Ticket Tango is an online system for booking cinema tickets, aimed at simplifying the process of browsing, selecting, and purchasing tickets. It eliminates the need for in-person bookings or complicated third-party services by providing a user-friendly web application that allows users to easily access movie listings, choose showtimes, and reserve seats. The application consists of two primary interfaces: an admin dashboard and a user interface.
URL - https://ticket-tango.vercel.app/
YouTube Demo - YouTube Demo
- Manage theatres (create, edit, delete) if not linked to any showtime.
- Manage movies (create, edit, delete) if not linked to any showtime.
- Manage showtimes (create, edit, delete) for movies.
- Manage Movies: Add, update, or delete movies in the system.
Note The passcode is simply "passcode". This is set as the default value.
- View current and upcoming movies with showtimes
- Book tickets by selecting a movie, time, and date
- Next.js: For server-side rendering and dynamic routing, enhancing performance and SEO.
- React/MUI: For building a responsive and interactive user interface.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for flexible data management and efficient querying.
- Vercel: For seamless deployment and optimized performance.