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Merge pull request #225 from gustavo-marques/multiple_ri_smooth
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Improvements in the gradient Ri # calculation/diagnosis (MOM_CVMix_shear)
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alperaltuntas authored Nov 14, 2022
2 parents fe3cb4d + b444041 commit d5bd437
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 25 deletions.
62 changes: 37 additions & 25 deletions src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_CVMix_shear.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,22 +31,22 @@ module MOM_CVMix_shear
type, public :: CVMix_shear_cs ! TODO: private
logical :: use_LMD94 !< Flags to use the LMD94 scheme
logical :: use_PP81 !< Flags to use Pacanowski and Philander (JPO 1981)
logical :: smooth_ri !< If true, smooth Ri using a 1-2-1 filter
integer :: n_smooth_ri !< Number of times to smooth Ri using a 1-2-1 filter
real :: Ri_zero !< LMD94 critical Richardson number
real :: Nu_zero !< LMD94 maximum interior diffusivity
real :: KPP_exp !< Exponent of unitless factor of diff.
!! for KPP internal shear mixing scheme.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: N2 !< Squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency [T-2 ~> s-2]
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: S2 !< Squared shear frequency [T-2 ~> s-2]
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ri_grad !< Gradient Richardson number
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ri_grad_smooth !< Gradient Richardson number
!! after smoothing
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ri_grad_orig !< Gradient Richardson number
!! before smoothing
character(10) :: Mix_Scheme !< Mixing scheme name (string)

type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => NULL() !< Pointer to the diagnostics control structure
!>@{ Diagnostic handles
integer :: id_N2 = -1, id_S2 = -1, id_ri_grad = -1, id_kv = -1, id_kd = -1
integer :: id_ri_grad_smooth = -1
integer :: id_ri_grad_orig = -1

end type CVMix_shear_cs
Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ subroutine calculate_CVMix_shear(u_H, v_H, h, tv, kd, kv, G, GV, US, CS )
type(CVMix_shear_cs), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
!! call to CVMix_shear_init.
! Local variables
integer :: i, j, k, kk, km1
integer :: i, j, k, kk, km1, s
real :: GoRho ! Gravitational acceleration divided by density [Z T-2 R-1 ~> m4 s-2 kg-1]
real :: pref ! Interface pressures [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: DU, DV ! Velocity differences [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ subroutine calculate_CVMix_shear(u_H, v_H, h, tv, kd, kv, G, GV, US, CS )
real, dimension(2*(GV%ke)) :: temp_1d ! A column of temperatures [C ~> degC]
real, dimension(2*(GV%ke)) :: salt_1d ! A column of salinities [S ~> ppt]
real, dimension(2*(GV%ke)) :: rho_1d ! A column of densities at interface pressures [R ~> kg m-3]
real, dimension(GV%ke+1) :: Ri_Grad !< Gradient Richardson number [nondim]
real, dimension(GV%ke+1) :: Ri_Grad !< Gradient Richardson number [nondim]
real, dimension(GV%ke+1) :: Ri_Grad_prev !< Gradient Richardson number before smoothing iteration [nondim]
real, dimension(GV%ke+1) :: Kvisc !< Vertical viscosity at interfaces [m2 s-1]
real, dimension(GV%ke+1) :: Kdiff !< Diapycnal diffusivity at interfaces [m2 s-1]
real :: epsln !< Threshold to identify vanished layers [H ~> m or kg m-2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,27 +146,35 @@ subroutine calculate_CVMix_shear(u_H, v_H, h, tv, kd, kv, G, GV, US, CS )

Ri_grad(GV%ke+1) = Ri_grad(GV%ke)

if (CS%id_ri_grad > 0) CS%ri_grad(i,j,:) = Ri_Grad(:)
if (CS%n_smooth_ri > 0) then

if (CS%id_ri_grad_orig > 0) CS%ri_grad_orig(i,j,:) = Ri_Grad(:)

if (CS%smooth_ri) then
! 1) fill Ri_grad in vanished layers with adjacent value
do k = 2, GV%ke
if (h(i,j,k) <= epsln) Ri_grad(k) = Ri_grad(k-1)

