into your console, giving you the opportunity to play with Solrizer.

Start up a console and load solrizer:

> irb
> require "rubygems"
> require "solrizer"

Field Mapper

The FieldMapper maps term names and values to Solr fields, based on the term's data type and any index_as options. Solrizer comes with default mappings to dynamic field types defined in the Hydra Solr schema.xml.

More information on the conventions followed for the dynamic solr fields is on the wiki page.

To examine all of Solrizer's field names, open up a ruby console:

> require 'solrizer'
=> true
> default_mapper =
=> #<Solrizer::FieldMapper:0x007fb47a273770 @id_field="id">
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:searchable, type: :string)
=> "foo_teim"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:searchable, type: :date)
=> "foo_dtim"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:searchable, type: :integer)
=> "foo_iim"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:facetable, type: :string)
=> "foo_sim"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:facetable, type: :integer)
=> "foo_sim"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:sortable, type: :string)
=> "foo_si"
> default_mapper.solr_name("foo",:displayable, type: :string)
=> "foo_ssm"

Default indexing strategies

> solr_doc =
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'title', 'whatever', :stored_searchable) 
=> {"title_tesim"=>["whatever"]}

> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'pub_date', 'Nov 2012', :sortable, :displayable) 
=> {"pub_date_si"=>"Nov 2012", "pub_date_ssm"=>["Nov 2012"]}

Indexing dates

as a date:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'pub_date', Date.parse('Nov 7th 2012'), :searchable)
=> {"pub_date_dtim"=>["2012-11-07T00:00:00Z"]}

or as a string:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'pub_date', Date.parse('Nov 7th 2012'), :sortable, :displayable)
=> {"pub_date_dti"=>"2012-11-07T00:00:00Z", "pub_date_ssm"=>["2012-11-07"]}

or a string that is stored as a date:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'pub_date', 'Jan 29th 2013', :dateable)
=> {"pub_date_dtsim"=>["2013-01-29T00:00:00Z"]}

Custom indexing strategies

Create your own index descriptor

> solr_doc = {}
> displearchable =, :indexed, :stored)
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'some_count', 45, displearchable)
=> {"some_count_isi"=>"45"}

Override the defaults

We can override the default indexing methods within Solrizer::DefaultDescriptors

Here's the default behavior:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'title', 'foobar', :facetable)
=> {"title_sim"=>["foobar"]}

But let's override that by redefining :facetable

module Solrizer
  module DefaultDescriptors
    def self.facetable, :indexed, :stored)

Now, :facetable will return something different:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'title', 'foobar', :facetable)
=> {"title_ssi"=>"foobar"}

Creating your own indexers

module MyMappers
  def self.mapper_one, :indexed, :stored)

Now, set Solrizer's field mapper to use our new module:

> solr_doc = {}
> Solrizer::FieldMapper.descriptors = [MyMappers]
=> [MyMappers]
> Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'title', 'foobar', :mapper_one)
=> {"title_ssi"=>"foobar"}

Using OM

t.main_title(:index_as=>[:facetable],:path=>"title", :label=>"title") { ... }

But now you may also pass an Descriptor instance if that works for you:

indexer =, :indexed, :stored)
t.main_title(:index_as=>[indexer],:path=>"title", :label=>"title") { ... }

Extractor and Extractor Mixins

Solrizer::Extractor provides utilities for extracting solr fields from objects or inserting solr fields into documents:

> extractor =
> solr_doc =
> extractor.format_node_value(["foo     ","\n      bar"])
=> "foo bar"
> extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, "foo","bar")
=> {"foo"=>"bar"}
> extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc,"foo","baz")
=> {"foo"=>["bar", "baz"]}
> extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, "boo","hoo")
=> {"foo"=>["bar", "baz"], "boo"=>"hoo"}

Solrizer provides some default mixins:

Solrizer::HTML::Extractor provides html_to_solr method and Solrizer::XML::Extractor provides xml_to_solr method:

> Solrizer::XML::Extractor
> extractor =
> xml = "<fields><foo>bar</foo><bar>baz</bar></fields>"
> extractor.xml_to_solr(xml)
=> {:foo_tesim=>"bar", :bar_tesim=>"baz"}


Another powerful mixin for use with classes that include the OM::XML::Document module is Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer. The methods provided by this module map provides a robust way of mapping terms and solr fields via om terminologies. A notable example can be found in ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatatstream.

JMS Listener for Hydra Rails Applications

The executables: solrizer and solrizerd

The solrizer gem provides two executables:

  • solrizer is a stomp consumer which listens for fedora.apim.updates and solrizes (or de-solrizes) objects accordingly.
  • solrizerd is a wrapper script that spawns a daemonized version of solrizer and handles start|stop|restart|status requests.


The usage for solrizerd is as follows:

solrizerd command --hydra_home PATH [options] 

The commands are as follows:

  • start start an instance of the application
  • stop stop all instances of the application
  • restart stop all instances and restart them afterwards
  • status show status (PID) of application instances

Required parameters:

--hydra_home: this is the path to your hydra rails applications' root directory. Solrizerd needs this in order to load all your models and corresponding terminoligies.

The options:

  • -p, --port Stomp port 61613
  • -o, --host Host to connect to localhost
  • -u, --user User name for stomp listener
  • -w, --password Password for stomp listener
  • -d, --destination Topic to listen to (default: /topic/fedora.apim.update)
  • -h, --help Display this screen


Since the solrizer script must fire up your hydra rails application, it must have all the gems installed that your hydra instance needs.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rake file, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Technical Lead

Matt Zumwalt ("MediaShelf":

Thanks to

  • Douglas Kim, who created the initial code base for Solrizer.
  • Chris Fitzpatrick, who patiently ran the first prototype through its paces for weeks.
  • Bess Sadler, who created the JMS integration for Solrizer, generously served as a sounding board for numerous design issues around solr indexing, and pushes the technology forward with the skill of a true engineer.


Copyright (c) 2010 Matt Zumwalt. See LICENSE for details.


A lightweight, configurable tool for indexing metadata into solr.







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