This guide assumes that you have 64bit windows.
Install git bash, vagrant and virtualbox.
Open git bash and give the following commands
- git clone
- (Give your username and password if asked to)
- cd IIZP2010G2
- sh
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- cd teamboard-api
- npm install --no-bin-links
- npm start &
- (Wait for "Worker [..." and then press enter)
- cd ../teamboard-io
- npm install --no-bin-links
- npm start &
- (Wait for " ..." and then press enter)
- cd ../teamboard-client-react
- npm install --no-bin-links && gulp
- (Ready after "Finished 'default' after ...")
After these commands you should have contriboard up and running on localhost:8000 and adminpanel on localhost:8001
Open git bash and give the following commands
- cd IIZP2010G2
- git pull
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- cd teamboard-api
- npm start &
- (Wait for "Worker [..." and then press enter)
- cd ../teamboard-io
- npm start &
- (Wait for " ..." and then press enter)
- cd ../teamboard-client-react
- gulp
- (Ready after "Finished 'default' after ...")
After these commands you should have contriboard up and running on localhost:8000 and adminpanel on localhost:8001
Give the following commands
- ctrl+c
- exit
- vagrant halt
- exit
If you're new to git then you probably need these.
- git - the simple guide
- git config --global "[email protected]"
- git config --global "Your Name"