Ri_grad(GV%ke+1) = Ri_grad(GV%ke)

! 2) vertically smooth Ri with 1-2-1 filter
dummy = 0.25 * Ri_grad(2)
Ri_grad(GV%ke+1) = Ri_grad(GV%ke)
do k = 3, GV%ke
Ri_Grad(k) = dummy + 0.5 * Ri_Grad(k) + 0.25 * Ri_grad(k+1)
dummy = 0.25 * Ri_grad(k)
do s=1,CS%n_smooth_ri

Ri_Grad_prev(:) = Ri_Grad(:)

! 2) vertically smooth Ri with 1-2-1 filter
dummy = 0.25 * Ri_grad_prev(2)
do k = 3, GV%ke
Ri_Grad(k) = dummy + 0.5 * Ri_Grad_prev(k) + 0.25 * Ri_grad_prev(k+1)
dummy = 0.25 * Ri_grad(k)

if (CS%id_ri_grad_smooth > 0) CS%ri_grad_smooth(i,j,:) = Ri_Grad(:)
Ri_grad(GV%ke+1) = Ri_grad(GV%ke)


if (CS%id_ri_grad > 0) CS%ri_grad(i,j,:) = Ri_Grad(:)

do K=1,GV%ke+1
Kvisc(K) = US%Z2_T_to_m2_s * kv(i,j,K)
Kdiff(K) = US%Z2_T_to_m2_s * kd(i,j,K)
Expand All @@ -190,7 +199,7 @@ subroutine calculate_CVMix_shear(u_H, v_H, h, tv, kd, kv, G, GV, US, CS )
if (CS%id_N2 > 0) call post_data(CS%id_N2, CS%N2, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_S2 > 0) call post_data(CS%id_S2, CS%S2, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_ri_grad > 0) call post_data(CS%id_ri_grad, CS%ri_grad, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_ri_grad_smooth > 0) call post_data(CS%id_ri_grad_smooth ,CS%ri_grad_smooth, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_ri_grad_orig > 0) call post_data(CS%id_ri_grad_orig ,CS%ri_grad_orig, CS%diag)

end subroutine calculate_CVMix_shear

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,10 +283,10 @@ logical function CVMix_shear_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS)
"Exponent of unitless factor of diffusivities, "// &
"for KPP internal shear mixing scheme." &
,units="nondim", default=3.0)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SMOOTH_RI", CS%smooth_ri, &
"If true, vertically smooth the Richardson "// &
"number by applying a 1-2-1 filter once.", &
default = .false.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "N_SMOOTH_RI", CS%n_smooth_ri, &
"If > 0, vertically smooth the Richardson "// &
"number by applying a 1-2-1 filter N_SMOOTH_RI times.", &
default = 0)
call cvmix_init_shear(mix_scheme=CS%Mix_Scheme, &
KPP_nu_zero=CS%Nu_Zero, &
KPP_Ri_zero=CS%Ri_zero, &
Expand All @@ -304,11 +313,14 @@ logical function CVMix_shear_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS)
allocate( CS%ri_grad( SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1 ), source=1.e8 )

CS%id_ri_grad_smooth = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'ri_grad_shear_smooth', &
diag%axesTi, Time, &
'Smoothed gradient Richarson number used by MOM_CVMix_shear module','nondim')
if (CS%id_ri_grad_smooth > 0) then !Initialize w/ large Richardson value
allocate( CS%ri_grad_smooth( SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1 ), source=1.e8 )
if (CS%n_smooth_ri > 0) then
CS%id_ri_grad_orig = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'ri_grad_shear_orig', &
diag%axesTi, Time, &
'Original gradient Richarson number, before smoothing was applied. This is '//&
'part of the MOM_CVMix_shear module and only available when N_SMOOTH_RI > 0','nondim')
if (CS%id_ri_grad_orig > 0 .or. CS%n_smooth_ri > 0) then !Initialize w/ large Richardson value
allocate( CS%ri_grad_orig( SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1 ), source=1.e8 )

CS%id_kd = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'kd_shear_CVMix', diag%axesTi, Time, &
Expand Down

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