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IMERG dataset error #1534

Closed Answered by sudarsan3010
MariRiba asked this question in Q&A
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Dear @MariRiba,

This issue is caused because the older IMERG versions (before V7) had precipitation variable in the name of 'precipitationCal' (which is a combination of both IR & Microwave), but in the new IMERG versions (V07), the precipitation variable is named as 'precipitation'.

This has been resolved in the latest available version LISF - 7.5.0. If using 7.4.x or anything lesser, then edit the code in the 'read_IMERG.F90' file located at 'lis/metforcing/imerg' as below,

Orginal command line: character(len=40) :: dsetname='/Grid/precipitationCal'
New command line: character(len=40) :: dsetname='/Grid/precipitation'

Hope this helps! :)

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